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81 - 120 件 / 218件

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Srebrenicaの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 218件

  • Srebrenica: 613 victims reburied on anniversary

    Mourners have gathered in Srebrenica to mark 16 years since the massacre of some 8,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) by Bosnian Serb forces. The remains of 613 victims recovered from mass graves and identified over the past year are being reburied at a nearby memorial centre. The Bosnian Serb commander at Srebrenica, Ratko Mladic, was arrested in May and is on trial at The Hague. He is accused of ord

      Srebrenica: 613 victims reburied on anniversary
    • 【図解】スレブレニツァの虐殺事件

      【6月16日 AFP】図は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争中の1995年にイスラム系住民約8000人が殺害されたスレブレニツァ(Srebrenica)の虐殺事件について示したもの。(c)AFP <ニュース解説画像一覧へ>

      • ホムスで何が起きているのか、正確なところを誰も知ることができない。

        シリアのホムスは、今おそらく、ものすごくひどいことになっている。 ホムスの一角にあるバーバアムル地区は、「非武装のデモ隊を守る」という名目で武装している所謂「自由シリア軍(FSA)」(こんな重要なタームでもやはりウィキペディアの日本語版記事は存在しないので英語で)が「拠点」とする状態がずっと続いていた。そこに対し、2月上旬、1982年のハマの虐殺から30年を迎えたタイミングで政府軍が攻撃を強めた(一般市民の住宅街への砲撃をおこなった)。そして、軍事攻撃と封鎖(医療支援すら入れない)が続く中、多くの死者が出て、つい数日前にFSAが「タクティカルな撤退」をおこなったのだが、それで国際赤十字が現地入りできているかというとNO。シリア当局は「バーバアムルには爆発物が仕掛けられているので、それを除去するまでは赤十字を入れることができない」と説明している。これはほぼ間違いなく「遅延」のテクニックで、そ

        • Foreign Aid Goes Military! | William Easterly

          Vladimir Lenin wrote a pamphlet in 1916 called Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism: “Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which…the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed.” Imagine Lenin’s puzzlement if he were alive to see the territories of the globe divided up not among capitalists but among foreign aid burea

            Foreign Aid Goes Military! | William Easterly
          • ボスニア紛争の悲劇「スレブレニツァの虐殺」の戦犯たち

            ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ中部のヴィソコ(Visoko)で、1995年のスレブレニツァ虐殺事件の犠牲者の遺体を収容したトラックに花を捧げるイスラム系住民の女性(2008年7月9日撮影)。(c)AFP/ELVIS BARUKCIC 【7月22日 AFP】旧ユーゴスラビア連邦下のボスニアで1995年、イスラム教徒の成人男性や少年約8000人が殺害された「スレブレニツァ(Srebrenica)の虐殺」から13年。 しかし、国連(UN)の旧ユーゴスラビア国際戦犯法廷(International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia、ICTY)で判決が確定したのは、全被告19人中、わずか6人だけだ。 21日に国際戦犯法廷が起訴していたボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争(1992-95年)当時のセルビア人勢力指導者、ラドバン・カラジッチ(Radovan Kar

            • Bosnia mired in ethnic politics and frustration

              Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic was chased by stone-throwing protesters on the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre Business as usual is a concept which does not apply to Bosnia. How can it in a country divided into two "ethnic entities", governed by 14 prime ministers and with three presidents acting as head of state? But even by Bosnia's bizarre standards, it is going through challenging time

                Bosnia mired in ethnic politics and frustration
              • タリバンに拘束されていたNYタイムズ紙記者が脱出、無事救出

                アフガニスタンのへルマンド(Helmand)地方でアフガニスタン人に取材するニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)紙のデービッド・ロード(David Rohde)記者(中央のメモ帳を持っている人物、2007年8-9月ごろ撮影。2009年6月20日ニューヨーク・タイムズ提供)。(c)New York Times picture via AFP/Tomas Munita for The New York Times 【6月21日 AFP】米ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)紙の電子版は20日、前年11月からイスラム原理主義勢力タリバン (Taliban)に拘束されていた同紙のデービッド・ロード(David Rohde)記者(41)がアフガニスタンとの国境に近いパキスタン領内の収容先から脱出し、無事保護されたと報じた。 ロード記者と電話で話した妻のクリステン・

                • 「オランダ兵がムスリム虐殺」とトルコ大統領 対立悪化 (BBC News) - Yahoo!ニュース

                  大統領派集会の開催をめぐりトルコと欧州各国が舌戦を繰り広げるなか、トルコの大統領は14日、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争中にボスニア・スレブレニツァで起きたムスリム(イスラム教徒)住民虐殺について、国連平和維持軍として現地にいたオランダ兵が虐殺に加担したと発言した。 トルコのレジェプ・タイイップ・エルドアン大統領は、8000人以上のムスリム男性や少年がスレブレニツァで虐殺されたのは、オランダのせいだと述べた。殺害はセルビア人勢力による犯行だったが、オランダ部隊は住民を守ることができなかった。このことについてエルドアン氏は、「オランダやオランダ人を、我々はスレブレニツァの虐殺で記憶している。ボスニア人8000人を(オランダ人が)虐殺した。連中の人格がいかにひどいか、承知している」と述べ、虐殺はオランダの「道徳性」の「破綻」を露呈したと非難した。 自国部隊の失態が大虐殺につながったという認識

                    「オランダ兵がムスリム虐殺」とトルコ大統領 対立悪化 (BBC News) - Yahoo!ニュース
                  • Aleppo battle: Evacuation continues as truce holds

                    BBC correspondents chart how rebels lost their hold on Aleppo after four years The evacuation of Syrian civilians and rebels from eastern Aleppo is continuing round the clock, as a truce was reported to be holding overnight. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told the BBC aid workers wanted to keep the momentum going. More than 3,000 people were bussed out on the first day of the

                      Aleppo battle: Evacuation continues as truce holds
                    • Aleppo Evacuations Will Be Monitored After U.N. Reaches Deal (Published 2016)

                      After a halt in evacuations, new convoys reached opposition-held eastern Aleppo on Sunday, while five of the buses entering government-held villages near Idlib Province were set on fire, according to local activists.CreditCredit...Syrian Arab News Agency, via Associated Press BEIRUT, Lebanon — The removal of residents from besieged communities in Syria bogged down again on Sunday after rebels oppo

                        Aleppo Evacuations Will Be Monitored After U.N. Reaches Deal (Published 2016)
                      • 動画:スレブレニツァ虐殺から21年、新たに127人を埋葬 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

                        【7月12日 AFP】ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ東部スレブレニツァ( Srebrenica )で11日、1990年代の紛争中に同地でイスラム教徒8000人近くがセルビア人勢力に虐殺された事件から21年を迎えて、追悼式典が行われた。式典の後、新たに身元が判明した犠牲者を含む127人の遺体が埋葬された。(c)AFP

                          動画:スレブレニツァ虐殺から21年、新たに127人を埋葬 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
                        • France giving aid to rebel-held Syrian cities

                          PARIS (AP) — France has started providing direct aid and money to five rebel-held Syrian cities as it intensifies efforts to weaken President Bashar Assad, in the first such move by a western power, a diplomatic source said Wednesday. The French aid comes as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon criticized the Security Council on Wednesday for failing to take action to protect Syrians facing violence

                            France giving aid to rebel-held Syrian cities
                          • Pamela Geller - Wikipedia

                            Political activist, commentator, former newspaper editor Pamela Geller (born 1958) is an American anti-Muslim, far-right political activist, blogger and commentator.[1] Geller promoted birther conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama, saying that he was born in Kenya[5] and that he is a Muslim.[6] She has denied genocides where Muslims were victims, including the Bosnian genocide and the R

                              Pamela Geller - Wikipedia
                            • Genocides in history - Wikipedia

                              Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The term was coined in 1944 by Raphael Lemkin. It is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) of 1948 as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,

                                Genocides in history - Wikipedia
                              • Can You Sue International Organizations? The Supreme Court Decides to Weigh In

                                Can You Sue International Organizations? The Supreme Court Decides to Weigh In The International Finance Corporation (IFC) might sound like an ordinary private business, but it’s not. It’s an international organization that’s part of the World Bank. The IFC has all of the standard accoutrements of an international organization. It was created by treaty; it has member countries, 184 of them; and it

                                  Can You Sue International Organizations? The Supreme Court Decides to Weigh In
                                • Merkel warns of risks of 'safe zone' in northern Syria

                                  German Chancellor Angela Merkel leads the weekly cabinet meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, September 29, 2015. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Tuesday that creating a “safe zone” for refugees in northern Syria could put them at risk of being massacred, starkly distancing her country from a Turkish proposal. France said on Monday it wou

                                    Merkel warns of risks of 'safe zone' in northern Syria
                                  • Assad’s Lesson From Aleppo: Force Works, With Few Consequences (Published 2016)

                                    Buses evacuated people from eastern Aleppo on Friday.Credit...George Ourfalian/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images BEIRUT, Lebanon — For months, the bodies have been piling up in eastern Aleppo as the buildings have come down, pulverized by Syrian and Russian jets, burying residents who could not flee in avalanches of bricks and mortar. And now it is almost over, not because diplomats reached a de

                                      Assad’s Lesson From Aleppo: Force Works, With Few Consequences (Published 2016)
                                    • La Serbie fait un grand pas vers son entrée dans l'UE

                                      Le président Tadic annonce l'arrestation du général Mladic. Crédits photo : Reuters L'arrestation de Mladic prouve que la Serbie est prête à coopérer pleinement avec le Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie. L'Union européenne faisait de cette coopération une condition sine qua non à son adhésion. La Serbie vient de faire un pas important dans son processus d'adhésion à l'Union europé

                                        La Serbie fait un grand pas vers son entrée dans l'UE
                                      • Anger in Bosnia after British PM Ennobles ‘War Crimes Denier’

                                        Survivors of the 1992-95 Bosnian war have expressed anger after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson decided to make Claire Fox, who has published articles denying the Srebrenica genocide and other wartime crimes, a member of the House of Lords. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Downing Street, London in July. Photo: EPA-EFE/Andy Rain. Boris Johnson’s decision to award a life peerage in the

                                          Anger in Bosnia after British PM Ennobles ‘War Crimes Denier’
                                        • Living with the memories of Srebrenica, 15 years on

                                          As he roars around the streets of Srebrenica in his three-tonne, self-built, bright red Hummer, Rob Zomer does not exactly blend in.

                                            Living with the memories of Srebrenica, 15 years on
                                          • UK has rewritten Balkan history | Adam LeBor

                                            It is a dark irony that just as Radovan Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb leader, has begun cross-examining witnesses at his trial for war crimes and genocide at the UN war crimes tribunal at The Hague, his arch-enemy Ejup Ganic, a former Bosnian president, may soon appear in a Serbian courtroom on war-crimes charges. Ganic was arrested last month at Heathrow airport, and has now been released on

                                              UK has rewritten Balkan history | Adam LeBor
                                            • How fugitive Ratko Mladic was caught

                                              Living in a small village in northern Serbia, one of the world's most wanted men - Ratko Mladic - put up no resistance when he was finally arrested after years in hiding. It was a quiet end to the 16-year hunt for the man many hold responsible for the worst single atrocity in Europe since World War II. The drama unfolded early on Thursday in the village of Lazarevo, about 80km (50 miles) north of

                                                How fugitive Ratko Mladic was caught
                                              • Western media peddles distorted view of Aleppo

                                                LONDON – The stop-and-go evacuation of rebel fighters and civilians from Aleppo had begun again as I write this, but the reason for the last interruption was instructive. It was Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaida) that burned the buses coming to evacuate the wounded from Foah and Kefraya. The same organization dominates the rebel forces in Aleppo, and its propaganda has w

                                                  Western media peddles distorted view of Aleppo
                                                • BBC NEWS | Europe | Q&A: Karadzic on trial

                                                  Page last updated at 15:36 GMT, Thursday, 5 November 2009 The trial of Radovan Karadzic at the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague opened on 26 October 2009. The former Bosnian Serb leader is accused of having direct responsibility for the worst atrocities of the Bosnian war - described as the worst crimes committed in Europe since World War II. What

                                                  • Life for Bosnian Serbs over genocide at Srebrenica

                                                    A UN tribunal has convicted two Bosnian Serbs for committing genocide in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and sentenced them to life in prison. Vujadin Popovic, 53, and Ljubisa Beara, 70, were among seven former high-ranking military and police officials to be sentenced.

                                                    • Karadzic isn't the only one on trial | Martin Bell

                                                      The former Bosnia Serb leader Radovan Karadzic must face justice, but the war crimes tribunal is itself in the dock The trial of Radovan Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb leader, must go ahead with or without the participation of the accused. He has attempted to stall proceedings at The Hague's war crimes tribunal, boycotting its opening on the grounds that he needs more time to prepare his case,

                                                        Karadzic isn't the only one on trial | Martin Bell
                                                      • Srebrenica massacre marked by Westminster Abbey service

                                                        More that 8,000 men and boys died at Srebrenica, as Bridget Kendall reports Thousands of men and boys killed in the Srebrenica genocide 20 years ago have been remembered at a service at Westminster Abbey. About 2,000 guests, including survivors, politicians and the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina were in attendance. Munira Subasic, president of the Mothers of Srebrenica Association, spoke abou

                                                          Srebrenica massacre marked by Westminster Abbey service
                                                        • Security through Unity - Paneuropa

                                                          In his „Speech on the Future of Europe“, the President of the Paneuropean Movement Austria Karl von Habsburg advocates greater military support for Ukraine, advocates a regime change in Moscow and Minsk, discusses China’s power politics, which are dangerous for the Western community of values, and calls for a European foreign and security policy. Ladies and gentlemen, Let me start this speech with

                                                            Security through Unity - Paneuropa
                                                          • Opinion | Selective Justice for the Balkans (Published 2012)

                                                            Geneva TOO bad if you were a Serb victim of any crime in the former Yugoslavia. More Serbs were displaced — ethnically cleansed — by the wars in the Balkans than any other community. And more Serbs remain ethnically displaced to this day. Almost no one has been held to account, and it appears that no one will be. The United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague has acquitted Ramush Haradinaj, K

                                                              Opinion | Selective Justice for the Balkans (Published 2012)
                                                            • Suspect in Bosnian genocide detained in Israel

                                                              Login Log Out Archaeology Israel Real Estate Judaism Kabbalah Science Antisemitism JP Spanish Podcasts JP Shopping Conversation Corner Premium Suspect in Bosnian genocide detained in Israel Alexander Zvtkovic is suspected of involvement in the 1995 "Srebrenica massacre" during which Muslims were murdered in eastern Bosnia. By JPOST.COM STAFF JANUARY 18, 2011 11:29 bosnia genocide 311 (photo credit

                                                                Suspect in Bosnian genocide detained in Israel
                                                              • How to make Syria peace talks work

                                                                If the proposed transition is to have any meaning, it must include a demand to suspend laws that the government has used to suppress peaceful activists, writes Whitson [Reuters] The dark cloud of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) may yet have one silver lining. Its attacks have managed to galvanise the international community’s efforts for a Syrian peace process. But in prioritising

                                                                  How to make Syria peace talks work
                                                                • Latein - Monatsrückblick im Nachrichtenformat - Radio Bremen

                                                                  Bellum Caucasium breve Post paucos dies bellum, quod inter Russiam et Georgiam exarserat, iam finitum est. Mense Augusto ineunte copiae Georgicae in regionem Ossetiam Meridionalem dissidentem missae erant, ut oboedientia restitueretur. Quam expeditionem Russiae exercitus non modo vi reppulit, sed etiam in Georgiam interiorem invasit, e qua interea partim se recepit Serborum ductor Karadzic in

                                                                  • Linda Melvern: History? This film is fiction

                                                                    A new BBC film telling the 'truth' of events in Rwanda only compounds the original sins of the West's media In the course of a few terrible months in 1994, up to one million people were killed in Rwanda in organised and systematic massacres. It was slaughter on a scale not seen since the Nazi extermination programme. The comparison with the Holocaust is impossible to resist, for the central purpos

                                                                      Linda Melvern: History? This film is fiction
                                                                    • Humanitarianism Is Not Enough | Brian Urquhart

                                                                      The word “humanitarian,” as it is now commonly used,1 is relatively recent; in many languages it does not even exist. The idea of a country or a people or even the “international community” having a responsibility for a particular people’s calamities is also relatively recent and by no means universally held. Humanitarian action was originally considered to be an activity not to be sullied by invo

                                                                        Humanitarianism Is Not Enough | Brian Urquhart
                                                                      • Turkey steps up rhetoric on Syrian 'massacre'

                                                                        Turkey has called the violence in Syria "a crime against humanity" on the scale of the 1990s bloodshed in the Balkans, as a Red Cross convoy was once again barred from entering the Homs suburb of Baba Amr. The comment by Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu follows similar remarks from the EU on Friday, which called for the documentation of war crimes in Syria. "No government, no authority, un

                                                                          Turkey steps up rhetoric on Syrian 'massacre'
                                                                        • Opinion | Can the African Union Save South Sudan from Genocide? (Published 2017)

                                                                          President Salva Kiir of South Sudan visiting Sudan People’s Liberation Army soldiers at the military hospital in the capital city of Juba last month.Credit...Reuters Kampala, Uganda — Everyone agrees that South Sudan “stands on the brink of an all-out ethnic civil war,” as Yasmin Sooka, of the United Nations Human Rights Council, put it. But there is no consensus on how to move forward. The debate

                                                                            Opinion | Can the African Union Save South Sudan from Genocide? (Published 2017)
                                                                          • Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies

                                                                            Hasan Hasanovic is a survivor of the massacre and the Srebrenica Memorial Centre Curator Serbian authorities have banned gatherings in Belgrade to commemorate the Srebrenica massacre, after right-wing groups threatened disruption. Saturday is the 20th anniversary of the massacre, in which some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian war. Activists had planne

                                                                              Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies
                                                                            • Srebrenica: Boris Johnson pays tribute to victims of massacre

                                                                              Memorial events are being held in Bosnia and Herzegovina to mark the anniversary of the massacre Boris Johnson has paid tribute to the victims of Srebrenica to mark the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Around 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed in 1995 by Bosnian Serb forces - the worst atrocity on European soil since the end of World War Two.

                                                                                Srebrenica: Boris Johnson pays tribute to victims of massacre
                                                                              • Countries must be honest about conflict deaths to know the true impact of war on development

                                                                                A woman mourns by the grave of her relative during the funeral of 534 newly identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Potocari. Photograph: Damir Sagolj/Reuters A woman mourns by the grave of her relative during the funeral of 534 newly identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Potocari. Photograph: Damir Sagolj/Reuters

                                                                                  Countries must be honest about conflict deaths to know the true impact of war on development
                                                                                • Serbia Says Jailed Mladic Will Face War Crimes Trial (Published 2011)

                                                                                  Ratko Mladic, center, observed the positions of Bosnian government forces in Gorazde in 1994.Credit...Emil Vas/Associated Press Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb general held responsible for the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995, was arrested on Thursday, signaling Serbia’s intention of finally escaping the isolation it brought on itself during the Balkan wars, t

                                                                                    Serbia Says Jailed Mladic Will Face War Crimes Trial (Published 2011)