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accessibilityの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 461件

  • Accessibility improvements in EdgeHTML 15

    In last year’s Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we introduced a new architecture for web accessibility, enabling a more accessible web with Microsoft Edge. With this dramatically improved foundation, we’ve been hard at work improving the experience even more in EdgeHTML 15 and the Windows 10 Creators Update. This post details the web platform accessibility improvements introduced with EdgeHTML 15 in

      Accessibility improvements in EdgeHTML 15
    • Building better accessibility primitives - Rob Dodson

      It looks like you've found one of my older posts 😅 It's possible that some of the information may be out of date (or just plain wrong!) If you've still found the post helpful, but feel like it could use some improvement, let me know on Twitter. As the sites we build increasingly become more app-like it's important that the platform keep up and give component authors the tools they need to build r

      • A Guide to Creating and Hosting a Personal Website on GitHub | Jonathan McGlone | Librarian, Product Designer, User Researcher, Digital Publisher, Accessibility Specialist, Music Enthusiast, Web Noodler.

        Creating and Hosting a Personal Site on GitHub A step-by-step beginner's guide to creating a personal website and blog using Jekyll and hosting it for free using GitHub Pages. View Demo Site   Download Demo Files This guide is meant to help Git and GitHub beginners get up and running with GitHub Pages and Jekyll in an afternoon. It assumes you know very little about version control, Git, and GitHu

        • Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility | Modern CSS Solutions

          Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility Posted on: Apr 9, 2021 Written by Stephanie Eckles Accessibility is a critical skill for developers doing work at any point in the stack. For front-end tasks, modern CSS provides capabilities we can leverage to make layouts more accessibly inclusive for users of all abilities across any device. This post will cover a range of topics: Focus Visibility Fo

            Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility | Modern CSS Solutions
          • HTML5 Accessibility Chops: Block Links - TPGi

            It is conforming in HTML5 for links to include block level elements such as headings and paragraphs, this was forbidden in previous versions of HTML. A recent article by @feather concludes that the inclusion of block level elements inside a link causes some Assistive Technology (AT) to misbehave. Block Links in HTML5 The HTML5 specification says: The a element may be wrapped around entire paragrap

            • WCAG 2.0 Theme Song Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - Disability

              WCAG 2.0 Theme Song, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. All Instruments, vocals, video/audio production, videotaping by David MacDonald Special thanks to Armando Prini, videotaping of David, use of video studio SATB studios.

                WCAG 2.0 Theme Song Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - Disability
              • New accessibility features in Firefox 3.5

                Firefox 3.5 is fast approaching, and it’s time to list all the user-visible changes to the accessibility support in this new version! Support for text attributes, formatting and spell checking Firefox 3.5 exposes text attributes such as bold, underlined, and color information through the AT-SPI and IAccessible2 attributes properties of their respective AccessibleText interfaces. Information about

                • XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content | MDN

                  Introduction Welcome to the XUL Accessibility Guidelines. By following these principles and practices, you will be able to write your XUL applications in such a way that all users, including those with physical, sensory, or communicative disabilities, with be able to use and enjoy them. Accessibility is not difficult, but does require a basic understanding of the different types of disabilities, c

                    XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content | MDN
                  • Web accessibility examples: 5 sites doing it right

                    There are financial, legal, usability, and moral reasons to ensure your site is accessible. Here we look at five web accessibility examples you can learn from. First up, if you need a primer on web accessibility, check out this video on the business case for accessibility or our digital accessibility report. You might also want to explore this post on designing for accessibility, our response to t

                      Web accessibility examples: 5 sites doing it right
                    • 2018-13-Webアクセシビリティ / 2018-13 web accessibility

                      - マシンリーダブルとは何かを知る - 簡単なアクセシビリティチェックができるようになる

                        2018-13-Webアクセシビリティ / 2018-13 web accessibility
                      • Ember.js and accessibility

                        Home Blog 2013-02-07 Hey everyone! I made a video today about Ember.js and accessibility. I had always been repeating what I’d heard about screen readers: they can’t work with JavaScript. Turns out that’s not exactly true. The video is the best way to show you: VoiceOver, Ember.js, and WAI-ARIA from Steve Klabnik on Vimeo. Here’s a rough transcript, if you don’t want to watch it: Hey everyone. I r

                          Ember.js and accessibility
                        • accessibility.html

                          概要 「ウェブアクセシビリティ」とは、「高齢者や障害者など心身の機能に制約のある人でも、年齢的・身体的条件に関わらず、ウェブで提供されている情報にアクセスし利用できること」を意味します。一言で言うと「誰もが利用しやすいホームページ」です。 誰もが利用しやすいホームページにするには 誰もが利用しやすいホームページにするには健常者はもちろん、視力が悪いかた、弱視者、全く目が見えないかた、手足が不自由なかたなどを配慮したコンテンツを作成する必要があります。また、パソコンのサイズや、文字の大きさ、スマートフォンからのアクセス、回線の速度や、利用しているソフトやバージョンなど、ひとりひとりの環境が違うことを配慮し、誰にとっても利用できるよう配慮する必要があります。 アクセシビリティへの取り組み 近年、自治体では積極的にアクセシビリティを考慮したホームページ制作に取り組んでいます。 「ウェブアクセシビ

                          • Junnama Online: JavaScript and Accessibility (1).

                            2007年07月06日 20:23: 古いエントリーは「再構築」しなくてもえーやん! 2007年07月06日 12:41: MovableTypeをめっちゃ高速化する20の方法。 2007年07月05日 13:47: TrackBackをなかったことにしてGoogleに買われるまで頑張ってみたりして。 2007年07月05日 00:38: 転送量問題とポイントカード問題は実は似ている。 2007年07月04日 18:21: 大人の言うことなんて放っておけば良い。 2007年07月04日 11:58: MT::Objectのサブクラスの作成は実は簡単。 2007年07月04日 00:23: そろそろ静的生成と動的生成ついてひとこと言っとくか。 2007年07月03日 13:55: MTOSがようやくMTOSらしくなってきた? (Chinese language pack for MT 4 B

                              Junnama Online: JavaScript and Accessibility (1).
                            • Accessibility overview - Windows apps

                              This article is an overview of the concepts and technologies related to accessibility scenarios for Windows apps. Accessibility and your app There are many possible disabilities or impairments, including limitations in mobility, vision, color perception, hearing, speech, cognition, and literacy. However, you can address most requirements by following the guidelines offered here. This means providi

                                Accessibility overview - Windows apps
                              • GitHub - grommet/grommet: a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - grommet/grommet: a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
                                • Dev.Opera — Accessibility Testing Tips and Tools Presentation

                                  I was fortunate enough to get invited to speak about Accessibility testing tips and tools at Sussex University recently courtesy of Dr Graham McAllister. I met with a great bunch of students who were all really enthusiastic not just about accessible web design but also accessible gaming and virtual worlds. I even managed to sit in to the end of a presentation given by a couple of guys on accessibl

                                  • Level Access | The Future of Digital Accessibility Starts Here

                                    A unified software platform plus expert support to achieve and maintain digital accessibility. Automated scans, manual testing, legal guidance, training, and certification. Solutions overview By Accessibility Goal Get Compliant Build for Accessibility Scale a Program

                                      Level Access | The Future of Digital Accessibility Starts Here
                                    • Accessibility in Windows 11 and Windows 10 - Windows apps

                                      Build accessibility into your applications to empower people of all abilities Products and services—including electronic media—are accessible when they are designed to provide full and successful experiences for as many people as possible. Build accessible and inclusive Windows applications, with improved functionality and usability, for people with disabilities (both temporary and permanent), per

                                        Accessibility in Windows 11 and Windows 10 - Windows apps
                                      • 記事作成時にアクセシビリティ向上を支援するMovableTypeプラグインセット:Accessibility - エンジニアブログ - スカイアーク

                                        WWWが一般に広く普及するようになってからというもの、Webサイトを構築する際には、コンテンツのアクセシビリティ(Accessibility)が注目されるようになりました。特に視覚弱者のためのHTML作成ガイドラインは、もっとも手軽に採用できるアクセシビリティ向上のための指標と言えます。 そこで、Movable Type 5 でコンテンツを作成する際に、アクセシビリティ向上を支援するためのプラグインを作ってみました。 画像タグにおける代替テキストの入力忘れ警告:A11yCheckAttrAlt imgタグやareaタグの入力時に代替テキスト(alt)属性が指定されていない場合に警告を行います。 機種依存文字の安全化フィルタ:A11yReplaceDeviceDependenceChar 主に Windows OS と Mac OS の違いによる機種依存文字を安全な文字列の組み合わせに変換し

                                        • W3C Issues Improved Accessibility Guidance for Websites and Applications

                                          Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 expands provisions for mobile, low vision, and cognitive and learning disabilities; international uptake in progress Read testimonials about WCAG 2.1 https://www.w3.org/ — 5 June 2018 — Today W3C announces a significant update to W3C's internationally-recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines which addresses accessibility of web content, websit

                                            W3C Issues Improved Accessibility Guidance for Websites and Applications
                                          • How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C

                                            Do you remember a time when people around you broke out in laughter, but you didn’t hear the joke? Be careful not to leave out information for some people in your audience. For example, if you say “you can read it on the slide”, you are probably excluding people who cannot see the slide. Be open to diversity in your audience and any accessibility issues. Basically, be aware that some of your audie

                                              How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
                                            • Accessibility In Chrome DevTools — Smashing Magazine

                                              This article will demonstrate some useful features in DevTools which can help you improve the accessibility of your website. For many websites, things like performance and accessibility are an afterthought. But as web developers, it’s best to strive to create the best possible experience we can for our users, regardless of their abilities. I spend a lot of time in DevTools, and in doing so, I’ve c

                                                Accessibility In Chrome DevTools — Smashing Magazine
                                              • 職場に必要なのは、あなたのやさしさです?|SmartHR ACCESSIBILITY|仕組みで解決できることを、やさしさで解決しない。

                                                やさしさ。思いやり。手助け。社会で障害者と呼ばれる人々に対して何かが語られる時、こういった言葉が登場することがよくあります。多様性という言葉がごく一般的なものとなった今でも、障害者は日常的に他者の助けを必要とする特殊な立場の人々だという前提があることも少なくないと感じます。 でも、視点を変えて考えてみるとどうなるでしょう。障害者が他者の「やさしさ」なしに日常を過ごせない環境が生まれているのはなぜなのか。助けを必要とする特殊な人々として、異なる立場に置かれているのはなぜなのか。 多様な人が共に過ごす職場という場に必要なのは、誰かが誰かの「やさしさ」に依存しなくてもよい「仕組み」なのではないか。この映像は、そんな課題意識のもとに制作しました。 映像に描かれている職場の風景が、働く環境のアクセシビリティについて考えるきっかけに、そしてより多くの人を包摂する対等な社会のあり方を考えるきっかけになる

                                                  職場に必要なのは、あなたのやさしさです?|SmartHR ACCESSIBILITY|仕組みで解決できることを、やさしさで解決しない。
                                                • Are web apps accessible enough to replace desktop applications any time soon? - Marco's Accessibility Blog

                                                  I know, reflections on things usually happen at years-end time, but to be honest, this blog post has been in my head for the last two-and-a-half years, and has thus “seen” a number of year-ends, so I felt that it’s now finally time to put it in writing. I’ve been with Mozilla since December of 2007 and have seen quite a number of things happening since I started. I was there when Firefox 3 came ou

                                                  • Mobile Accessibility Testing Guide for Android and iOS - free - TPGi

                                                    The TPGi Mobile Accessibility Testing for Android and iOS (PDF, 2.6MB) is a free accessible PDF outlining how to test native apps and the web for accessibility on Android and iOS. It provides an overview of accessibility settings, how to use them and common testing tools. Instructions on how to test content are provided for Android Talkback, iOS VoiceOver, zoom and switch settings. Also included a

                                                      Mobile Accessibility Testing Guide for Android and iOS - free - TPGi
                                                    • The 5 Layers of Web Accessibility

                                                      In this month's YDN Tuesday Dirk Ginader, Web Developer and part of the Accessibility Task Force at Yahoo!, will talk about Web Accessibility. Starting with basic markup and ending with accessible javascript and WAI ARIA he'll cover best practices and lots of tips and tricks to make your websites and web applications accessible to everyone. Get more information about the event here: http://skillsm

                                                        The 5 Layers of Web Accessibility
                                                      • Accessibility · React Native

                                                        Android and iOS differ slightly in their approaches, and thus the React Native implementations may vary by platform. Accessibility properties​ accessible​ When true, indicates that the view is an accessibility element. When a view is an accessibility element, it groups its children into a single selectable component. By default, all touchable elements are accessible. On Android, accessible={true}

                                                          Accessibility · React Native
                                                        • Do you have a role in web accessibility? (Spoiler alert: yes)

                                                          HomeWeb AccessibilityDo you have a role in web accessibility? (Spoiler alert: yes) Maybe you’ve heard about web accessibility on a podcast or heard a developer friend talking about it. Maybe you’ve thought to yourself you should learn more and start implementing web accessibility standards on your site. Maybe you were gung-ho to get started, but were stopped dead in your tracks when you hit the ma

                                                            Do you have a role in web accessibility? (Spoiler alert: yes)
                                                          • Best Accessibility Android Apps for the Blind & Visually Impaired

                                                            Android accessibility comes into the picture as it helps change the lives of disabled people, especially the visually impaired ones. This site provides honest reviews about online casino apps that visually impaired people can use easily. There is also an android for the blind, which makes the utilization of Android a lot easier. So, to the visually impaired, this is still possible. Technology is i

                                                            • GitHub - paypal/AATT: Automated Accessibility Testing Tool

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - paypal/AATT: Automated Accessibility Testing Tool
                                                              • Web 2.0 Accessibility with WAI-ARIA FAQ - CodeTalks

                                                                This document should answer common questions around Web 2.0 accessibility. The primary focus is assisting HTML developers in understanding ARIA, its purpose, and how it relates to HTML and HTML development. What is the legacy of Web 1.0 and HTML 4 that developers seek to advance beyond? HTML 4 provided us with a fairly stable set of form controls and widgets. However, the basic set of widgets have

                                                                • Accessibility Best Practices | Adobe Animate CC

                                                                  Adobe Animate CC software allows designers and developers to create powerful web applications that are exciting, engaging, and accessible to all. With the new features incorporated into Adobe Flash Player 11 and Animate CC software, users of assistive technologies can now access the best experience on the web. Designing accessible content requires designers and developers to pay attention to the u

                                                                  • The Accessibility Object Model (AOM) 日本語訳

                                                                    The Accessibility Object Model (AOM) 日本語訳 このJavaScript APIを作る努力の目的は、開発者にHTMLページのアクセシビリティツリーの変更(ついには探索まで)を許可するためである。 編集者: Alice Boxhall, Google, aboxhall@google.com James Craig, Apple, jcraig@apple.com Dominic Mazzoni, Google, dmazzoni@google.com Alexander Surkov, Mozilla, surkov.alexander@gmail.com 詳細 解説を読む 仕様を読む - 注:アップデートしていない Can I Use Chrome、Safari、Firefox のAOM対応状況 インタラクティブスライドデッキ (for Chrome)

                                                                    • Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility

                                                                      Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility I am a big proponent of the First Rule of ARIA (don’t use ARIA). But ARIA brings a lot to the table that HTML does not, such as complex widgets and state information that HTML does not have natively. A lot of that information can be hidden to the average developer unless they are checking the accessibility inspectors across browsers or testing with a suite of scr

                                                                        Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility
                                                                      • Switching to Android full-time - an experiment - Marco's Accessibility Blog

                                                                        A few weeks ago, I decided to conduct an experiment. I wanted to determine if Android 4.2.2 “Jelly Bean” was finally ready for me to switch to full-time, away from an iPhone. Background 🔗 I’ve been an iPhone user for four years, ever since the original iPhone 3G S came out with VoiceOver support in June 2009. What Apple did back then was revolutionary, completely opening up a wealth of apps and s

                                                                        • Accessibility – HathiTrust Digital Library

                                                                          Skip to main content Accessibility Jump to Section Select Statement of Accessibility HathiTrust aims to provide a website that is accessible to everyone. We meet the following web accessibility guidelines, with exceptions noted below: United States Federal Section 508 standards WCAG 2.1 at level A and AA European Union “Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and

                                                                          • Dev.Opera — UX accessibility with aria-label

                                                                            WAI-ARIA, the accessibility extension technology for HTML, has a reputation for being complex — if not entirely impenetrable — in its specification. How WAI-ARIA’s suite of attributes relate to one another, the underlying HTML and the circumstances under which they are set or mutated is not a trivial affair. And that’s before you try to establish the differing interaction conventions of desktop ve

                                                                            • 10 Tools for Evaluating Web Design Accessibility

                                                                              President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Testing for web accessibility (how usa

                                                                                10 Tools for Evaluating Web Design Accessibility
                                                                              • 12 Tools To Check Your Site's Accessibility — SitePoint

                                                                                July 6, 200912 Tools To Check Your Site’s Accessibility When you design any web site, one of your first goals is to make sure you get as many visitors as you can, but have you checked the true accessibility of your site? Can a color blind person read it? Are all of your scripts cooperating? Your colors may look nice together, but is the contrast different enough that it is all legible?  Well, thos

                                                                                  12 Tools To Check Your Site's Accessibility — SitePoint
                                                                                • Bootstrap accessibility plugin

                                                                                  Bootstrap accessibility plugin Accessibility Plugin for Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 3 as SubModule Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin is an extension for the Bootstrap 3 web development framework that makes many of the components of this library accessible for keyboard and screen reader users. This plugin is available on Github under the BSD license. We hope that this extension will make it very simple