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361 - 400 件 / 1084件

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Troubleの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 1084件

  • Trouble in the (99-cent) App Store | Fortune

    With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple’s iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn’t mean all is well in the App Store. In fact, the business model that nurtured its success now threatens to choke off the programming talent that sustained it. The problem is succinctly encapsulated in a bar graph a

      Trouble in the (99-cent) App Store | Fortune
    • Executive Leaves After iPhone Trouble (Published 2010)

      Mark Papermaster, the Apple executive in charge of hardware for the company’s flagship iPhone, has left the company in the wake of widely reported problems with the antenna of the recently introduced iPhone 4. Apple confirmed Mr. Papermaster’s departure, but would not say whether he was ousted or left of his own accord. Reached on his cellphone, Mr. Papermaster declined to comment. A person with d

        Executive Leaves After iPhone Trouble (Published 2010)
      • michelle chamuel i knew you were trouble free mp3 - tulumiq’s diary

        = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link michelle chamuel i knew you were trouble free mp3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 8 min - Uploaded by S.WakahisaVideo Clip of Michelle Chamuel's Full Live Finals - Reprise Performance. "I Knew You Were. Play Download. Michelle Chamuel: "I Knew You

          michelle chamuel i knew you were trouble free mp3 - tulumiq’s diary
        • The trouble with APIs - Stu says stuff

          Partially-baked ideas and commentary on technology and society. I posted a couple of thoughts on Twitter and a few comments elsewhere recently as a results of a discussion on George Reese's blog and William's followup. I thought I'd repost these thoughts here with annotation as it seems to be evolving an interesting discussion. 1. REST APIs are a case of good intentions run amok. The point of REST

          • Trouble/Win/インターネット時刻タブが無い - PukiWiki Plus!

            2011-05-11 Trouble/Linux/アップデート後GRUBのプロンプトが出る2011-02-12 MaintenanceMemo2010-11-10 memo/Linux/消せないファイルの削除の仕方2010-09-08 Trouble/Win/ffftpで日本語ファイル名が文字化け2010-08-02 memo/win/WindowsServer2008R2でFTPServerに外部から接続できない2010-06-25 memo/win/WindowsServer2008R2にてデスクトップにアイコンを表示する方法2009-11-10 Trouble/Win/Server2008でDFSを使用したABEが利用できない Trouble/InterScanMessagingSecuritySuite/アップデートできない2009-10-22 security/apache/ログ

            • "「日本の歴史認識に偏り」国連が指摘" という記事について調べてみた。 - nothing but trouble

              http://news.livedoor.com/webapp/journal/cid__2485323/detail アドさんのブクマから。 PJだから放置でいいかと思ったけど、気になったので、ちょっと手が空いたときに調べてみた。 多分、Doudou Dièneって人の調査報告なんじゃないのかな。 今年の2月の時点の資料がこの辺。 http://www.imadr.org/geneva/2006/G0610396.pdf Doudou Diène UN Special Rapporteur's Mission to Japan | 世論 What Japan Thinks これ以外にもググると、結構資料が見つかる。 斜め読みした感じでは、 中韓辺りの話だけでなく、部落、アイヌ、沖縄辺りの話の比重も大きい。というか、中韓というよりは、むしろ在日外国人の話*1。 教科書の話はいろいろ書いてあ

                "「日本の歴史認識に偏り」国連が指摘" という記事について調べてみた。 - nothing but trouble
              • The Trouble with Wall Street

                Twenty five years ago I quit a job on Wall Street to write a book about Wall Street. Since then, every year or so, UPS has delivered to me a book more or less like my own, written by some Wall Street insider and promising to blow the lid off the place, and reveal its inner workings, and so on. By now, you might think, this game should be over. The reading public would know all it needed to know ab

                  The Trouble with Wall Street
                • The Trouble With Us

                  Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Please download one of our supported browsers. Need help?

                    The Trouble With Us
                  • The trouble with YouTube

                    The trouble with YouTubeIt attracts a lot of viewers, but can “user-generated” video make money? “STARBUCKS has comfy chairs, but they don't charge people for sitting in them,” says Tom McInerney, the boss and co-founder of Guba, an internet-video company. Instead, he explains, Starbucks provides a comfortable environment, at considerable expense, so that people will buy overpriced coffee. That, i

                    • Input Method (IMKit) setup trouble

                      I'm trying to create a new input method using Input Method Kit. The documentation is very lacking, but I believe I'm setting the project up correctly and I place the input method into ~/Library/Input Methods after building it. However, I see strange behavior when looking at the list of input sources in Language & Text preferences. The NumberInput sample seems to work fine for me, and there are no

                        Input Method (IMKit) setup trouble
                      • The Presets - Youth In Trouble (Official Video)

                        The Presets return with their new track 'Youth In Trouble'. New album 'Pacifica' is out NOW on Modular Recordings. Directed by Yoshi Sodeoka. Buy Pacifica here: Presets Official - http://pacifica.thepresets.com/ iTunes - http://smarturl.it/pacifica Get Music - http://www.getmusic.com.au/presets/store/detail?id=154903 JB Hifi - http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/music/dance/pacifica/669121 http://ww

                          The Presets - Youth In Trouble (Official Video)
                        • Trouble with ssh public key authentication to RHEL 6.5

                          Hi Folks, I administer a RHEL server, which until recently was running RHEL 5.something. I had public keys set up so I could connect to this server from my desktop without a password (using keychain to manage the ssh-agent). The server has just been upgraded to RHEL 6.5, and for the life of me I can't get public key logins working anymore. On my desktop, I have: desktop:~$ llh ~/.ssh ... -rw------

                          • “Another Windows 10 update causes trouble, this time with Word 2016” - GizAntenna

                            Microsoft hasn't had much luck when it comes to tweaking its various bits of software of late, and the Redmond truck has suffered another update fender-bender, this time affecting Microsoft Word 2016 users running Windows 10. Read more on “TechRadar”

                            • Trouble in Fishing Waters | The Weekly Standard

                              A Desperate Charlie Crist Dishonestly Attacks Rubio Crist was for Social Security privatization before he was against it.

                              • Trouble-Free Travel/TechWiki

                                OracleXEでJA16SJISの利用 Ubuntu環境編Oracle Express Edition をインストールした場合、データベースのキャラクタセットが「AL32UTF8」となっており、従来の「JA16SJIS」などを使用したい場合にデータベースの変更が「alter database」ではできない。 データベースのキャラクタセットとして「JA16SJIS」or「JA16SJISTILDE」などを使用したい場合は、インスタンスの再作成を行うこととなる。 Express Editionではライセンス上の制約から複数インスタンスを同一のホストで稼動させることができない(複数のインスタンスを起動すると「USER: terminating instance due to error 44410」ORA-44410 XE edition single instance violation e

                                • Good Trouble T Shirts

                                  Submit a Requestsupport@teechip.com 2900 Shadeland Ave Suite B1Indianapolis, IN 46219

                                    Good Trouble T Shirts
                                  • ちょっ!はまちちゃん! - nothing but trouble

                                    やりすぎ! お金絡む辺りは、ダメ! IPAか事業者に直接連絡して。お願いだから…

                                      ちょっ!はまちちゃん! - nothing but trouble
                                    • The Trouble with Soft Delete

                                      Soft delete is a commonly-used pattern amongst database-driven business applications. In my experience, however, it usually ends up causing more harm than good. Here’s a few reasons why it can fail in bigger applications, and some less-painful alternatives to consider. Tomato, Tomato I’ve seen a few different implementations of this pattern in action. First is the standard deleted flag to indicate

                                        The Trouble with Soft Delete
                                      • ZTE Axon M review: double trouble

                                        Two for the price of one. Two birds with one stone. Two heads are better than one. It’s a fairly simple concept: if having one of something is good, then having two of that thing is even better. At face value, ZTE’s Axon M doesn’t look like a $725 smartphone. The design is chunky for a modern phone, although the squarish aluminum chassis is comfortably weighty to hold. Turn on the device, and you’

                                          ZTE Axon M review: double trouble
                                        • Trouble Funk: Tiny Desk Concert

                                          Go-go — Washington D.C.'s regional twist on funk — reigned in the DMV during the 1980s, and one of the scene's signature acts was Trouble Funk. More than 30 years later, the collective, led by Big Tony Fisher, still fills sold-out venues with heavyweight percussion and call-and-response lyrics. Trouble Funk concerts are bona fide jam sessions, so I was determined to squeeze their unrelenting rhyth

                                            Trouble Funk: Tiny Desk Concert
                                          • Google knows which words you have trouble spelling

                                            The people of Massachusetts have trouble with 'Massachusetts,' apparently. To celebrate the culmination of Scripps' National Spelling Bee, Google decided to find out what words most Americans struggle with. The search engine aggregated every query that began with "how to spell" and then identified which one was the most popular in each state. Surprisingly, "diarrhea" isn't the word most people str

                                              Google knows which words you have trouble spelling
                                            • A Big Australian Crayfish, Pretty and in Trouble (Published 2016)

                                              The Murray crayfish, the world’s second largest, is sensitive to changes in habitat. But populations can come back from current declines.CreditCredit...Mae Noble The enormous Murray crayfish, the second largest in the world, is also one of the prettiest. It has bright white claws and a shell with blues, greens and hints of red, depending on the light. It lives in Australian rivers like the Murray

                                                A Big Australian Crayfish, Pretty and in Trouble (Published 2016)
                                              • Why Turkey Is in Serious Trouble

                                                A nationalist demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey (Osman Orsal / Reuters) I am usually an optimist when it comes to Turkey’s future. Indeed, I wrote a whole book about The Rise of Turkey. But these days, I’m worried. The country faces a toxic combination of political polarization, government instability, economic slowdown, and threats of violence—from both inside and outside Turkey—that could soon a

                                                  Why Turkey Is in Serious Trouble
                                                • The Joyent Community / Trouble installing png module with npm

                                                  Hi, I'm trying to install the PNG module with npm. I made sure that libpng is available, it's installed in /opt/local. But npm doesn't seem to find it: [node@constantin ~]$ npm install png npm info it worked if it ends with ok npm info using npm@0.3.11 npm info using node@v0.4.1 npm info preinstall png@2.0.0 npm info install png@2.0.0 Checking for program g++ or c++ : /home/node/local/bin/g+

                                                  • やる気レス症候群 - nothing but trouble

                                                    色んな事が面倒になりすぎてる。 バトンも面倒なので放置中だし。*1 面倒すぎて、今日一食も口にしなかった。お茶しか飲んでない。でも腹減らないし。早すぎる夏バテですか? ちなみに、こういう状態の時は、トランクス一丁で部屋でダラダラしてる。 一人だとこういう状態でも誰も何も言わないから楽だなあと思う。 そうそう。土曜日のことでもつらつらと。 結構呑んだので比較的記憶が曖昧な部分があるんだけどね。適当に人物像を箇条書きで。 他人さんは柔らかい雰囲気の好青年だった。触れるもの稀に切り裂くぐらいなイメージだったので少し意外だった。 チクイさんは萌えキャラだった。和の心の強さを思い知った感じ。 アドさんは走って胸に飛び込みたい系。カラオケではじけた姿が更にそそられる。 シナ兄に、「かずさんも早く来れば、キリさんに会えたのにねえ…」と煽られた!*2 うろくさんは、ガブガブされたことを気にしてた。 ぼっそ

                                                      やる気レス症候群 - nothing but trouble
                                                    • 土用の丑 - nothing but trouble

                                                      今年は、7月28日なのね。 恵方巻きを食べたり鰻食べたりと、暦による食べ物イベントをきちんと守ってしまうのは、そういう育ち方をしたからかな? でも、バレンタインとかクリスマスとかそういうカップルイベントは興味ないんだよなあ。興味ないというかむしろ苦手というか。 ああいうみんなそろって「幸せです」アピールイベントって、なんかよくわからない違和感と気持ち悪さを感じる。 ああいうイベントのとき、俺の頭の中で浮かれてる人たちは、こんな感じに見える。 「僕たち」 「私たち」 「幸せです」 「幸せです!」(全員声を合わせて高らかに) カップルが幸せアピールしていいのは、結婚式の時だけにしようぜ。 …。なんか土用の丑からかなりかけ離れたところに到達してしまった。しかも異様に非モテテイスト。 一応非非モテアピールとして、彼女も居るし、ここ数年はそういうイベントのときは相手が居たということを主張したい。しか

                                                        土用の丑 - nothing but trouble
                                                      • Android Is Suddenly In A Lot Of Trouble

                                                        An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                          Android Is Suddenly In A Lot Of Trouble
                                                        • ojiichanのgo to trouble箱根の旅 - ojiichanriderの人生を遊び倒す!

                                                          どーもojiichanrider「ひ」です<(_ _)> コロナ困りました。 しかし、災い転じて福となす。 人生短し恋せよojiichanです!? ツーわけで、マスク警察・自粛警察? ???で 「遊び」倒します!!! 今回は 「箱根の山は♬~」 です! 箱根は30代の頃、3年間くらい毎週通っていた(釣り)。 甘酒茶屋の前も何回通り過ぎただろう・・・ 前を通ったのは100回ではきかないだろう、 しかし、中に入ったのは人生初めて! おいしゅうございました !! 元箱根 来年は久しぶりに母校が「箱根駅伝」に出場! がんばれ~~~ 「大涌谷」 本日のお宿 めちゃ「広ーい」 〆のご挨拶 泊まった宿ですが「めちゃ広かった~」 お大尽気分でした~ 以上 次回は 「長崎ぶらぶら旅♬~」 に出没アド街ック! end

                                                            ojiichanのgo to trouble箱根の旅 - ojiichanriderの人生を遊び倒す!
                                                          • The trouble with White Widow

                                                            Rachel Shabi is a journalist and author of Not the Enemy: Israel's Jews from Arab Lands. The White Widow is alive. And she’s back. Like Jason Bourne’s evil, female twin, this woman seems to have a formidable capacity for comeback. The last we heard of the Muslim convert super-terrorist and wife of one of Britain’s 7/7 suicide bombers, she had been shot dead in Ukraine late last year. Before that,

                                                              The trouble with White Widow
                                                            • Trouble In Clever Domain Land: Bit.ly And Others Risk Losing Theirs Swift.ly | TechCrunch

                                                              Bit.ly, HootSuite (with its Ow.ly service), Ad.ly and perhaps even Smel.ly could well be at risk of having their domain names sudden.ly taken away by the Libyan government. Ben Metcalfe blogs that his domain name vb.ly was recently seized by NIC.ly (the domain registry and controlling body for the Libyan domain space) because the content of his website, at least in their opinion, was in violation

                                                                Trouble In Clever Domain Land: Bit.ly And Others Risk Losing Theirs Swift.ly | TechCrunch
                                                              • Coldplay - Trouble (Blackmill chillstep remix)

                                                                An astonishing chill remic from Blackmill! Coldplay - Trouble (Blackmill chillstep remix) I never thought that Coldplay can be remixed well... This remix proves I was wrong! It was a brave act to decide remixing a classic like Coldplay - Trouble... But Blackmill pulled it off, cause I love this!!! Please check out Blackmill @ http://www.youtube.com/user/BlackmillMusic And to follow him on sound

                                                                  Coldplay - Trouble (Blackmill chillstep remix)
                                                                • Trouble installing Laravel? You may need to update your composer.json file - Laravel News

                                                                  { if (! this.initialized) { search.start(); this.initialized = true; } if (value) { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.querySelector('input').focus(); }, 100); } }); }, }" x-dialog x-model="searchModalIsOpen" x-cloak class="fixed inset-0 z-10" @keydown.slash.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.k.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.escape.window="searchM

                                                                    Trouble installing Laravel? You may need to update your composer.json file - Laravel News
                                                                  • YouTube動画をMP4でダウンロードする!(追記があります) » New! Mac Trouble Hunter ~Macのトラブル解決

                                                                    Download YouTube Videos as MP4 Files ここで、配布されている、Bookmarkletはなかなか優れものです(^_^) 用途 : YouTubeの動画をMP4ファイルでダウンロード 種別 : Webサービス (Bookmarklet) 動作環境 : このサイトが見れるブラウザなら、ほとんどOKだと思います(全ての環境で検証していません) 通常は、YouTubeの動画はFLVファイルですが、MP4にて変換してダウンロードが出来ます。 この、ブックマークレットはなかなか優れていますねー! YouTubeの動画をダウンロードする方法はいろいろありますが、MP4で簡単にダウンロードが出来るようになるBookmarkletは他に無いのではないでしょうか。 サイトへ訪れてみて下さい。 こんなブックマークレットがありますから、ドラッグです。 ダウンロードしたい

                                                                    • SIOS "OSSよろず" ブログ出張所: Trouble-Maker モジュールを作成しました

                                                                      6.3 (3) Alfresco (1) Amazon Linux (3) Amazon Web Services (1) Apache (7) API (1) apt (1) AWS (3) Bash (1) BigData (1) bind (4) Bounscale (1) BRIN (1) Btrfs (1) CentOS (5) CentOS 6 (19) CentOS 6.2 (6) CentOS 6.3 (7) CentOS6 (3) CentOS7 (3) cgroup (1) cgroups (1) Chef (1) CLI (2) Cloud (2) CMS (1) Comice OS (1) corosync (1) createrepo (1) cscope (2) CVE (1) CVE-2012-5166 (1) Database (1) dblink (1)

                                                                      • [iPad] 朝のiPad新着・セールアプリ情報!パズルゲー、Temple Troubleが85円!今日は24本!

                                                                        iPhoneアプリ/iPadアプリをおすすめするAppBank [iPad] 朝のiPad新着・セールアプリ情報!パズルゲー、Temple Troubleが85円!今日は24本! おはようございます、KiDDです。 朝のお楽しみiPadアプリ値下げタイムです。 今日の一押しはTemple Trouble!アクションパズルゲームが85円セールです。謎を解いてステージを進んでいくゲームのようですが、SS見てるだけでワクワクしますね。新作は中川ひろたかの名作おはなし絵本 日本の名作5本パックをどうぞ。 それでは朝のiPadアプリのセール情報、いってみよう!(リンクは全てiTunes) 今日の一押しセール「Temple Trouble」 アクションパズル。170円→85円。 appbank管理人より:表記している価格は調査時点のものです。正しい価格は iTunes 内の表示価格になりますので、ア

                                                                        • Trouble in Tajikistan

                                                                          The ISIS obsession of President Emomali Rahmon could lead to further turmoil. Recent deadly attacks and instability in Tajikistan, which have left 27 people dead, have prompted worries in neighboring countries, which share similar vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The initial attacks targeted police units in and near Dushanbe. The man allegedly behind them is Deputy Defense Minister Abduhalim Nazarz

                                                                            Trouble in Tajikistan
                                                                          • 「qmailのエラーログ(warning: trouble opening…)についてご存じですか?」(1) Linux Square - @IT

                                                                            @IT 会議室 Indexリンク Windows Server Insider Insider.NET System Insider XML & SOA Linux Square Master of IP Network Java Solution Security & Trust Database Expert RFID+IC リッチクライアント & 帳票 Server & Storage Coding Edge @ITクラブ Cafe VB業務アプリケーション開発研究 @IT SpecialPR

                                                                            • なかなか鬼になれないねこ。-Maru has trouble becoming an ogre.-

                                                                              名前を呼ぶとめっちゃ可愛く返事してくれる猫 猫の動画まとめサイト、新着が早くてわかりやすい、シンプルで見やすい、動画がサクサク見れる!

                                                                                なかなか鬼になれないねこ。-Maru has trouble becoming an ogre.-
                                                                              • HBase, no trouble

                                                                                This document discusses polyglot persistence and deploying big data technologies in the cloud. It introduces databases like HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, and Riak for storing large amounts of data. Technologies like Elasticsearch and Solr are presented for search. Hadoop is described as a framework for distributed processing of large datasets. The document concludes by discussing how the Apa

                                                                                  HBase, no trouble
                                                                                • Lil Wayne & Charlie Puth - Nothing But Trouble [Official Video]

                                                                                  Lil Wayne & Charlie Puth - Nothing But Trouble [Official Video] [From the Soundtrack of the Documentary “808”] Available NOW: http://smarturl.it/nothingbuttrouble Download/Stream: iTunes - http://smarturl.it/808NBTiTunes Google Play - http://smarturl.it/808NBTgp Amazon - http://smarturl.it/808NBTamazon Spotify - http://smarturl.it/808NBTspotify Tidal - http://smarturl.it/808NBTtidal "808" The

                                                                                    Lil Wayne & Charlie Puth - Nothing But Trouble [Official Video]