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Serbia'sの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 144件

  • 【画像】 女子バレーセルビア代表がつり目ポーズで「日本人の目は細い」と馬鹿にして炎上 - 痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : ライブドアブログ

    【画像】 女子バレーセルビア代表がつり目ポーズで「日本人の目は細い」と馬鹿にして炎上 1 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都)@\(^o^)/ [US]:2017/06/02(金) 12:02:11.65 ID:FjDXJJZI0 Serbian Women's Volleyball Team Celebrates Win With Offensive Photo This is not a good look. The Serbian women’s volleyball team struck a distasteful pose after beating Poland over the weekend. The win secured Serbia’s place in the 2018 FIVB Women’s World Championship, and to celebr

      【画像】 女子バレーセルビア代表がつり目ポーズで「日本人の目は細い」と馬鹿にして炎上 - 痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : ライブドアブログ
    • ジョルジェ・マルティノヴィッチ事件 - Wikipedia

      ジョルジェ・マルティノヴィッチ事件(ジョルジェ・マルティノヴィッチじけん)は、1985年にユーゴスラビア社会主義連邦共和国のコソボ社会主義自治州にて、セルビア人の農家・ジョルジェ・マルティノヴィッチ(セルビア語:Ђорђе Мартиновић / Đorđe Martinović、1929年 - 2000年9月6日)が肛門へのガラス瓶の挿入による負傷の治療を受けたことに端を発し、ユーゴスラビアの政界を巻き込んだ騒動に発展した事件である。その後長年にわたって真相は明らかになっていないが、この事件はコソボに住むアルバニア人とセルビア人の対立に大きな影響をおよぼした。 事件[編集] 1985年5月1日、ユーゴスラビア社会主義連邦共和国・セルビア社会主義共和国のコソボ社会主義自治州の町・グニラネ / ジランにて、セルビア人の農家であるジョルジェ・マルティノヴィッチが病院に来た。このときのマルティ

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        • 欧州分裂は独覇権の意…僕らに運があればのことですが - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

          Fragmentation fashion across Europe means German hegemony, if we're lucky (欧州分裂は独覇権の意…僕らに運があればのことですが) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 9:10PM BST 10 Sep 2014The German people so far remain a bastion of rationalism, holding together as others tear themselves apart これまでのところ、ドイツ人は合理主義の砦を護って、他国がバラバラになる中でも団結を維持しています。 Europe is disintegrating. Two large and ancient kingdoms are near the point of ru

            欧州分裂は独覇権の意…僕らに運があればのことですが - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
          • ヴェスナ・ヴロヴィッチ - Wikipedia

            英語版記事を日本語へ機械翻訳したバージョン(Google翻訳)。 万が一翻訳の手がかりとして機械翻訳を用いた場合、翻訳者は必ず翻訳元原文を参照して機械翻訳の誤りを訂正し、正確な翻訳にしなければなりません。これが成されていない場合、記事は削除の方針G-3に基づき、削除される可能性があります。 信頼性が低いまたは低品質な文章を翻訳しないでください。もし可能ならば、文章を他言語版記事に示された文献で正しいかどうかを確認してください。 履歴継承を行うため、要約欄に翻訳元となった記事のページ名・版について記述する必要があります。記述方法については、Wikipedia:翻訳のガイドライン#要約欄への記入を参照ください。 翻訳後、{{翻訳告知|en|Vesna Vulović|…}}をノートに追加することもできます。 Wikipedia:翻訳のガイドラインに、より詳細な翻訳の手順・指針についての説明があ

            • Preparing for Defeat

              I’m writing this from Skopje, North Macedonia, where I’ve been for the last week teaching one of our Leadership Academy for Development courses. Following the Ukraine war is no different here in terms of available information, except that I’m in an adjacent time zone, and the fact that there is more support for Putin in the Balkans than in other parts of Europe. A lot of the latter is due to Serbi

                Preparing for Defeat
              • Factbox: Coronavirus cases at the Tokyo Olympics

                [1/2] The logo of the Tokyo Olympic Games, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office building in Tokyo, Japan, January 22, 2021. REUTERS/Issei Kato/File Photo TOKYO, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The Tokyo 2020 Olympics, postponed for a year due to the pandemic, is being held under unprecedented conditions including tight quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, a number of cases have em

                  Factbox: Coronavirus cases at the Tokyo Olympics
                • Footy weekends

                  Football life No ice please Kyoto Sanga FC’s Serbian defender talks about his transition to the world of Japanese football 「コオリナシ デ オネガイシマス」 京都サンガFC所属、セルビア人ディフェンダー・バヤリッツァ選手のこれまでと、日本のフットボールの世界 Red Star and Nagoya Grampus fame, mentored by Dragan Stojković(Former Nagoya Grampus boss), and now the backbone of J2 club Kyoto Sanga FC’s back line. Serbian born, Milos Bajalica, more fondly and well known

                    Footy weekends
                  • Strategic lawsuit against public participation - Wikipedia

                    "SLAPP suits" redirects here. For the Last Week Tonight segment, see SLAPP Suits. Strategic lawsuits against public participation (also known as SLAPP suits or intimidation lawsuits),[1] or strategic litigation against public participation,[2] are lawsuits intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or op

                      Strategic lawsuit against public participation - Wikipedia
                    • サウス・ストリーム - Wikipedia

                      サウス・ストリーム(ロシア語: Южный Поток, ブルガリア語: Южен поток, クロアチア語: Južni tok, スロベニア語: južni tok, セルビア語: Jужни ток/Južni tok, ハンガリー語: Déli Áramlat)は、ウクライナを回避してロシアから欧州へ天然ガスを輸送するパイプライン。 2000年代後半からガス供給を巡って度々起きたロシア・ウクライナガス紛争の影響を回避するため、ロシアから黒海およびブルガリアを経由してギリシャ・イタリア・オーストリアへと、ウクライナを迂回する形でルートが設定された[1]。パイプライン建設開始は2013年、ガス供給開始は2015年を予定しており[2]、同じく計画中のナブッコ・パイプラインとは競争関係にある[3]。ナブッコ・パイプラインがルートのみならず供給源もロシア以外に求める計画であることから、サウ

                        サウス・ストリーム - Wikipedia
                      • 「スレブレニツァでジェノサイドはなかった」――セルビア新大統領トミスラヴ・ニコリチの発言をめぐって - Danas je lep dan.

                        「スレブレニツァでは何人かのセルビア人による戦争犯罪がおかされた,だがジェノサイドはなかった」 先日,モンテネグロのTVにおいてセルビアの新大統領トミスラヴ・ニコリチ(Tomislav Nikolić)が上のような発言をしたと各所で報じられている(この件については,id:nofrillsさんのまとめ*1が非常に参考になりました。ありがとうございます)。 BBC News - Srebrenica 'not genocide' - Serbia's President Nikolic Serbian president denies Srebrenica genocide - World news guardian.co.uk New Serbian president claims Srebrenica 'not genocide' - News - DW.DE では,実際にニコリチは何と

                        • [~LIVE]@Thiem Dominic vs Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free | HyperDocs.co

                          [~LIVE]@Thiem Dominic vs Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free [~LIVE]) Thiem Dominic - Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free Go Live::> http://bit.ly/2O6DK6D Go Live::> http://bit.ly/2O6DK6D joined No. 2 Rafael Nadal and No. 3 Roger Federer in the semifinals. Dominic Thiem defeats Roger Federer to set up semi-final date with Novak Djokovic Thiem improves his head-to-head record to 4-2 over Fede

                          • セルビアとコソボの関係 - Wikipedia

                            コソボ セルビア 本稿では、セルビア共和国と、同国からの独立を2008年に一方的に宣言して以降のコソボ共和国との二国間関係について記述する。 コソボ共和国は、セルビア領のコソボ・メトヒヤ自治州を領域として2008年に一方的にセルビアからの独立を宣言したが、セルビアはコソボに対して国家の承認をしておらず、その後も自国の一部とみなしている。本稿では、この「コソボ共和国」を以降は単に「コソボ」と表記し、また単に「セルビア」といった場合、コソボは含まないものとして記述する。また以降は断りなく、セルビアとコソボとの関係について「二国間関係」の語を使用する。 セルビアとコソボの間では当初、公式な外交交渉としての二国間関係は存在していなかったが、欧州連合(EU)やアメリカ合衆国の仲介の下、一定の関係が成立するようになった(後述)。 独立宣言への対処[編集] セルビアは、2008年2月17日のコソボ独立宣

                              セルビアとコソボの関係 - Wikipedia
                            • BBC NEWS | Europe | Serbia captures fugitive Karadzic

                              Officials said no further information about his detention would be released until the action team of prosecutors, police and intelligence teams meet in Belgrade on Tuesday morning, the BBC's Eastern Europe correspondent Nick Thorpe says. "Radovan Karadzic was located and arrested tonight [Monday evening]" by Serbian security officers, a statement by the office of President Boris Tadic said, withou

                              • WHO: ‘Test every suspected case’ of COVID-19 – Live updates

                                The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic is a “defining global health crisis of our time”, as it urged countries to test all suspected cases. The United States and countries across Europe have closed schools, entertainment venues and all but essential services, in an effort to combat the virus. Keep reading list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3Trump declares national emergency a

                                  WHO: ‘Test every suspected case’ of COVID-19 – Live updates
                                • Bogdanov affair - Wikipedia

                                  Igor Bogdanoff (left) and Grichka Bogdanoff (right) in 2016 The Bogdanov affair was an academic dispute regarding the legitimacy of obtaining Ph.D. degrees by French twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanov[1] (alternatively spelled Bogdanoff) and a series of theoretical physics papers written by them in order to obtain degrees. The papers were published in reputable scientific journals, and were alleged b

                                    Bogdanov affair - Wikipedia
                                  • サッカー セルビア対アルバニア戦で乱闘、没収試合に その理由は【画像】

                                    セルビアの首都・ベオグラードで行われたサッカーの欧州選手権予選、セルビア対アルバニア戦が、選手らによる乱闘のため前半途中で中断され、没収試合となった。 Serbia's Nemanja Gudelj (L) scuffles with midfielder Albania's midfielder Bekim Balaj (C) and defender Andi Lila (R) over a flag with Albanian national symbols pulled down from a remotely operated drone flown over the pitch during the EURO 2016 group I football match between Serbia and Albania in Belgrade on October 14, 20

                                      サッカー セルビア対アルバニア戦で乱闘、没収試合に その理由は【画像】
                                    • Serbian thugs are the toys of nationalist and neo-fascist leaders | Ian Traynor

                                      For the second time in three days Serbian thugs have laid waste to a European city in riots that have combined wanton and random violence with organisational talent and political backing. Yesterday in Genoa, the Scottish referee Craig Thomson had first to delay the kick-off for the Euro 2012 qualifier between Italy and Serbia by 45 minutes because of fans' rioting, and then call the game off after

                                        Serbian thugs are the toys of nationalist and neo-fascist leaders | Ian Traynor
                                      • Ratko Mladic says all Serbs must share the guilt

                                        Ratko Mladic delivered a tirade of abuse against officials involved in his capture when he was first brought to court, the Observer has learned. He accused them of "working for the CIA" and later remarked chillingly to one prominent official that he could have had him killed on two occasions. Mladic, who has refused to recognise the authority of the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague, where he is

                                          Ratko Mladic says all Serbs must share the guilt
                                        • Kosovo: a template for disaster | David N Gibbs

                                          The idea that Kosovo is a model for humanitarian intervention in Libya is based on a series of myths As they weigh up whether to support the attack on Muammar Gaddafi's regime, some western commentators are taking comfort from the 1999 Nato air war against Serbia, which is widely viewed as a successful humanitarian mission that protected Kosovans from Serbian aggression. Moreover it was done at lo

                                            Kosovo: a template for disaster | David N Gibbs
                                          • BBC NEWS | Europe | Genocide ruling frustrates Bosnia

                                            Bosnian Muslim leaders have voiced disappointment after the top UN court cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the Bosnian war. The International Court of Justice in The Hague said the massacre of 8,000 men in Srebrenica was genocide, but Belgrade was not directly responsible. But it said Serbia broke international law by failing to stop the killings. Serbia's president ackno

                                            • Richard Holbrooke obituary

                                              Richard Holbrooke, who has died aged 69 after suffering a ruptured aorta, was not the most universally beloved, but was certainly one of the ablest, the most admired and the most effective of American diplomats. He is one of the few of that profession in the past 40 years who can be compared with the giants of the "founding generation" of American hegemony, such as Dean Acheson and George Kennan.

                                                Richard Holbrooke obituary
                                              • BBC News - Serbia debates Srebrenica massacre apology (UPDATED AS: Serbian MPs offer apology for Srebrenica massacre)

                                                Serbia's parliament has passed a landmark resolution apologising for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre - Europe's worst atrocity since World War II. The motion, approved by a narrow majority, says Serbia should have done more to prevent the tragedy. It stopped short of calling the Bosnian war killings a genocide. The murder of nearly 8,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) was carried out by Bosnian Serb forc

                                                • Majority minority - Wikipedia

                                                  A majority-minority or minority-majority area is a term used to refer to a subdivision in which one or more racial, ethnic, and/or religious minorities (relative to the whole country's population) make up a majority of the local population. Terminology[edit] The exact terminology used differs from place to place and language to language. In many large, contiguous countries like China, there are ma

                                                    Majority minority - Wikipedia
                                                  • Kosovo Declares Its Independence From Serbia (Published 2008)

                                                    People signed the back of a sculpture, reading “Newborn” in English, at its unveiling on Sunday in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo.Credit...Andrew Testa for The New York Times PRISTINA, Kosovo � The province of Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on Sunday, sending tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians streaming through the streets to celebrate what they hoped was the end of a long and bloody

                                                      Kosovo Declares Its Independence From Serbia (Published 2008)
                                                    • Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Crowds chase Serb PM away

                                                      One of his colleagues told the Associated Press that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic was hit in the face by a stone and his glasses were broken Serbia's PM Aleksandar Vucic has been chased away by stone-throwing protesters from a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia-Herzegovina. About 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys died at the hands of Bosnian Serb

                                                        Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Crowds chase Serb PM away
                                                      • ヨーロッパが対ロ経済戦争参戦目前で嵐の前の静けさ - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                                                        Calm before the storm as Europe poised to join economic war against Russia (ヨーロッパが対ロ経済戦争参戦目前で嵐の前の静けさ) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Politics and society Telegraph Blog: Last updated: July 25th, 2014Russia is battening down the hatches. The central bank was forced to raise interest rates this morning to 8pc to defend the rouble and stem capital flight, $75bn so far this year and clearly picking up aga

                                                          ヨーロッパが対ロ経済戦争参戦目前で嵐の前の静けさ - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                                                        • 欧米をますます不利にするバイデンのウクライナ訪問

                                                          2023年2月23日 田中 宇 2月20日、ポーランドを訪問中の米バイデン大統領が、公式日程になかったウクライナのキエフ(キーウ)訪問を電撃的に行った。同行した米記者団は、バイデンがキエフに行くかもしれないと予測していたものの、列車で行くとは思っていなかったらしい(ウソっぽいが)。バイデンはポーランド国境から10時間の列車の旅をしてキエフを訪問し、キエフに5時間滞在した後、再び10時間かけてポーランドに戻った。米国側マスコミの中には、バイデンが飛行機を使うこともできたのに、象徴的な意味を込めて列車の旅を選んだかのように報じているものもあるが、大間違いである。バイデンは列車で行くしかなかった。ウクライナ全土の上空は開戦直後からずっとロシアが制空権を握って飛行禁止区域に設定している。バイデンが飛行機で行ったらロシアのミサイルに撃ち落とされて死んでいた可能性がある。 (Biden Visits

                                                          • The anger fuelling Serbia's rioters

                                                            "This is related to problems in our past because most of these people are young and grew up during the wars," says Slobodan Homen, Serbia's deputy justice minister. "We're now paying the price for not caring for our young people enough." He is adamant that the government will take a firm line, including banning several groups, but believes the reaction should not simply be punitive. "The priority

                                                              The anger fuelling Serbia's rioters
                                                            • Vladimir Putin accuses Hillary Clinton of encouraging Russian protests

                                                              Vladimir Putin has accused Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, of fomenting an increasingly vociferous opposition movement in Russia, threatening to derail the two countries' fragile resetting of relations. The accusation builds on months of Russian statements and media coverage blaming popular uprisings around the Arab world on western scheming. It comes as Washington and Moscow tussle ov

                                                                Vladimir Putin accuses Hillary Clinton of encouraging Russian protests
                                                              • BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo MPs proclaim independence

                                                                Kosovo's parliament has unanimously endorsed a declaration of independence from Serbia, in a historic session. Celebrations went on into the night after Prime Minister Hashim Thaci promised a democracy that respected the rights of all ethnic communities. Serbia's PM denounced the US for helping create a "false state". A split later emerged at the Security Council, when Russia said there was no bas

                                                                • Microsoft Word - WCB 2018 merged finalJI v2

                                                                  Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. For Reg AC certification and other important disclosures, see the Disclosure Appendix, or go to www.gs.com/research/hedge.html. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. GLOBAL MACRO RESEARCH | June 11, 2018 | 3:15AM BST THE WORLD CUP ANDECONOMICS 2018 For a list of authors, please see inside THE WORLD CUP 2018

                                                                  • Bosnia mired in ethnic politics and frustration

                                                                    Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic was chased by stone-throwing protesters on the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre Business as usual is a concept which does not apply to Bosnia. How can it in a country divided into two "ethnic entities", governed by 14 prime ministers and with three presidents acting as head of state? But even by Bosnia's bizarre standards, it is going through challenging time

                                                                      Bosnia mired in ethnic politics and frustration
                                                                    • Serbian Women's Volleyball Team Celebrates Win With Offensive Photo

                                                                      This is not a good look. The Serbian women’s volleyball team struck a distasteful pose after beating Poland over the weekend. The win secured Serbia’s place in the 2018 FIVB Women’s World Championship, and to celebrate, the team posed for a group shot where most players are seen pulling back their eyes. The gesture, historically used to mock people of Asian descent, is presumably in reference to t

                                                                        Serbian Women's Volleyball Team Celebrates Win With Offensive Photo
                                                                      • BBC NEWS | Europe | Karadzic: Serbia's mixed feelings

                                                                        In the Luda Kuca bar - or "mad house" - in New Belgrade, life has slowly returned to normal. Just over a year ago, this cramped, shack-like place was invaded by a world media desperate to find out more about the elaborate double-life of Radovan Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb leader now on trial in the Hague for war crimes. For years one of Europe's most wanted men had regularly come here to enj

                                                                        • Portugal v Serbia "liveStream"(live) - juliacoleman242622’s diary

                                                                          MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:Nations League Volleyball 15.06.2019 When/Date: 15.06.2019 Time: 2:00 pm Watch here >>>Portugal vs Serbia live Online here >>>Portugal - Serbia live Portugal v Serbia LiveStream Short Preview Two teams are playing changeable. In this match Serbia is a favorite. Last 1 head-to-head matches Portugal won 0 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 1 matches and goa

                                                                            Portugal v Serbia "liveStream"(live) - juliacoleman242622’s diary
                                                                          • モンキー・チャントがスタジアムに響き渡っても、「レイシズムなど影も形もない」のだそうだ。セルビアでは。

                                                                            中途半端な英語使いが英国からのニュースを東京で読み、あちこちふらふらうろうろ。時々嘘。 はてブ = http://b.hatena.ne.jp/nofrills Twitter = http://twitter.com/nofrills Twitterのログ = http://twilog.org/nofrills ◆「なぜ、イスラム教徒は、イスラム過激派のテロを非難しないのか」という問いは、なぜ「差別」なのか。(2014年12月) ◆「陰謀論」と、「陰謀」について。そして人が死傷させられていることへのシニシズムについて。(2014年11月) ◆知らない人に気軽に話しかけることのできる場で、知らない人から話しかけられたときに応答することをやめました。また、知らない人から話しかけられているかもしれない場所をチェックすることもやめました。あなたの主張は、私を巻き込まずに、あなたがやってください

                                                                            • Do the Western Balkans face a coming Russian storm? | European Council on Foreign Relations

                                                                              Summary The confluence of a rising series of pressures in the Balkans, as well as the attention of Russian Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev – who has taken on the region as a special responsibility – suggests 2018 will see the launch of a renewed Russian campaign in the Balkans. Russia looks to the Balkans as a battlefield in its “political war”, in part to compensate for its mixed suc

                                                                                Do the Western Balkans face a coming Russian storm? | European Council on Foreign Relations
                                                                              • Boban Marković - Wikipedia

                                                                                Boban Marković (Serbian Cyrillic: Бобан Марковић) is a Serbian trumpet player and brass ensemble leader from Vladičin Han. He is of Romani background. Boban Marković Orchestra[edit] The Boban Marković Orchestra is a Balkan brass band from Vladičin Han, Southern Serbia, which can be clearly heard in their music.[further explanation needed] They have won several of the most important prizes ("Golden

                                                                                  Boban Marković - Wikipedia
                                                                                • portlandtimbers.com: Roster

                                                                                  Suzuki, a participant in the 2002 World Cup, enters his first season with the Portland Timbers in 2008. NATIONAL TEAM: Has 55 appearances with Japan’s National Team ... played in the 2002 World Cup, appearing in all four games (three starts) and scored a goal in a 2-2 draw against Belgium in group play ... participated in the 2001 and 2005 FIFA Confederation Cups ... led Japan to the title match i