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Hollande'sの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 136件

  • IMF、不況最接近でフランスの悪循環を警告 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

    IMF warns of negative spiral in France as recession looms again (IMF、不況最接近でフランスの悪循環を警告) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 8:42PM BST 03 Jul 2014France has sunk into an economic malaise and could take years to climb back out フランスは経済危機に突入し、復活には何年間もかかりそうです。 France is on the cusp of a fresh recession as services contract sharply and the country braces for yet another round of austerity cuts, with

      IMF、不況最接近でフランスの悪循環を警告 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
    • 時間外にEメールされない権利 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)

      BBCニュースから、フランスの労働法案の中のある条項が紹介されています。 例によって、イギリス人がフランスの労働法の動きを語る時特有のちょいと皮肉な感じをかもしつつも、かなり正面から取り上げています。なんといってもこの問題、急速に「いつでもどこでも」化しつつある現代社会にとって共通の問題だからでしょう。 http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36249647 (The plan to ban work emails out of hours) Should governments step in to regulate work emails and so rescue harassed staff from the perils of digital burnout? The answer in France appears to be "Yes". Pres

        時間外にEメールされない権利 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)
      • France struggles to cut down on nuclear power

        The Fukushima disaster led many countries to rethink their view on nuclear energy. Germany plans to abandon it altogether, but French President Francois Hollande also wants to cut nuclear output sharply - by a third in 20 years. It's a big ask in a country that now relies on nuclear for 75% of its electricity. If fully implemented, the pledge would force the closure of up to 20 of the country's 58

          France struggles to cut down on nuclear power
        • Eurasia Group

          CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE VERSION Top Risks 2015 Ian Bremmer, President Cliff Kupchan, Chairman Published January 5, 2015 Geopolitics is back. As 2015 begins, political conflict among the world's great powers is in play more than at any time since the end of the Cold War. US relations with Russia are fully broken. China is charting its own course. The ties that bind Europe are fraying on multiple

          • ドラギ総裁:ECBはデフレに「セーフティー・マージン」が必要 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

            Mario Draghi: ECB needs "safety margin" against deflation (ドラギ総裁:ECBはデフレに「セーフティー・マージン」が必要) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 6:10PM GMT 21 Nov 2013European Central Bank President defends cutting rates to near-zero levels amid criticism from Germany ECB総裁はドイツからボロクソに言われながら、ゼロ金利ぎりぎりまでの利下げを擁護しました。 The European Central Bank has fought back against harsh German criticism, insisting that it had to cu

              ドラギ総裁:ECBはデフレに「セーフティー・マージン」が必要 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
            • 社会主義者がユーロの聖壇に自らを捧げる中、ヨーロッパの中心が崩壊 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

              Europe's centre crumbles as Socialists immolate themselves on altar of EMU (社会主義者がユーロの聖壇に自らを捧げる中、ヨーロッパの中心が崩壊) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 5:58PM BST 21 May 2014Francois Hollande must be willing to rock the European Project to its foundations, and even to risk a rupture of the euro. This he cannot bring himself to do The Euro burning in flames フランソワ・オランド仏大統領はヨーロピアン・プロジェクトの基盤を揺るがす気満々、ユーロ崩壊

                社会主義者がユーロの聖壇に自らを捧げる中、ヨーロッパの中心が崩壊 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
              • フランスの堕落 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                The Fall of France (フランスの堕落) Paul Krugman NYT:AUG. 28, 2014François Hollande, the president of France since 2012, coulda been a contender. He was elected on a promise to turn away from the austerity policies that killed Europe's brief, inadequate economic recovery. Since the intellectual justification for these policies was weak and would soon collapse, he could have led a bloc of nations demandin

                  フランスの堕落 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                • French National Front defeated in bid to win regional vote

                  The BBC's Lucy Williamson: "Tonight France's far right fell hard" France's far-right National Front (FN) has failed to win a single region in the second round of municipal polls. The party was beaten into third place, despite leading in six of 13 regions in the first round of voting a week ago. The centre-right Republicans finished ahead of President Francois Hollande's governing Socialist Party.

                    French National Front defeated in bid to win regional vote
                  • 欧州にブレギジットより大きな危機 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                    Europe has an even bigger crisis on its hands than a British exit (欧州にブレギジットより大きな危機) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 9:02PM BST 28 May 2014British people will vote to leave the EU unless offered a new dispensation, writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 英国は新制度を提案されない限り、EU離脱を可決するでしょう。 If Europe's policy elites could not quite believe it before, they must now know beyond much doubt that they have lost

                      欧州にブレギジットより大きな危機 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                    • オランド大統領の女優密会報道が話題に フランスの社会風習に変化の兆し

                      フランスの芸能誌がオランド大統領と女優ジュリー・ガイエさんとの密会写真を掲載したことが大きな話題になっている。グローバル化の流れを受けてフランスの社会風習も変わりつつある。 (FILE PHOTO) In this composite image a comparison has been made between Francois Hollande (L) and Julie Gayet. ***LEFT IMAGE*** BERLIN, GERMANY - MAY 15: French President Francois Hollande speaks to the media following talks at the Chancellery hours after Hollande's inauguration in Paris on May 15, 2012 in Berli

                        オランド大統領の女優密会報道が話題に フランスの社会風習に変化の兆し
                      • 仏中銀総裁、金融取引税は雇用を「破壊する」だろうと警告 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                        おらんど組が間もなく全仏から孤立する悪寒。 France's central bank head warns FTT could 'destroy' jobs (仏中銀総裁、金融取引税は雇用を「破壊する」だろうと警告) By Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor Telegraph: 12:20PM BST 28 May 2013France's central bank boss has warned that a planned financial transactions tax could "destroy" parts of the country's banking industry, cost jobs, and damage the public finances. フランス中銀の総裁が、導入を計画されている金融取引税はフランスの銀行業界のあちこ

                          仏中銀総裁、金融取引税は雇用を「破壊する」だろうと警告 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                        • ドミノがまた一つ倒れました…ホランド大統領がフランスを不況に追い込む - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                          タイトル直しました。 ひっどい間違い、めちゃくちゃ笑いました。 でも、じ、自分で気付いたんだからね! つか、昨日から「どこにオランダが出てくるのよ!?」状態だったわけで、なんでなんでwww 人間の思い込みフォース!! Another domino falls as Hollande pushes France into depression (ドミノがまた一つ倒れました…ホランド大統領がフランスを不況に追い込む) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 7:24PM BST 30 Sep 2012If French President François Hollande thinks he can assuage the bond markets by dishing out tax-heavy austerity instead of genuine

                            ドミノがまた一つ倒れました…ホランド大統領がフランスを不況に追い込む - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                          • Thomas Piketty - Wikipedia

                            Honorary Doctorate, Clarivate Citation Laureates (2023) University of Johannesburg (2015) Medalla Rectoral, Universidad de Chile (2015) Yrjö Jahnsson Award (2013) Prix du meilleur jeune économiste de France (2002) Thomas Piketty (French: [tɔmɑ pikɛti]; born 7 May 1971) is a French economist who is a professor of economics at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, associate chair a

                              Thomas Piketty - Wikipedia
                            • Commentary: How Europe’s left lost the working class

                              [1/2]French President Francois Hollande, seen here at the Elysee Palace in Paris, is not planning to run for a second term in office. December 1, 2016. REUTERS/Lionel Bonaventure/Pool Acquire Licensing Rights If parties of the left cannot appeal to the working class, what's their use? The 21st century may be the one in which the umbilical link between the main left parties and organized labor is b

                                Commentary: How Europe’s left lost the working class
                              • フランスの「AA」オランド、ユーロのデフレ祭にひれ伏したツケを払う - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                France's 'AA' Hollande pays price for kowtowing to EMU deflation madness (フランスの「AA」オランド、ユーロのデフレ祭にひれ伏したツケを払う) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics Telegraph Blog: Last updated: November 8th, 2013Standard & Poor's downgrade of France to AA is an indictment of Euroland's entire contraction regime. S&Pがフランスの格付けをAAに引き下げたことは、ユーロランド丸ごと緊縮政策への非難であります。 Yes, S&P says France has bottled it on reforms. Francoi

                                  フランスの「AA」オランド、ユーロのデフレ祭にひれ伏したツケを払う - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                • Opinion | Those Revolting Europeans (Published 2012)

                                  The French are revolting. The Greeks, too. And it’s about time. Both countries held elections Sunday that were in effect referendums on the current European economic strategy, and in both countries voters turned two thumbs down. It’s far from clear how soon the votes will lead to changes in actual policy, but time is clearly running out for the strategy of recovery through austerity — and that’s a

                                    Opinion | Those Revolting Europeans (Published 2012)
                                  • 仰天するほどあるフランスの借金なんてうちの比じゃないから - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                    France's staggering debt levels are far more worrying than ours (仰天するほどあるフランスの借金なんてうちの比じゃないから) By Roger Bootle Telegraph: 10:43PM BST 19 Jul 2015 Francois Hollande's French administration has struggled to cope with a sluggish economy and uncertainty in the eurozone フランスのオランド政権はグダグダ経済と先行きの見えないユーロ圏への対処に悪戦苦闘中。 During the recent shenanigans about Greece, it slipped out that the German government is in

                                      仰天するほどあるフランスの借金なんてうちの比じゃないから - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                    • オランド大統領、仏政府への「サプライサイド」攻撃とユーロ緊縮政策の強化を宣誓 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                      Francois Hollande vows 'supply-side' assault on French state, doubles down on EMU austerity agenda (オランド大統領、仏政府への「サプライサイド」攻撃とユーロ緊縮政策の強化を宣誓) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 8:33PM GMT 14 Jan 2014 French leader Francois Hollande stuns left-wing of his own Socialist Party by calling for a new economic strategy based on "supply-side" policies フランソワ・オランド仏大統領が「サプライサイド」政策に基づく新経済戦略を呼びかけて、社会党左派を驚愕させて

                                        オランド大統領、仏政府への「サプライサイド」攻撃とユーロ緊縮政策の強化を宣誓 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                      • フレキジットとフランス・フラン復活に賭ける時ですか? - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                        Time to take bets on Frexit and the French franc? (フレキジットとフランス・フラン復活に賭ける時ですか?) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Politics and society Telegraph Blog: Last updated: October 14th, 2013We have a minor earthquake in France. A party committed to withdrawal from the euro, the restoration of French franc, and the complete destruction of monetary union has just defeated the establishment in the Brignoles run-off

                                          フレキジットとフランス・フラン復活に賭ける時ですか? - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                        • President Obama tells Hollande US no longer spying on France

                                          President Hollande and President Obama spoke by phone after the allegations emerged President Obama has assured his French counterpart Francois Hollande that the US is no longer spying on France. Mr Obama spoke to Mr Hollande following reports on the Wikileaks website, external that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on successive French presidents. The White House said after the two lead

                                            President Obama tells Hollande US no longer spying on France
                                          • Karel van Wolferen - Karel van Wolferen

                                            Their anxiety about the future of NATO, recently on full display again when the American president was in Europe, could not be bettered as a measure of the incapacity of Europe’s top politicians to guide their continent and represent its populations. Through its provocations of Moscow, NATO systematically helps increase the risk of a military confrontation. By thus sabotaging its declared purpose

                                            • 'It looked like a battlefield': the full story of what happened in the Bataclan

                                              Inside the Bataclan, where Boucer stood tapping his feet wearing a white shirt that would later be splattered with blood, no one imagined they were about to be targeted in the most deadly of that night’s coordinated terrorist attacks. It would turn into a two-and-a-half-hour massacre that would leave 89 dead and dozens more injured before the gunmen blew up themselves up by activating their suicid

                                                'It looked like a battlefield': the full story of what happened in the Bataclan
                                              • ヨーロッパはフランスに構造改革が出来る新しいリーダーを見つけて上げなくちゃ - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                Europe needs France to find a leader who can enact structural reform (ヨーロッパはフランスに構造改革が出来る新しいリーダーを見つけて上げなくちゃ) By Ben Wright Telegraph: 10:54PM BST 25 Aug 2014 For the whole of Europe's sake we must hope he or she reveals themselves before long ヨーロッパ全体のために、僕らは彼または彼女が遠からず出現してくることを願わなければいけません。 France really is in a right old state. Yesterday, president François Hollande had to ask his prime minister,

                                                  ヨーロッパはフランスに構造改革が出来る新しいリーダーを見つけて上げなくちゃ - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                • 反乱でドイツの欧州支配が終了し危機悪化 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                  Crisis escalates as insurrection breaks German control of Europe (反乱でドイツの欧州支配が終了し危機悪化) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 8:57PM BST 08 May 2012The political dam has broken in Europe. German Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer has enough allies in the club of EU prime ministers to impose her hairshirt agenda. Her methodical plans are disintegrating on every front. ヨーロッパの政治ダムが決壊した。アンゲラ・メルケル独首相が緊縮

                                                    反乱でドイツの欧州支配が終了し危機悪化 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                  • Leaks reveal secrets of the rich who hide cash offshore

                                                    Millions of internal records have leaked from Britain's offshore financial industry, exposing for the first time the identities of thousands of holders of anonymous wealth from around the world, from presidents to plutocrats, the daughter of a notorious dictator and a British millionaire accused of concealing assets from his ex-wife. The leak of 2m emails and other documents, mainly from the offsh

                                                      Leaks reveal secrets of the rich who hide cash offshore
                                                    • 欧州に緊縮を押し売りするな、とフランスがドイツにご意見 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                      France cautions Germany not to push Europe too far on austerity (欧州に緊縮を押し売りするな、とフランスがドイツにご意見) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor Telegraph: 8:30PM BST 06 Oct 2014 France's Manuel Valls also warned David Cameron that Europe is "not ready for an upheaval of its institutions", offering no concessions on EU treaty terms また、マニュエル・ヴァルス仏首相はデイヴィッド・キャメロン英首相にヨーロッパの「大制度改革は時期尚早」と警告してEU条

                                                        欧州に緊縮を押し売りするな、とフランスがドイツにご意見 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                      • おふらんす生活に幻滅 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                        本当なのかなあ…本当にフランス人は政治家は嘘つかないなんて思ってるんだろうか…うーんうーん…。 実は、フランスといっても、英国人の目を通したカリカチュアなフランスとワインしかわからないワタクシ。 Disillusionment comes home to la France profonde (おふらんす生活に幻滅) By Michael Wright Telegraph: 9:08PM BST 21 Apr 2013A lying budget minister, rising emigration - 'la Crise' is making itself felt in the French heartland. Community spirit and long village lunches still abound, but for how long? Michael Wrig

                                                          おふらんす生活に幻滅 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                        • France Proposes an Internet Tax (Published 2013)

                                                          PARIS — France, seeking fresh ways to raise funds and frustrated that American technology companies that dominate its digital economy are largely beyond the reach of French fiscal authorities, has proposed a new levy: an Internet tax on the collection of personal data. The idea surfaced Friday in a report commissioned by President François Hollande, which described various measures his government

                                                            France Proposes an Internet Tax (Published 2013)
                                                          • テロ事件後に上がったオランド大統領の支持率がまた下落 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                            French president Francois Hollande's approval ratings drop after post-Charlie Hebdo boost (テロ事件後に上がったオランド大統領の支持率がまた下落) By David Chazan, Paris Telegraph: 3:49PM GMT 22 Feb 2015 His new-found popularity following the Charlie Hebdo attacks is short-lived as his approval ratings are already falling シャルリー・エブド・テロ攻撃の後に新たに掴んだ支持も短命でした。支持率はもうダダ下がり中です。 The newly-regained popularity of François Hollande, boos

                                                              テロ事件後に上がったオランド大統領の支持率がまた下落 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                            • Paris attacks: Hollande drops plans to strip nationality

                                                              The measures were a response to the 13 November attacks in Paris French President Francois Hollande has dropped plans to change the constitution to strip militants convicted of terror attacks of their French nationality. "A compromise appears out of reach," Mr Hollande said after the two houses of parliament failed to agree the reforms. The proposal followed November's Paris attacks which killed 1

                                                                Paris attacks: Hollande drops plans to strip nationality
                                                              • オランド大統領:選挙大敗を受けて「闘う」政府を組閣 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                                François Hollande picks a government of 'combat' after disaster at the polls (オランド大統領:選挙大敗を受けて「闘う」政府を組閣) By Henry Samuel, Paris Telegraph: 9:35PM BST 31 Mar 2014 French president François Hollande fires prime minister and appoints popular "Blairite" interior minister Manuel Valls to replace him フランソワ・オランド仏大統領は首相をクビにすると、人気の「ブレア主義」のマニュエル・バルス内相を後任に指名しました。 François Hollande on Monday night appointed h

                                                                  オランド大統領:選挙大敗を受けて「闘う」政府を組閣 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                                • Treatment Still Harsh for Roma in France (Published 2013)

                                                                  PARIS — In the last three weeks alone, the French police have dismantled Roma encampments in Saint-Denis, just outside Paris, and along the Var River west of Nice. In Lyon, 200 Roma were temporarily housed in a gymnasium when someone set fire to their squat in a disused factory, killing two women and a 12-year-old. President François Hollande’s Socialist government came into office a year ago prom

                                                                    Treatment Still Harsh for Roma in France (Published 2013)
                                                                  • France local elections: Socialists lose heavily

                                                                    "Town after town fell to the right", reports Wendy Urquhart France's governing Socialists have suffered big losses in municipal elections, with the opposition UMP claiming victory and the far right celebrating further gains. UMP leader Jean-Francois Cope hailed what he called a "blue wave" of support for his centre-right party. The far-right National Front (FN) was heading for victory in 11 towns,

                                                                      France local elections: Socialists lose heavily
                                                                    • Opinion | Europe’s difficult next steps in the Greece crisis

                                                                      German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday. (Bertrand Guay/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images) TUESDAY'S EUROPEAN summit promises to be a critical moment in that region's long-running financial crisis. Whatever else he accomplished by persuading a healthy majority of his people to vote "no" on a bailout plan, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has brought the situation to a head. Now, everythin

                                                                        Opinion | Europe’s difficult next steps in the Greece crisis
                                                                      • Le Pen courts overseas departments in presidency bid

                                                                        ‘Departmentalisation didn’t go far enough. We need a revolution. Some of us will even consider voting Le Pen to get it.’ Giant figures of, from left to right, Emmanuel Macron, Francois Fillon and French National Front leader Marine Le Pen, before a carnival parade in Nice [Eric Gaillard/Reuters] Scattered across the globe, thousands of miles away from the mainland, France’s overseas departments ar

                                                                          Le Pen courts overseas departments in presidency bid
                                                                        • Najat Vallaud-Belkacem – the new face of France | Interview

                                                                          Under the chandeliers of a historic mansion on Paris's left bank, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem closes the double-doors to her gilded office to lessen the sound of power-drills. Workmen are turning the building into a new ministry headquarters. In the corridors, talk is of the election results: after Socialist François Hollande's presidential win, his party secured an absolute majority in parliament. The

                                                                            Najat Vallaud-Belkacem – the new face of France | Interview
                                                                          • Direct - Abdelhamid Abaaoud aperçu dans le métro vendredi soir | Valeurs actuelles

                                                                            ALERTE - Plus de sept fusillades ont éclaté vendredi 13 novembre en plein coeur de Paris. D'après un dernier bilan, au moins 129 morts sont à déplorer et 352 blessés. François Hollande a annoncé la fermeture des frontières et a décrété l'état d'urgence. Photos @ AFP / SIPA. Live En Direct - 130 personnes, dans un dernir bilan, ont été tuées dans les fusillades. Plus d'informations à suivre Retrouv

                                                                              Direct - Abdelhamid Abaaoud aperçu dans le métro vendredi soir | Valeurs actuelles
                                                                            • France set for new law to fine clients of prostitutes

                                                                              France looks set to introduce fines for clients of prostitutes, but will it make matters worse? Photo: Stefan Andrej Shambora France, with its long history of liberal attitudes towards sex, looks set to introduce €1,500 fines for clients of prostitutes. As the divisive bill goes before lawmakers on Wednesday, sex workers argue it will make their lives more dangerous. Equality groups, however, back

                                                                                France set for new law to fine clients of prostitutes
                                                                              • François Hollande wins French presidential election

                                                                                François Hollande has won power in France, turning the tide on a rightwards and xenophobic lurch in European politics and vowing to transform Europe's handling of the economic crisis by fighting back against German-led austerity measures. The 57-year-old rural MP and self-styled Mr Normal, a moderate social democrat from the centre of the Socialist party, is France's first leftwing president in al

                                                                                  François Hollande wins French presidential election
                                                                                • President Hollande accepts French injustice in Algeria

                                                                                  Francois Hollande acknowledged the massacres perpetrated by French troops President Francois Hollande has acknowledged the brutality of France's colonisation of Algeria, but stopped short of a full apology. Speaking on his first visit to the country as president, Mr Hollande told the Algerian parliament: "I recognise the suffering that colonialism inflicted on the Algerian people." But he added th

                                                                                    President Hollande accepts French injustice in Algeria