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Right-onの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 240件

  • 松尾潔のメロウな夜 2019月12月9日(ティヤーナ・テイラー、具島直子) - ラジオと音楽

    メロウなホリデーソング Teyana Taylor feat. King Combs「How You Want It?」 今年夏発売の新曲。 ティヤーナ・テイラー(Teyana Taylor)は大変鍛えられた肉体を持っていて、女らしさとアスリートっぽさを併せ持つ方。このミュージック・ビデオは彼女の両性具有な特性を生かしたものとなっています。 1998年にキング・コムズ(King Combs)の父親ショーン・パフィ・コムズ(Sean Puffy Combs)の手引きの元大ヒットしたメイス(Mase)「What You Want」が下敷きになっている曲だそうです。 冒頭のカッティング・ギターのリフは、カーティス・メイフィールドの1973年「Back to the World」というアルバムに収められている「Right on for the Darkness」という曲のギターリフを引用したメイス

      松尾潔のメロウな夜 2019月12月9日(ティヤーナ・テイラー、具島直子) - ラジオと音楽
    • Right to Left Styling 101

      Over 292 million people around the world speak Arabic as their first language. Arabic (al-Arabiyyah, pronounced /al ʕarabijja/, /ʕarabiː/) is my native language, and I sometimes build websites that need to support both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) styles. Introduction to RTL styling # The default page direction in CSS is LTR. If you check the browser of your choice and inspect the b

        Right to Left Styling 101
      • サザンとTUBEどっちが夏の曲が多いのか数えた - kansou

        「日本を代表する夏バンドって『サザンオールスターズ』と『TUBE』がいるけど、結局どっちが『真の夏バンド』なんだろう」という疑問にお答えします。二組のリリースした楽曲すべてから『夏の曲』だけを集計しました。 ※2024年3月時点の集計 真の夏バンドを決めるにあたってのルールは以下 「夏曲」の定義として「夏の季語」が歌詞中に含まれるものにする。 集計対象は2023年10月までに発売された、サザン「260曲」と桑田佳祐名義「124曲」、TUBE「476曲」と前田亘輝名義「60曲」とし、集計後パーセンテージに直して夏曲の割合の多いバンドを「真の夏バンド」にする。 「いやこの曲はたしかに『夏』という単語は使われてるけど主人公が夏に思いを馳せる曲で実際は冬に歌った曲なんだよ…」みたいなのも今回は「夏曲」とします。 集計結果 サザンの夏曲...260曲中85曲 I AM YOUR SINGER 愛の言

          サザンとTUBEどっちが夏の曲が多いのか数えた - kansou
        • Using Rust for a simple hardware project | tonari blog

          In this post we'll cover new hardware additions to tonari and some of the work and research that went into powering that hardware. We're big fans of the Rust programming language but before this project we hadn't ever used it for embedded hardware. We'll go over our hardware requirements, some possible solutions, some reasons (excuses) for choosing Rust for the job, and provide a primer for gettin

            Using Rust for a simple hardware project | tonari blog
          • New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio | CSS-Tricks

            And it was released yesterday! The big news for us in CSS Land is that the new release supports the aspect-ratio property. This comes right on the heels of Safari announcing support for it in Safari Technology Preview 118, which released January 6. That gives us something to look forward to as it rolls out to Edge, Firefox and other browsers. Here’s the release video skipped ahead to the aspect-ra

              New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio | CSS-Tricks
            • C99 doesn't need function bodies, or 'VLAs are Turing complete'

              C99 doesn't need function bodies, or 'VLAs are Turing complete' 19 Feb 2022 Preface The 1999 revision to the C programming language brought several interesting changes and additions to the standard. Among those are variable length arrays, or VLAs for short, which allow array types to have lengths that are determined at runtime. These can show up in different contexts, but for the purposes of this

              • Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine

                In this series of articles, we highlight design patterns and techniques to design better interfaces. You can find more examples in “Smart Interface Design Patterns”, a 10h-video course with 100s of hand-picked examples, curated by Vitaly. Carousels don’t have a good reputation, and rightfully so. They have plenty of accessibility issues, they often exhibit low click-through rates, can be very disr

                  Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine
                • M1 Macs can now run Windows apps and games through CrossOver 20 - 9to5Mac

                  Mac M1 M1 Macs can now run Windows apps and games through CrossOver 20 We already know that the new Macs with M1 chip can run both Intel and ARM apps made for macOS and iOS, but Mac users who rely on Windows for some specific software have lost Boot Camp support. However, CodeWeavers announced that CrossOver 20 now works on Apple Silicon Macs, which means that the new M1 Macs can run Windows softw

                    M1 Macs can now run Windows apps and games through CrossOver 20 - 9to5Mac
                  • GitHub - EvgSkv/logica: Logica is a logic programming language that compiles to SQL. It runs on Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

                    Logica is for engineers, data scientists and other specialists who want to use logic programming syntax when writing queries and pipelines for databases and datawarehouses. Logica programs run on BigQuery, Postgres and SQLite. Logica compiles to SQL and gives you access to the power of SQL ecosystem with the convenience of logic programming syntax. This is useful because SQL enginers are magnitude

                      GitHub - EvgSkv/logica: Logica is a logic programming language that compiles to SQL. It runs on Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
                    • The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not Real

                      The darling of those who wish to explain why incompetent people don’t know they’re unskilled, the Dunning-Kruger effect may actually just be a data artefact. I want the Dunning-Kruger effect to be real. First described in a seminal 1999 paper by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, this effect has been the darling of journalists who want to explain why dumb people don’t know they’re dumb. There’s even

                        The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not Real
                      • 10 Best Places to Visit in Kanazawa

                        Kanazawa is the capital city of Ishikawa prefecture and takes only two and a half hours from Tokyo station by the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. Kanazawa was the home of the wealthy Maeda clan in the Edo period and became one of the most important cultural centers, where artisans and craftsmen gathered. Kanazawa was fortunate to escape destruction from the great air raids in WWII so the city is well pr

                          10 Best Places to Visit in Kanazawa
                        • 高橋ダン English Chanel 株式市場は大幅下落 / トランプ氏、米国選挙延期を提案(7月31日) - やかた寿司の日記

                          いつも記事を見ていただきありがとうございます。 英語には実は母音が25種類もあります。難しい、発音記号が複雑、日本語には「あいうえお」の5つしかないのに25もムリ、と感じる人も多いと思いますが、知らないと致命的です。 「感覚で分かる」という人はいいですが、少しでも「不安がある」人は、英語の音についてしっかり理解しないと後悔します。膨大な時間を消費したのに英語がまったく上達しなかったという悲惨な結果になってしまいかねません。 でも大丈夫、まだ間に合います。今からでも勉強すれば最悪の結果は回避できます。このブログでは、従来、発音記号でしか表記できなかった25種類の母音をカタカナ母音で見える化しています。英語の発音がわからないという人はぜひチェックしてみてください! 今日は高橋ダンさんという youtuber の動画をご紹介します。ダンさんはもともとウォール街でトレーダーをしていて、現在は日本を

                            高橋ダン English Chanel 株式市場は大幅下落 / トランプ氏、米国選挙延期を提案(7月31日) - やかた寿司の日記
                          • When is JIT Faster Than A Compiler?

                            It gets hand-wavy at the end, doesn’t it? I find that frustrating. These days I work on YJIT, a JIT for Ruby. So I can make this extremely NOT hand-wavy. Let’s talk specifics. I like specifics. Wait, What’s JIT Again? An interpreter reads a human-written description of your app and executes it. You’d usually use interpreters for Ruby, Python, Node.js, SQL, and nearly all high-level dynamic languag

                              When is JIT Faster Than A Compiler?
                            • Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

                              I was working on this simple static website that should have an YouTube video displayed right on the landing page. So I went my merry way, hopped onto YouTube, snatched the embed code, pasted it into my editor and called it a day. The thing is the job was specifically to deliver high performance, accessibility and modern practices, so you can imagine my annoyance when I noticed that just for havin

                                Lazy load embedded YouTube videos
                              • How to use HashiCorp Waypoint to deploy with GitLab CI/CD

                                How to use HashiCorp Waypoint to deploy with GitLab CI/CD Learn how to use Waypoint using GitLab CI/CD by following this step-by-step demo. HashiCorp announced a new project at HashiConf Digital called Waypoint. Hashicorp Waypoint Hashicorp Waypoint uses an HCL based configuration file to describe how to build, deploy, and release applications to various cloud platforms, ranging from Kubernetes to

                                  How to use HashiCorp Waypoint to deploy with GitLab CI/CD
                                • How to communicate effectively as a developer

                                  Writing effectively is a superpower, there is no denying it. As a software engineer, you write a lot. Most of the writing you do is for computers. Businesses, however, consist of people. Just spoke to the CEO of a $350 million company, who said: "I won't promote somebody to a strategic leadership position unless they're a good writer." — David Perell (@david_perell) October 20, 2022 Many of us wor

                                    How to communicate effectively as a developer
                                  • Playing the Open Source Game

                                    You've surely read plenty about how simple is good, but what's wrong with easy? The Zig project has a non-profit foundation that needs to be managed, a community to shape, and the actual language to develop. These are all big, complex problems that don't default to a positive outcome without active care. Andrew did an amazing job laying the foundations, from deliberately choosing a non-profit corp

                                      Playing the Open Source Game
                                    • 3月のコーデ、レディース2020年、50代ミニマリストの普段着。ユニクロもアリ! - 晴れやかブログ

                                      3月のコーデを準備したので記事にします。50代ミニマリストの普段着です。 ユニクロやしまむら、スーパーの服など、高価な服はほとんどありません。 トップス5セット、ボトムス4枚を使った、5つのコーデです。ボトムスはあまり洗濯をしないので、着回しもする予定です。 ちなみに私のパーソナルカラーはスプリング。スプリングの方には参考になるかも。 それではコーデをご紹介しますね。 3月のコーデ、5つ。 今回の5つのコーデは、普段着で、部屋着兼ワンマイルウェアです。 中には細かい毛玉ができ始めているものなど、気になるアイテムもあります。実際に着てみてイマイチだと感じたら、処分していく予定です。 3月のコーデ1 まず1つ目です。綿素材のローゲージニットは、冬も着ていました。3年前にGAPで買ったものです。 インナーは今シーズン買ったユニクロのコットンフライス長袖Tシャツのライトオレンジです。 ボトムスはス

                                        3月のコーデ、レディース2020年、50代ミニマリストの普段着。ユニクロもアリ! - 晴れやかブログ
                                      • 7 Web Component Tricks

                                        This week I finished my Frontend Masters Web Components Course. To market it celebrate that accomplishment, I wanted to share ~7 tips and tricks I’ve learned preparing my course or I feel aren’t super obvious about Web Components. 1. You can manipulate props right on a Lit element This may be something only I would do, but if you make an element with Lit that exposes its properties, you can edit t

                                          7 Web Component Tricks
                                        • in timeとon timeの違いって?それぞれの使い方を説明 - ー世界へのDOORー

                                          英語を勉強しているときには似たような表現だけれど微妙にニュアンスが違うといった表現が数多く存在します。 今回皆さんに紹介するin timeとon timeもそれらの一つです。 時間を表すときに使われるのですが、それぞれ状況によってどちらを使うかを選ぶことになります。 in timeとon timeの違いって?それぞれの使い方を説明 In time On time just in timeとright on timeの違いってなに? just in time right on time まとめ in timeとon timeの違いって?それぞれの使い方を説明 英語学習者の方は、こういった微妙な違いのある表現につまずきがちだと思いますが、今回はそんなin timeとon timeの違いとそれぞれの使い方を紹介します。 まずはin timeから見ていきましょう! In time まず最初にin

                                            in timeとon timeの違いって?それぞれの使い方を説明 - ー世界へのDOORー
                                          • Gaining insights into winning football strategies using machine learning | Amazon Web Services

                                            AWS Machine Learning Blog Gaining insights into winning football strategies using machine learning University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (UIUC) has partnered with the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab to help UIUC football coaches prepare for games more efficiently and improve their odds of winning. Previously, coaches prepared for games by creating a game planning sheet that only featured

                                              Gaining insights into winning football strategies using machine learning | Amazon Web Services
                                            • Uber to cut 3,000 more jobs

                                              Uber is cutting 3,000 more jobs less than two weeks after an initial round of layoffs, CNBC confirmed Monday. In an email to employees Monday, CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said Uber would also be shutting or consolidating 45 offices around the world and it is considering cuts to other businesses, such as freight. Uber shares were up as much as 9% on the news, which was first reported by The Wall Street J

                                                Uber to cut 3,000 more jobs
                                              • Desperately seeking squircles | Figma Blog

                                                In a famous 1972 interview, Charles Eames answered a short sequence of fundamental questions about the nature of design. This is a story about one Figma engineer’s hunt for the perfect answer to a programming challenge. In a famous 1972 interview, Charles Eames answered a short sequence of fundamental questions about the nature of design. Answering the first question, he defined design as “a plan

                                                  Desperately seeking squircles | Figma Blog
                                                • Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack

                                                  This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Français and Deutsch. When we announced Cloudflare Pages as generally available in April, we promised you it was just the beginning. The journey of our platform started with support for static sites with small bits of dynamic functionality like setting redirects and custom headers. But we wanted to give even more power to you and your teams to begin buildi

                                                    Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack
                                                  • Adafruit's Circuit Playground Express simulated Visual Studio Code's Device Simulator Express

                                                    I'm an unabashed Adafruit fan and I often talking about them because I'm always making cool stuff with their hardware and excellent tutorials. You should check out the YouTube video we made when I visited Adafruit Industries in New York with my nephew. They're just a lovely company. While you're at it, go sign up for the Adabox Subscription and get amazing hardware projects mailed to you in a myst

                                                      Adafruit's Circuit Playground Express simulated Visual Studio Code's Device Simulator Express
                                                    • 強さの源泉は「進化する企業姿勢」にあり! ユニクロを22年間追い続けた記者に聞く(前編) - WWDJAPAN

                                                      「WWDジャパン」4月27日&5月4日号はユニクロ特集です。今回の特集の構成を組み立てる上でカギになったのが、特集を監修したジャーナリスト、松下久美さん(元「WWDジャパン」記者でもあります)の「ユニクロは今、“第6創業期”とも呼ぶべき転換期を迎えている」という一言。松下さんはユニクロを22年間追い続けており、「ユニクロ取材はもはやライフワーク」(本人談)。定期的に取材分野が変わっていくことの多い業界紙や経済紙記者の間ではこの長さは異例であり、2010年には「ユニクロ進化論」(ビジネス社)という本も出版しています。松下さんにユニクロとの22年間と、今回の特集の読みどころを聞きました。 WWD:そもそも、松下さんとユニクロの出合いは? 松下久美クミコム代表(以下、松下):1996年に日本繊維新聞というアパレルの業界紙に入社して、専門店や百貨店、量販店などをメインに取材を始めました。90年代後

                                                        強さの源泉は「進化する企業姿勢」にあり! ユニクロを22年間追い続けた記者に聞く(前編) - WWDJAPAN
                                                      • Right-onから株主優待が届いた - TANAKABLOG

                                                        ライトオンから株主優待が届いた。 いつ株主になったのか コロナウイルスの感染拡大が始まった頃、今年の3月末に楽天証券で株式口座を開設。 本当に投資の才能がある人は海外でコロナが流行り始めた頃にはもう用意をしていたんだと思うが、センスもなく流行りに乗っかるだけが能の凡人はこのタイミング。同じタイミングで相当多くの人が口座を開設したらしい。 4月ごろに、大体一株500円くらいで購入し、株主になった。今は700円くらいだから、手放してもマイナスではない。ここ数日で急に上がりすぎているが、これは大統領選が終わったからというだけだと思う。ライトオンにとって追い風が吹いているとも思えないからだ。 なぜ株主になったのか 実は511のmade in the USAを買った頃から、株主優待のことは知っていて、年に一回3,000円以上の優待がもらえると知り気にはなっていたのだ。 ただ当時は一株1,000円とか

                                                          Right-onから株主優待が届いた - TANAKABLOG
                                                        • mstdn.jp の2020年 | Sujitech への独自インタビュー | ALIS

                                                          English version is here . Fediverse Advent Calendar 2020 の2日目の記事。 1日目の記事は kunimi53chi さんの 2020年度Fediでの活動振り返りとFediへの雑感 だった。 ----- 1201 : 初版 1203 : Sponsors of Mastodon を追記 1218 : mstdn.jp のメンテナンス及びアップデートについて追記 1230 : Sponsors of Mastodon について追記 ----- 2020年6月に mstdn.jp は運営者である DSNO によって運営停止が決定された。mstdn.jp は2017年の日本の Mastodon ブームを牽引した大規模 Mastodon サーバーの1つである。運営母体は DSNO までに数回変更されている。DSNO による運営停止の発表後、もし

                                                          • Hyperscale in your Homelab: The Compute Blade arrives | Jeff Geerling

                                                            This is the Compute Blade, and I'm test driving it in a four-node cluster: I'm testing the Dev version, and @Merocle from Uptime Lab sent four Blades, a 3D-printed 4-bay case (a metal 1U rackmount enclosure is in the works), and two fan modules. He's been testing 40 of these in a rack at Jetbrains for months, and they're about to go live on Kickstarter. But why build a cluster with these Blades? A

                                                            • How to become a project management master with Trello - Work Life by Atlassian

                                                              As a project manager, you wear many hats and juggle one too many balls in the air. You could consider yourself a modern-day jester. But sometimes the depth and weight of your responsibilities are not something to laugh about. Building a project from A to Z requires you to: Manage a boatload of information Track task statuses Pull in the right stakeholders at every phase so bottlenecks don’t inhibi

                                                                How to become a project management master with Trello - Work Life by Atlassian
                                                              • nuvaring canada cost. I need for Bitcoin | GrasstrackForum.co.uk

                                                                №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - I need for Bitcoin -- Click here for more info - nuvaring canada cost - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Fast delivery and complete anonymity - Your

                                                                • GridSearchCV 2.0 — New and Improved

                                                                  Scikit-Learn is one of the most widely used tools in the ML community, offering dozens of easy-to-use machine learning algorithms. However, to achieve high performance for these algorithms, you often need to tune model hyperparameters. Hyperparameters are the parameters of a model which are not updated during training and are used to configure the model or the training function. Natively, Scikit-L

                                                                    GridSearchCV 2.0 — New and Improved
                                                                  • Multi Blog – Why Remotion is a native macOS app (not Electron)

                                                                    I’m Dan Wood, and I’ve been writing Mac software since the Mac’s early days. Many years ago I created the award-winning app “Watson” because I wasn’t content with the status quo of having to go to websites for common tasks like looking up the weather, shopping, or checking on your stocks. I wanted these services at my fingertips, in a Mac interface! Later, I created Sandvox because I wanted a nati

                                                                      Multi Blog – Why Remotion is a native macOS app (not Electron)
                                                                    • 22 Miraculous Tools for React Developers in 2019 – JSManifest

                                                                      React, as we know it, is a JavaScript library to build amazing user interfaces. But not everybody is using the same tools or know all of the great ones out there that help make the react development experience funner and more proactive. If you haven't used react yet or have friends that might be interested in using it, what do you say when they ask you why they should use the library? Besides tell

                                                                        22 Miraculous Tools for React Developers in 2019 – JSManifest
                                                                      • 山下達郎サンデーソングブック2023年5月28日『リクエスト特集』 - おとのほそみち

                                                                        番組中の曲の解説部分を要約して記しています(青字部分は書き起こし)。貼り付けている音源は、オンエアされたヴァージョンとは違うことが多々あります。 1. RIDE ON TIME / 山下達郎 '80 2. BOTH ENDS AGAINST THE MIDDLE / JACKIE MOORE '73 3. BITTER HONEY / THE HOLY MACKEREL "THE HOLY MACKEREL" '68 4. I'M HOPELESSLY IN LOVE / THE MODULATIONS '73 5. PUISQUE TU PARS / PETULA CLARK "LES JAMES DEAN" '64 6. MELLOW MELLOW RIGHT ON / LOWRELL '79 7. ハロー・スージィ / 加山雄三 "加山雄三のすべて 第二集" '67 8. 夏への扉

                                                                          山下達郎サンデーソングブック2023年5月28日『リクエスト特集』 - おとのほそみち
                                                                        • how to call in zpack to pharmacy Watch Buy No Prescription – TrEd College

                                                                          Reliable Pharmacy USA Watch Buy No Prescription http://url-qr.tk/pharmacy – Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy – Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin – Fast delivery and complete anonymity – 100% legal products. – Bonus pills and big discounts for every order – Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. – Fast delivery guaranteed. – Your full satisfaction is g

                                                                          • How To Build A Vue Survey App Using Firebase Authentication And Database — Smashing Magazine

                                                                            This tutorial would take you on a step by step guide to build a functional survey app using Vue.js and Firebase. From validating the user’s data through Vuelidate, to authentication, storing the user’s data, route protection and sending data to Firebase servers. All the steps used in the tutorial are practical, and can be reproduced in any real-life project, even with a custom backend. In this tut

                                                                              How To Build A Vue Survey App Using Firebase Authentication And Database — Smashing Magazine
                                                                            • Refi App - An open-source GUI tool to make interacting with Firestore less painful

                                                                              Table view, update in realtimeHave a birds-eye view on your data and change lots of document at once. Customizable fields to displayFilter & sort the resultInline editing right on itAll changes is updated in realtime Use VSCode to create and edit documentNo more clicking on complicated things to get a document's data. We integrated Monaco aka VS Code editor. View/Edit your document as JSONAll VS C

                                                                                Refi App - An open-source GUI tool to make interacting with Firestore less painful
                                                                              • How to Create an Animated Countdown Timer With HTML, CSS and JavaScript | CSS-Tricks

                                                                                How to Create an Animated Countdown Timer With HTML, CSS and JavaScript Have you ever needed a countdown timer on a project? For something like that, it might be natural to reach for a plugin, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward to make one than you might think and only requires the trifecta of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Let’s make one together! This is what we’re aiming for: Here are a fe

                                                                                  How to Create an Animated Countdown Timer With HTML, CSS and JavaScript | CSS-Tricks
                                                                                • Apple TV, now with more Tailscale

                                                                                  Today we’re expanding the list of devices that can run Tailscale, bringing secure remote networking to the Apple TV. The newly released tvOS 17 offers support for VPNs, and we’re proud to say Tailscale is among the first to use this new feature. You can now add your Apple TV directly to your tailnet, unlocking three powerful new use cases that we’re excited to share. Alex shows the power of Tailsc

                                                                                    Apple TV, now with more Tailscale