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abductionに関するエントリは14件あります。 人気エントリには 『Darkness of child abduction business|Nozomi Makino | Hanadaプラス』などがあります。
  • Darkness of child abduction business|Nozomi Makino | Hanadaプラス

    When you return home tired after work, your children rush and say, "Welcome back!" Their small hands hold on to you tightly. You swear to do your best to take care of your dearest children. Such daily happiness is suddenly taken away. When you get home, no one is there. No furniture either. You find it completely empty. Such abductions of children have occurred a lot in this country. The one who a

      Darkness of child abduction business|Nozomi Makino | Hanadaプラス
    • Information on child abduction in Japan

      © Crown copyright 2021 This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: psi@nationalarchives.gov.uk. Where we have identified any third party copyright

        Information on child abduction in Japan
      • 「あの子が死んだのかもしれません」~子の連れ去りabductionにあった母の悲しみ(田中俊英) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

        ■ 「こんな暑い日、あの子はどう過ごしているだろう」 前回僕は、離婚時の「連れ去り/拉致abduction」の被害にあった(子どもを一方的に連れ去られた)「別居親」の悲しみについて書いた(「パパ、神経衰弱しよう」~連れ去られた親の「抜け殻」感)。 それは父親の悲しみに若干特定してしまった感があったので、今回は母親の悲しみについて書く。 父親と同じく、理不尽な理由で離婚時に我が子を連れ去られた/拉致abductionされた母親は、数は少ないながらも存在する。 その理由はさまざまだろうが、「この場面は自分が引いたほうが子どもが悲しまないで済む」的な、女性ジェンダー的(受動的な配慮に基づく)理由もあるようだ。それは、男性元パートナーと闘うよりは自分が一歩引いたほうが子どもにとっては楽なんじゃないかという、配慮と態度だ。 その葛藤の奥には、それぞれのカップルの事情はあると思う。だから、目の前の傷つ

          「あの子が死んだのかもしれません」~子の連れ去りabductionにあった母の悲しみ(田中俊英) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース
        • 共同親権についての動画 --- 共同親権国賠記者会見 /// Omura, Anonymous Plaintiff A and Henderson: "Parental abduction: Class-action lawsuit" 等 - 石井政之の作業場

          これらの動画をみていると、共同親権の波は止められない、と分かる。 とくに、原告となった当事者親たちの言葉は力強い。 共同親権国賠記者会見 Omura, Anonymous Plaintiff A and Henderson: "Parental abduction: Class-action lawsuit" 会見「夫婦間の子どもの『連れ去り』を巡る問題」 2019.4.9 「親として扱って」 子どもに会えない親たちが署名活動

            共同親権についての動画 --- 共同親権国賠記者会見 /// Omura, Anonymous Plaintiff A and Henderson: "Parental abduction: Class-action lawsuit" 等 - 石井政之の作業場
          • Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda | Hanadaプラス

            A surprising fact was reported at the House of Councilors Legal Committee on March 24, this year. On May 15, 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan Bar Association held the "Legal Custody (Physical Custody) of Children and the Hague Convention Seminar for International Marriage" in Paris, where parents were advised on how to abduct their children. The Hague Convention is officially ca

              Darkness of child abduction business continued Here are the "Villains" who killed the Hague Convention|Yoshiko Ikeda | Hanadaプラス
            • Two fathers in Europe demand action against Japan over parental child abduction

              JapanToday Sotokanda S Bldg. 4F 5-2-1 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0021 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: editor@japantoday.com ©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.

                Two fathers in Europe demand action against Japan over parental child abduction
              • もうひとつの「拉致被害者家族」~離婚時のabduction(田中俊英) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

                ■EU委員会による決議 6月16日、EU欧州議会の請願委員会において、当欄でも度々指摘してきた離婚時の「子どもの連れ去り」行為を日本人に禁止するよう日本政府に求める決議案を、全会一致で採択した。日本では共同通信がこのニュースを短くとりあげている(子の連れ去り禁止を日本に要請 EU議会委、決議を採択)。 共同通信は「連れ去り」と表現するが、EUの委員会ではこれをchild abduction、つまり「子どもの拉致」と明確に表現している。 このabductionは、あの北朝鮮による日本人拉致問題を表現する際にも同じabductionが使われる。政府による「拉致問題対策本部」サイトでも、Abductions of Japanese Citizens by North Koreaと表現されており、力による強引な連れ去り、という意味でこのabductionが用いられる(北朝鮮による日本人拉致問題)。

                  もうひとつの「拉致被害者家族」~離婚時のabduction(田中俊英) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース
                • Two fathers demand action against Japan over parental child abduction

                  BRUSSELS, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Two European fathers who live in Japan will urge EU lawmakers this week to increase pressure on Tokyo to tackle parental child abduction by changing a law that does not recognise joint child custody following divorce. Frenchman Vincent Fichot and Italian Tommaso Perina will present a petition to the bloc's legislative assembly in Brussels on Wednesday to demand action

                    Two fathers demand action against Japan over parental child abduction
                  • Two Fathers Demand Action Against Japan Over Parental Child Abduction - The New York Times

                    Two Fathers Demand Action Against Japan Over Parental Child Abduction BRUSSELS — Two European fathers who live in Japan will urge EU lawmakers this week to increase pressure on Tokyo to tackle parental child abduction by changing a law that does not recognize joint child custody following divorce. Frenchman Vincent Fichot and Italian Tommaso Perina will present a petition to the bloc's legislative

                      Two Fathers Demand Action Against Japan Over Parental Child Abduction - The New York Times
                    • EU committee urges Japan to stop domestic parental child abduction

                      EU committee urges Japan to stop domestic parental child abduction A European Parliament committee adopted a resolution earlier this week urging the Japanese government to take measures to stop Japanese parents from abducting their children within the country when their marriages with EU nationals fall apart. Japan is already a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Internation

                        EU committee urges Japan to stop domestic parental child abduction
                      • Petitions MEPs sound alarm over Japanese parental child abduction | News | European Parliament

                        Concerns over Japanese non-compliance with international rules on child protection and best interest of the child In a draft motion for a resolution adopted on Tuesday with 33 votes in favour and none against, the Petitions Committee expresses concerns over children’s wellbeing as a result of parental child abduction in Japan and urges Japanese authorities to enforce international rules on child p

                          Petitions MEPs sound alarm over Japanese parental child abduction | News | European Parliament
                        • European lawmakers chide Japan over 'abduction' of children by a parent

                          BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European lawmakers lobbied by fathers who cannot see children taken by Japanese mothers urged Tokyo on Tuesday to combat the “abduction” of minors by one parent and change a law that does not recognise joint custody after a split. In a resolution passed unanimously, the European Parliament’s petitions committee said it was concerned about the practice of “parental child abduct

                            European lawmakers chide Japan over 'abduction' of children by a parent
                          • Two Fathers Demand Action Against Japan Over Parental Child Abduction

                            Reuters FILE PHOTO: A woman takes a photo of an illuminated ice sculpture at the Sapporo Snow Festival in Sapporo, northern Japan on February 7, 2007. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao/File Photo BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Two European fathers who live in Japan will urge EU lawmakers this week to increase pressure on Tokyo to tackle parental child abduction by changing a law that does not recognize joint child custo

                              Two Fathers Demand Action Against Japan Over Parental Child Abduction
                            • Why doesn't Japan take child abduction seriously?

                              It’s not often that Japanese affairs get a mention in the EU, still less a condemnatory one. But that’s what happened last week when the EU petitions committee unanimously passed a motion censoring the Japanese government for failure to conform to international norms, and comply with international law, over the question of parental child abduction. The issue, provoked by a history of cases where J

                                Why doesn't Japan take child abduction seriously?
