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Server-sideの検索結果41 - 71 件 / 71件

  • SSRF(Server Side Request Forgery)脆弱性に対する弊社サービスの対応強化について

    EGセキュアソリューションズ株式会社は、2019年7月29日に米金融企業大手のCapital Oneより発表された個人情報流出事件を受け、SSRF(Server Side Request Forgery)脆弱性に関するサービス強化の実施を決定いたしました。 SSRFは従来からバグバウンティ(脆弱性報奨金制度)の分野などでは注目されており、そのため、弊社代表の徳丸も以下のブログ記事にて昨年12月にSSRFの解説記事を執筆し、警鐘を鳴らしていたところでした。 SSRF(Server Side Request Forgery)徹底入門 https://blog.tokumaru.org/2018/12/introduction-to-ssrf-server-side-request-forgery.html 今回の事例はまさに「恐れられていたことが現実に起こった」ものであり、AWSという日本でも

    • Improving Git push times through faster server side hooks

      EngineeringImproving Git push times through faster server side hooksThe history of pre-receive hooks, how we discovered that the performance was problematic, and how we went about safely replacing them. At GitHub, we relentlessly pursue performance. Join me now for the tale of how we dropped a P99 time by 95% on code that runs for every single Git push operation. Every time you push to GitHub, we

        Improving Git push times through faster server side hooks
      • GitHub - mayu-live/framework: Mayu is a live updating server-side component-based VDOM rendering framework written in Ruby

        Mayu is a live updating server side component-based VirtualDOM rendering framework written in Ruby. Everything runs on the server, except for a tiny little runtime that deals with the connection to the server and updates the DOM. It is very early in development and nothing is guaranteed to work. Still trying to figure out how to make a framework that is both easy to use and fun to work with. Some

          GitHub - mayu-live/framework: Mayu is a live updating server-side component-based VDOM rendering framework written in Ruby
        • Chunk – From idea to live server-side code in seconds

          From idea to live server-side code in secondsWrite code and run it in the cloud via HTTP, webhook, or schedule in less time than it takes to google how to do it

            Chunk – From idea to live server-side code in seconds
          • Server-side vs client-side rendering in React apps

            In this tutorial, we will take a deeper look at the two types of rendering for web apps: server-side and client-side. I will walk you through basic setup, testing, and comparison of two pages: SSR page (server-side rendered page)CSR page (client-side rendered page) Once you understand the pros and cons of SSR and CSR, you will have a better framework to decide whether to use SSR or CSR for particu

            • Hey Next.js, Is Server Side Rendering Dead?

              Next.js is not the first solution to introduce SSR with React, but it shows an excellent way to fetch data(AKA: getInitialProps). With that, we could build pages without worrying about how and when to render them. export default function HomePage({ name }) { return ( <div> Hello, {name} </div> ) } HomePage.getInitialProps = async function() { // Fetch some data from an external API return { name:

                Hey Next.js, Is Server Side Rendering Dead?
              • Improve React.js Server-Side Rendering by 150% with GraalVM

                原文はこちら。 The original entry was written by Jiří Maršík. https://medium.com/graalvm/improve-react-js-server-side-rendering-by-150-with-graalvm-58a06ccb45df GraalVMは、JavaScriptを含む数多くの人気のある言語をサポートする、ハイパフォーマンスな仮想マシンです。廃止対象のNashornエンジンでJavaScriptを動かしている場合、ECMAScriptの優れた互換性をもたらすGraalVMをチェックしてください。Nashornからの簡単な移行方法も用意しています。 Migration Guide from Nashorn to GraalVM JavaScript https://github.com/graalvm/graa

                  Improve React.js Server-Side Rendering by 150% with GraalVM
                • サーバーサイド タグ設定の概要  |  Google Tag Manager - Server-side  |  Google for Developers

                  フィードバックを送信 サーバーサイド タグ設定の概要 コレクションでコンテンツを整理 必要に応じて、コンテンツの保存と分類を行います。 サーバーサイド タグ設定は、Google タグ マネージャーを使用し、デバイスをまたいでアプリケーションを計測する新しい方法です。サーバー コンテナはこれまでと同様のタグ、トリガー、変数モデルを使用しますが、発生場所にかかわらずユーザー アクティビティを測定できる新しいツールが提供されます。 サーバーサイド タグ設定を行わない一般的なタグ設定では、ページ内のコンテナを使用して、さまざまなコレクション サーバーへ測定データを送信します。図 1 は、ウェブブラウザで実行されているタグ マネージャーのウェブコンテナが、複数のサーバーにデータを送信する仕組みを示しています。 図 1: Google タグ マネージャーのウェブコンテナを使用してパフォーマンスを計測す

                    サーバーサイド タグ設定の概要  |  Google Tag Manager - Server-side  |  Google for Developers
                  • Rust microservices in server-side WebAssembly - LogRocket Blog

                    Michael Yuan Michael Yuan is the maintainer of WasmEdge Runtime, a cloud native WebAssembly sandbox project under CNCF. He is the author of six books on software engineering. Connect with Michael on Twitter or GitHub. The Rust programming language has gained mainstream adoption in the past several years. It is consistently ranked as the most beloved programming language by developers and has been

                      Rust microservices in server-side WebAssembly - LogRocket Blog
                    • 【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編) - Qiita

                      【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編)PythonSecurityBurpSuiteエンジニアfuzzing 初めに どうも、クソ雑魚のなんちゃてエンジニアです。 本記事は以前紹介した総受けサイト「XVWA」に対してFuzzing攻撃を仕掛けてみたときのことをまとめてみようと思う。 今回はFuzzingとしてSSTIの脆弱性を付くようなコードを送り込みます。 ※ツールとしてはBurpSuite(「OS Command Injection編」を参照)の拡張機能を使います。 拡張機能コードを自作していきます。 ※XVWAをローカルに立てる記事は以下になります。 ※その他色々と「XVWA」ちゃんをいじめた記事もあるのでこっちもみていってね!! ※悪用するのはやめてください。あくまで社会への貢献のためにこれらの技

                        【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編) - Qiita
                      • GitHub - surface-ui/surface: A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - surface-ui/surface: A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
                        • Google Tag Manager - Server-side  |  Google for Developers

                          Are you new to server-side tagging? We got you covered! Our course "Server-side tagging fundamentals" explains what server-side tagging is, when to use it, and what to consider when you build up your infrastructure. Get a head start on your tagging setup: In the course, you will set up a server and a Google Analytics 4 data flow. This course is suitable for tech-savvy marketers and developers. Get

                            Google Tag Manager - Server-side  |  Google for Developers
                          • How to cache all pages in Next.js at server side

                            Next.js is a great SSR framework to create apps and websites. SSR means that you can use React.js code at server and client can access any url or location any time and will get rendered HTML just like it would be rendered in the browser. SSR + React = slow SSRThe problem is that React is pretty costly when it is about rendering the page at the server side. It’s OK for humans if the page is rendere

                              How to cache all pages in Next.js at server side
                            • Amazon S3 Bucket Keys reduce the costs of Server-Side Encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS)

                              Amazon S3 Bucket Keys reduce the request costs of Amazon S3 server-side encryption (SSE) with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) by up to 99% by decreasing the request traffic from S3 to KMS. With a few clicks in AWS Management Console and no changes to your client applications, you can configure your buckets to use an S3 Bucket Key for KMS-based encryption on new objects. Workloads that access mill

                                Amazon S3 Bucket Keys reduce the costs of Server-Side Encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS)
                              • Historical yearly trends in the usage statistics of server-side programming languages for websites, October 2023

                                Historical yearly trends in the usage statistics of server-side programming languages for websites This report shows the historical trends in the usage of the top server-side programming languages since January 2012.

                                • 10. Server-side JavaScript by texta.fm

                                  texta.fmは、ピクスタで働くデザイナー・エンジニアによる技術ブログ「てくすた」のポッドキャスト版です。 本ポッドキャストに関するご意見・ご感想は、ハッシュタグ #textafm にお寄せください。

                                    10. Server-side JavaScript by texta.fm
                                  • GitHub - cyco130/vavite: Develop server-side applications with Vite

                                    All examples have "type": "module" in their package.json. For Vite v2, remove it to use CommonJS (CJS). If you want to use CommonJS with Vite v3+, add legacy.buildSsrCjsExternalHeuristics: true to your Vite config. simple-standalone: Simple standalone example (Stackblitz) express: Integrating with Express (Stackblitz) koa: Integrating with Koa (Stackblitz) fastify: Integrating with Fastify (Stackb

                                      GitHub - cyco130/vavite: Develop server-side applications with Vite
                                    • Server-side Authentication with GraphQL & Ruby Tutorial

                                      Creating Users So far you’ve been working only with the Link type, but it’s time to include User as well so that the app can show who posted a link and who voted on it. You’ll need some registered users for this, so start by implementing the mutation for creating them.

                                        Server-side Authentication with GraphQL & Ruby Tutorial
                                      • Supabase Auth: SSO, Mobile, and Server-side support

                                        BlogSupabase Auth: SSO, Mobile, and Server-side support Today we're excited to announce a few new features for Supabase Auth: Easily add Single Sign-On support to your projects using SAML 2.0 Better support for server-side rendering and mobile apps using PKCE Native Apple login on iOS Single Sign-On Support using SAML 2.0# With Single Sign-On (SSO), your users can login with their company's identi

                                          Supabase Auth: SSO, Mobile, and Server-side support
                                        • Continuous delivery with server-side Swift on Amazon Linux 2 | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS Open Source Blog Continuous delivery with server-side Swift on Amazon Linux 2 In January, I published an article describing how to use AWS tools to build, test, and release server-side Swift code on two platforms: Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) running Ubuntu Linux. Recently Swift.org has released official support for the Amazon Linux 2 ope

                                            Continuous delivery with server-side Swift on Amazon Linux 2 | Amazon Web Services
                                          • Server-Side Kotlin Meetup vol.8 『初オフラインLT大会!』の裏側 - Uzabase for Engineers

                                            こんにちは、NewsPicks サーバーサイドエンジニアの池川です。 こちらのイベントご存知でしょうか? server-side-kotlin-meetup.connpass.com www.youtube.com 実は先日 4/7 (金) に、東京駅目の前にある、ユーザベースオフィスにて、オフライン会場の提供をさせていただきました。 今回のブログではその裏側について書いていきたいと思います。 きっかけ 開催までの準備 リハーサル・当日の準備 当日 イベント終了後 終わりに (オフライン会場での勉強会に興味がある方々) 宣伝 ー LLM 勉強会 with 朝日新聞さん きっかけ 今年に入って以下のようなツイートをお見かけしました。 久しぶりにオフラインでのMeetupに裏方として参加したけど、オンラインと違って熱気というか人の圧を感じた!笑 オンラインはオンラインで良いところもあるんだけど

                                              Server-Side Kotlin Meetup vol.8 『初オフラインLT大会!』の裏側 - Uzabase for Engineers
                                            • Server Side Rendering with React, Redux and React-Router

                                              tl;drThere is a huge discussion about Server-Side Rendering these days. Everyone says It’s hard to implement and maintain. I have created a React News web application with 3 different approaches to be able to understand performance and implementation differences between each other. I wanted to make this application as close as possible to a real-world use case. I used; React, React-Router, Redux,

                                                Server Side Rendering with React, Redux and React-Router
                                              • Improve performance and security with Server-Side Tagging

                                                To measure the effectiveness of digital campaigns and understand the customer journey, businesses often work with a variety of technology partners. Doing so typically requires businesses to add JavaScript code written by these partners, also known as third-party tags, directly to their websites. But when too many tags load on a site, it can negatively affect the customer experience--and conversion

                                                  Improve performance and security with Server-Side Tagging
                                                • Server-Side Rendering - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation

                                                  Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Develop and deploy without the hassle. Fullstack TypeScriptWrite your app's data model, auth, storage, and functions in TypeScript; Amplify will do the rest.

                                                    Server-Side Rendering - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation
                                                  • Server-side prototype pollution: Black-box detection without the DoS

                                                    Server-side prototype pollution: Black-box detection without the DoS Published: 15 February 2023 at 16:30 UTC Updated: 28 March 2023 at 09:50 UTC Server-side prototype pollution is hard to detect black-box without causing a DoS. In this post, we introduce a range of safe detection techniques, which we've also implemented in an open source Burp Suite extension. You can shortly try these out for you

                                                      Server-side prototype pollution: Black-box detection without the DoS
                                                    • 選ばれたのは Next.jsでした - Next.jsによるServer Side OGP ⽣成 / Next.js was chosen - Server Side OGP generation with Next.js

                                                      isoken26 (LINE株式会社) UIT meetup vol.11『フロントエンド紅白LT合戦』での発表資料です https://uit.connpass.com/event/197740/

                                                        選ばれたのは Next.jsでした - Next.jsによるServer Side OGP ⽣成 / Next.js was chosen - Server Side OGP generation with Next.js
                                                      • Client-Side and Server-Side Redirects in Next.js

                                                        This guide was written back when only getInitialProps existed and only applies to that method. This does not apply to getServerSideProps, and it doesn't work with getServerSideProps because you can't use both getInitialProps and getServerSideProps on the same page. Sometimes when rendering, you might want to perform a redirect. For example, you might have an HOC that only renders the component whe

                                                          Client-Side and Server-Side Redirects in Next.js
                                                        • Server Side Rendering の技術概要 - hokaccha memo

                                                          Adventarを支える技術 Advent Calendar 2019 の10日目です。 今日は Adventar の Server Side Rendering(以下 SSR)している技術構成について書きます。 インフラ構成 まず、先日の記事に書いたように、Adventar ではすべてのページを SSR しているのではなく、カレンダーの詳細ページだけを SSR しています。SSR するカレンダー詳細は API Gateway で受けて Lambda でレンダリングしており、そうでない静的なアセットは S3 で配信しています。その前段のルーティングは CloufFront でおこなっています。 S3 で捌いているのは、JS や CSS などの静的ファイルは当然ですが、例えばトップページなどの HTML も S3 が返します。ただしこの HTML は SSR されていない、JS と CSS

                                                            Server Side Rendering の技術概要 - hokaccha memo
                                                          • GitHub - jagenjo/litegraph.js: A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs

                                                            Renders on Canvas2D (zoom in/out and panning, easy to render complex interfaces, can be used inside a WebGLTexture) Easy to use editor (searchbox, keyboard shortcuts, multiple selection, context menu, ...) Optimized to support hundreds of nodes per graph (on editor but also on execution) Customizable theme (colors, shapes, background) Callbacks to personalize every action/drawing/event of nodes Su

                                                              GitHub - jagenjo/litegraph.js: A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs
                                                            • Server-Side Kotlin Meetup vol.1 (2022/02/10 19:30〜)

                                                              お知らせ connpassではさらなる価値のあるデータを提供するため、2024年5月23日(木)を以ちましてイベントサーチAPIの無料での提供の廃止を決定いたしました。 2024年5月23日(木)以降より開始予定の「connpass 有料API」の料金プランにつきましてはこちらをご覧ください。 なお有料の対象となるのはAPIのみであり、connpassのサービスにつきましては今後も無料でご利用いただけます。

                                                                Server-Side Kotlin Meetup vol.1 (2022/02/10 19:30〜)
                                                              • Build and Deploy Server Side Swift | Swift Cloud

                                                                Build & Deploy Server Side SwiftSwift Cloud is the fastest way to build and deploy server side Swift applications. Get Early Access import Compute @main struct App { static func main() async throws { try await onIncomingRequest(handler) } static func handler( req: IncomingRequest, res: OutgoingResponse ) async throws { try await res.status(.ok).send("Hello, Swift.") } } Serverless SwiftModern tool

                                                                  Build and Deploy Server Side Swift | Swift Cloud