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241 - 280 件 / 1193件

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browserの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1193件

  • Browserbase: A web browser for AI agents & applications

    Compatible with Playwright, Puppeteer or Selenium.Integrate without changing any of your existing code! Just point it at our browsers.Connect natively using the Chrome DevTools Protocol. Spin up 1000s of browsers in milliseconds.Serverless infrastructure means you don't need to wait.We'll do the heavy lifting - run your code anywhere.

      Browserbase: A web browser for AI agents & applications
    • ブラウス…いや違ったブラウザ三種三様 Google Chrome と Microsoft Edge と CCleaner Browser 😎 - チコちゃんに叱られないブログ

      ブラウザ三種 2020年7月7日 6月下旬に Windows の自動アップデートで【Windows 10 用の新しい Microsoft Edge、バージョン1803、1809、1903、1909、および2004の更新プログラム】 が適用された。 したら、なんと、新しくなった Microsoft Edge もインストールされていた。 Microsoft め、また自社ブラウザを 押してきやがるなあと、いつものことながらいつものことながらそう思った。 以前はインターネットエクスプローラことブラウザには IE しか使っていなかったことを考えると、ネットに Googl eが現れてからネットの世界が様変わりした感を強くする。 それに Windows を使ってる以上は OSと セットみたいなものだから、Microsoft 社が自社ブラウザを OS に組み入れるのはまあ仕方がないなと思っていた。 Win

        ブラウス…いや違ったブラウザ三種三様 Google Chrome と Microsoft Edge と CCleaner Browser 😎 - チコちゃんに叱られないブログ
      • Download the Chrome Browser for Mobile - Google Chrome

        This device won’t receive updates because Google Chrome no longer supports your operating system.

        • Microsoft Edge vs. Firefox in 2021: Which Browser Wins?

          Anyone considering switching from Google Chrome has two major alternatives to consider —Microsoft Edge and Firefox. While Firefox is banking on its privacy promises to make a comeback, Microsoft relaunched Edge powered with Chromium—an open-source browser project that also powers Google Chrome. Both the browsers have some unique features and similarities on offer. But, which browser should you cho

            Microsoft Edge vs. Firefox in 2021: Which Browser Wins?
          • GitHub - gitpod-io/openvscode-server: Run upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.

            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              GitHub - gitpod-io/openvscode-server: Run upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.
            • Apple ユーザーの皆さまお待たせしました:iOS 版 Vivaldi 正式リリース | Vivaldi Browser

              iOS 版 Vivaldi がリリースされました。App Store からダウンロードして、新しいブラウジングスタイルを体験してください。 Apple ユーザーの皆さまお待たせしました:iOS 版 Vivaldi が遂に登場です! Vivaldi ではユーザーがブラウザに合わせるのではなく、ブラウザがユーザーに合わせるべきだと考えて開発を行っています。このアイデアを iPhone と iPad でも遂に実現しました。 Vivaldi のパワフルな機能と圧倒的なカスタマイズ性能を駆使して、日々たくさんブラウジングする人もそうでもない人も、快適・安全にネットを活用しましょう。 iOS 版 Vivaldi には、パネル、デスクトップスタイルのタブ、スピードダイヤル、メモ、リーディングリスト、広告・トラッカーブロッカーなどのツール一式が内蔵されており、ひと味違う便利な機能が揃っています。加えて、同

                Apple ユーザーの皆さまお待たせしました:iOS 版 Vivaldi 正式リリース | Vivaldi Browser
              • ABA Games - Browser

                Browser games

                  ABA Games - Browser
                • GitHub - gosub-io/gosub-engine: Our main browser engine repository.

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - gosub-io/gosub-engine: Our main browser engine repository.
                  • GitHub - toboshii/hajimari: Hajimari is a beautiful & customizable browser startpage/dashboard with Kubernetes application discovery.

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - toboshii/hajimari: Hajimari is a beautiful & customizable browser startpage/dashboard with Kubernetes application discovery.
                    • Vim Online Editor - Vim Editor In Browser

                      Check out my main website: Self Hosted Email Server and programmerhat.com. Is there a feature or service you're willing to pay for? Got a feature request? I'd love to hear it! I'm on Twitter @programmerhat, or email hello@programmerhat.com. Hey! LOTS of exciting new features are being still developed! Open sourced on: Github: programmerhat/vim-online-editor NOTE that this is downloading 2 MB, so g

                      • SQLite Wasm in the browser backed by the Origin Private File System  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                        SQLite is a popular, open-source, lightweight, embedded relational database management system. Many developers use it to store data in a structured, easy-to-use manner. Because of its small size and low memory requirements, SQLite is often leveraged as a database engine in mobile devices, desktop applications, and web browsers. One of the key features of SQLite is that it is a serverless database,

                        • GoでHeadless browserを使いClient Side Renderingを Cloud Run で動かす

                          はじめに この記事は、Go言語でヘッドレスブラウザを実装したサーバ(サーバレスなので実際にはコンテナという表現が正しいかも知れません)を作り、Google Cloud Platform (GCP) の Cloud Run (Knative を使用) でセキュアに実行する内容となります。 ハンズオンではありませんが、少し手を加えれば動くものが作れるレベルの資料としています。 一応、なるべく幅広い読者層に分かりやすく伝えるため、人によって冗長的な説明に感じるところもあると思います。その場合は本題に入る「Go で ヘッドレスブラウザ を実装したサーバを用意するの」 の章から読み進めて下さい。 Goals Go で CSR (Client Side Rendering / クライアントサイドレンダリング) に対応する方法が知れる たとえば CSR 対応のテストやスクレイピングなどの環境を作る知識が

                            GoでHeadless browserを使いClient Side Renderingを Cloud Run で動かす
                          • Min | A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy

                            Browse without distractions Tabs in Min take up less space, giving you more room to browse the web. Pages you haven’t looked at in a while fade out, letting you see what’s important, and Focus Mode hides your other tabs to prevent you from getting distracted. Find anything instantly See quick definitions and answers with information from DuckDuckGo, including Wikipedia entries and more. Jump to an

                            • Vivaldi 3.0・Android版ブラウザリリース | Vivaldi Browser

                              本日は嬉しいお知らせが。デスクトップ版ではVivaldi 3が公開となり、Android版も正式デビューしました! デスクトップ版、モバイル版ともに、プライバシーを保護するツール「トラッカーブロッカー」と「広告ブロッカー」を内蔵しました。 トラッカー・広告ブロッカーを備えた、Vivaldi 3.0とAndroid版公開!🎉 こんにちは!Takaakiです。 本日は嬉しいお知らせが。デスクトップ版ではVivaldi 3が公開となり、Android版も正式デビューしました! デスクトップ版、モバイル版ともに、プライバシーを保護するツール「トラッカーブロッカー」と「広告ブロッカー」を内蔵しました。 トラッカーブロッカーは、ユーザーの情報を追跡するウェブトラッカーから簡単かつ効果的にユーザーを保護する機能です。DuckDuckGoのトラッカーレーダーを組み込んでいます。 デスクトップ版では、時計

                                Vivaldi 3.0・Android版ブラウザリリース | Vivaldi Browser
                              • GitHub - openai-translator/openai-translator: 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - openai-translator/openai-translator: 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
                                • FOSDEM 2024 - vscode-container-wasm: An Extension of VSCode on Browser for Running Containers Within Your Browser

                                  FOSDEM 2024/Schedule/Events/Developer rooms/Containers/vscode-container-wasm: An Extension of VSCode on Browser for Running Containers Within Your Browser vscode-container-wasm: An Extension of VSCode on Browser for Running Containers Within Your Browser One of the limitations of on-browser VSCode is the lack of Linux-based terminals and containers running completely within the browser. In this ta

                                    FOSDEM 2024 - vscode-container-wasm: An Extension of VSCode on Browser for Running Containers Within Your Browser
                                  • 2024-06-03のJS: vitest v2.0.0-beta.5(browser mode)、Rspack v0.7、ESLint Migrator

                                    JSer.info #695 - Vitest v2.0.0-beta.5がリリースされました。 Release v2.0.0-beta.5 · vitest-dev/vitest --merge-reportsがカバレッジをサポート、Promiseベースのmockに対するAssertionの追加、ブラウザモードの改善などが含まれています。 VitestのBrowser Modeは、jsdomやhappy-domを置き換える形で、コンポーネントテストのための仕組みとして作られています。 開発中のVitest 2.0ではCommands APIとmodule mockingが追加されています。 次のIssueに、VitestのBrowser Modeの目的や方向性についての解説が書かれています。 Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discus

                                      2024-06-03のJS: vitest v2.0.0-beta.5(browser mode)、Rspack v0.7、ESLint Migrator
                                    • Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828

                                      It's been some time since we gave any update on the Browser Mode, and Vitest 2.0 seems like a good time to explain how we feel about it. And we have a lot of plans! The initial purpose of Vitest was to allow running tests without a complex Jest setup but with the battle-tested Jest API everyone is already familiar with. This also meant faking the browser environment (with jsdom or happy-dom). With

                                        Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828
                                      • GitHub - kawamataryo/chikamichi: Command pallet for the browser. Enables fuzzy search for histories, tabs and bookmarks.

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - kawamataryo/chikamichi: Command pallet for the browser. Enables fuzzy search for histories, tabs and bookmarks.
                                        • GitHub - DeviceFarmer/stf: Control and manage Android devices from your browser.

                                          OS support Android Supports versions 2.3.3 (SDK level 10) to 12 (SDK level 32) Supports Wear 5.1 (but not 5.0 due to missing permissions) Supports Fire OS, CyanogenMod, and other heavily Android based distributions root is not required for any current functionality Remote control any device from your browser Real-time screen view Refresh speed can reach 30-40 FPS depending on specs and Android ver

                                            GitHub - DeviceFarmer/stf: Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
                                          • Poly: The Intelligent Cloud Image Browser | Join the Waitlist

                                            The Intelligent Cloud File browser A smarter way to store, browse, search, and share your files — built for the generative age

                                              Poly: The Intelligent Cloud Image Browser | Join the Waitlist
                                            • GitHub - whitphx/stlite: In-browser Streamlit 🎈🚀

                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                GitHub - whitphx/stlite: In-browser Streamlit 🎈🚀
                                              • GitHub - zen-browser/desktop: 🌀 Experience tranquillity while browsing the web without people tracking you!

                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                  GitHub - zen-browser/desktop: 🌀 Experience tranquillity while browsing the web without people tracking you!
                                                • Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta

                                                  A web browser, the same application that connects users to the entire Internet, also connects you to all of the potentially harmful parts of the Internet. It’s an open door to nearly every connected system on the planet, which is powerful and terrifying. We also rely on browsers more than ever. Most applications that we use live in a browser and that will continue to increase. For more and more or

                                                    Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation beta
                                                  • Web Worker を使ってブラウザ上でポケモンの画像を解析したい! / Pokemon recognition from screenshots in browser using web worker

                                                    Universal な Worker を用意しだしたのは良いけれど、なんやかんやで最後 worker_threads が要らなくなって Web Worker オンリーに完全移行したまでがオチです。 社内発表タイトルは「ブラウザ上でポケモンの画像を解析したい!」です。 2020/05/11 に…

                                                      Web Worker を使ってブラウザ上でポケモンの画像を解析したい! / Pokemon recognition from screenshots in browser using web worker
                                                    • GitHub - gregpr07/browser-use: Open-Source Web Automation library with any LLM

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - gregpr07/browser-use: Open-Source Web Automation library with any LLM
                                                      • Attacking browser extensions

                                                        Browser extensions first became mainstream in the early 2000s with their adoption by Firefox and Chromium and their popularity has been growing ever since. Nowadays, it is common for even the average user to have at least one extension installed, often an adblocker. Research into the security of browser extensions is mostly scattered around between individual bug reports and coverage on malicious

                                                          Attacking browser extensions
                                                        • Run Python in Your Browser Effortlessly

                                                          Microsoft recently open-sourced MarkItDown, a program that converts Office files to Markdown format. The project quickly climbed to GitHub’s trending list upon release. However, since MarkItDown is a Python program, it might be challenging for non-technical users to use. To address this issue, I thought of using WebAssembly technology to run Python code directly in the browser. Pyodide is an open-

                                                          • History of Web Browser Engines from 1990 until today

                                                            Many tried, few remain... Last updated: December 2024 The loss of browser diversity since the rise of Chromium has been greatly lamented. Below you can find a graph that shows the historical and present browser engines (not browsers, but the HTML rendering engines), as well as from when to when they were developed. For the bigger engines, the market share is indicated by a coloured shape (see lege

                                                            • Vite in the browser - ‹div›RIOTS

                                                              We made browser-vite - a patched version of Vite running in the browser with Workers. How it works - in a nutshell A Service Worker: replaces Vite’s HTTP server. Capturing the HTTP calls of an embedded iframe from example. A Web Worker: Run browser-vite to process off the main thread. Calls to the file system are replaced by an in-memory file system. Import of files with special extensions (.ts, .

                                                                Vite in the browser - ‹div›RIOTS
                                                              • PHP Sandbox - Execute PHP code online through your browser

                                                                Test your PHP code with this code tester You can test and compare your PHP code on 400+ PHP versions with this online editor. <?php // Enter your code here, enjoy! $array = array("1" => "PHP code tester Sandbox Online", "emoji" => "😀 😃 😄 😁 😆", 5 , 5 => 89009, "Random number" => rand(100,999), "PHP Version" => phpversion() ); foreach( $array as $key => $value ){ echo $key."\t=>\t".$value."\n";

                                                                • tslog - Extensible TypeScript Logger for Node.js and Browser.

                                                                  Extensible TypeScript Logger for Node.js and Browser.

                                                                  • Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users

                                                                    In May 2023, we announced the open beta program for the Browser Rendering API. Browser Rendering allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products. At the same time, we launched a version of the Puppeteer library that works with Browser Rendering. With that, developers can use a familiar API o

                                                                      Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users
                                                                    • Browser

                                                                      2024年度リクルート エンジニアコース新人研修の講義資料です

                                                                      • GitHub - abi/secret-llama: Fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely with a browser with no server needed. Supports Mistral and LLama 3.

                                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                          GitHub - abi/secret-llama: Fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely with a browser with no server needed. Supports Mistral and LLama 3.
                                                                        • Overview | Browser Rendering docs

                                                                          The Workers Browser Rendering API allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products. Once you configure the service, Workers Browser Rendering gives you access to a WebSocket endpoint that speaks the DevTools Protocol ↗. DevTools is what allows Cloudflare to instrument a Chromium instance runn

                                                                            Overview | Browser Rendering docs
                                                                          • Chrome拡張機能をスマホで使える人気ウェブブラウザー「Kiwi Browser」が開発終了【やじうまWatch】

                                                                              Chrome拡張機能をスマホで使える人気ウェブブラウザー「Kiwi Browser」が開発終了【やじうまWatch】
                                                                            • ブラウザオタクがLinux版Edgeを使ってみたところ | Vivaldi Browser

                                                                              マイクロソフトがLinux向けEdgeブラウザをリリースしましたね。Linuxユーザーが気になっているところを、ブラウザオタクのRuarí Ødegaardが早速回答しています。 最近Linux版Edge登場の話題が盛り上がってますね。ブラウザオタクとしては、試さない手はないところです。Linuxブラウザ界隈に新しい風が吹くのはいつもわくわくするものです。 もちろん、私にはバイアスがかかっていますけども。VivaldiがLinux最高のブラウザですから。 避けようもないバイアスですが、ひとまず新しいEdgeを30分試してみた所感を述べてみます。 EdgeのサポートLinuxディストロは? 長年Slackwareユーザーをやっている身としては、(公式情報によると)Ubuntu、Debian、FedoraとopenSUSEのディストロ、つまり.debと.rpmパッケージのみしか現在のところLi

                                                                                ブラウザオタクがLinux版Edgeを使ってみたところ | Vivaldi Browser
                                                                              • Tor Browser - Wikipedia

                                                                                Tor Browser(トーアブラウザ)は、匿名化ネットワークTorを経由してインターネットへアクセスする為のオープンソースのウェブブラウザである[2]。利用者に高度な匿名性を提供し、インターネット検閲の回避や[3]、プライバシー保護などの目的で使われる[4]。Tor Browserは、Torへアクセスする最も簡単な方法である[3]。 概要[編集] Tor Browserは、The Tor Projectが開発しているオープンソースのウェブブラウザであり、匿名化ネットワークTorを経由してインターネットへ接続し通常のウェブサイトおよび.onionドメインのウェブサイトを閲覧することができる[5]。Mozilla Firefox ESRをベースに開発されている[2]。Windows、Linux、macOS、Android[6]に対応している。 インターネット大量監視プログラム「PRISM」な

                                                                                  Tor Browser - Wikipedia
                                                                                • Using DuckDB-WASM for in-browser Data Engineering

                                                                                  Introduction DuckDB, the in-process DBMS specialized in OLAP workloads, had a very rapid growth during the last year, both in functionality, but also popularity amongst its users, but also with developers that contribute many projects to the Open Source DuckDB ecosystem. DuckDB cannot "only" be run on a variety of Operating Systems and Architectures, there's also a DuckDB-WASM version, that allows

                                                                                    Using DuckDB-WASM for in-browser Data Engineering