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  • Amazon S3 now supports conditional writes - AWS

    Amazon S3 adds support for conditional writes that can check for the existence of an object before creating it. This capability can help you more easily prevent applications from overwriting any existing objects when uploading data. You can perform conditional writes using PutObject or CompleteMultipartUpload API requests in both general purpose and directory buckets. Using conditional writes, you

      Amazon S3 now supports conditional writes - AWS
    • Announcing TypeScript 5.6 - TypeScript

      Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.6! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by adding syntax for types. Types describe the shapes we expect of our variables, parameters, and functions, and the TypeScript type-checker can help catch issues like typos, missing properties, and bad function calls before we even run our code. T

        Announcing TypeScript 5.6 - TypeScript
      • Best practices for event logging and threat detection

        Best practices for event logging and threat detection Best practices for event logging and threat detection 3 Table of contents Executive summary �4 Introduction �5 Audience �5 Best practices �5 Enterprise-approved event logging policy �5 Event log quality �5 Captured event log details �6 Operational Technology considerations �7 Additional resources �7 Content and format consistency �7 Timestamp c

        • Bypassing airport security via SQL injection

          08/29/2024 IntroductionLike many, Sam Curry and I spend a lot of time waiting in airport security lines. If you do this enough, you might sometimes see a special lane at airport security called Known Crewmember (KCM). KCM is a TSA program that allows pilots and flight attendants to bypass security screening, even when flying on domestic personal trips. The KCM process is fairly simple: the employe

            Bypassing airport security via SQL injection
          • Linus’s Blog - Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm

            Once upon a time I was given the following problem for a technical programming interview: Write a function draw_circle(r) that draws a circle with radius r. Use the given method draw_pixel(x, y) which takes a 2-dimensional point (x, y) and colors it in on the computer screen. For the solution, you can either collect all pixels (tuples) of \(x\) and \(y\) coordinate pairs, or just call draw_pixel()

            • Addressed AWS Default Risks: OIDC, Terraform and Admin Access

              Before we begin, here is a message from AWS that I also support: AWS has taken the feedback and has implemented improvements in the default Terraform OIDC Trust Policy. AWS has also contacted customers who may have been in this configuration. AWS recommends customers always test their configurations before doing so in production, but when they do, limit the condition key "Subject" or "sub" to prev

                Addressed AWS Default Risks: OIDC, Terraform and Admin Access
              • @starting-style - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                  @starting-style - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                • Announcing TypeScript 5.6 RC - TypeScript

                  Today we are excited to announce the availability of the release candidate of TypeScript 5.6. To get started using the RC, you can get it through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@rc Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.6! Disallowed Nullish and Truthy Checks Iterator Helper Methods Strict Builtin Iterator Checks (and --strictBuiltinIteratorReturn) Support for

                    Announcing TypeScript 5.6 RC - TypeScript
                  • Just use Postgres

                    This is one part actionable advice, one part question for the audience. Advice: When you are making a new application that requires persistent storage of data, like is the case for most web applications, your default choice should be Postgres. Why not sqlite? sqlite is a pretty good database, but its data is stored in a single file. This implies that whatever your application is, it is running on

                    • Beyond Ctrl-C: The dark corners of Unix signal handling :: sunshowers

                      In this table: SIGKILL is also known as kill -9, and it’s a special signal used to kill a process. What sets SIGKILL apart is that unlike almost all other signals, its behavior can’t be customized in any way. SIGSEGV might be familiar to you if you’ve ever encountered a core dump. Somewhat surprisingly, the behavior of SIGSEGV can be customized. For example, the Rust standard library customizes SI

                        Beyond Ctrl-C: The dark corners of Unix signal handling :: sunshowers
                      • Clojure - Clojure 1.12.0

                        Clojure 1.12.0 is now available! Find download and usage information on the Downloads page. 1 Compatibility 1.1 Java 8 - Compatiblity EOL notice Clojure 1.12 produces Java 8 bytecode (same as Clojure 1.10 and 1.11), but this is expected to be the last release using a Java 8 baseline. Future releases will move the bytecode and minimum Java compatibility to a newer Java LTS release. 1.2 Java 21 - Vi

                        • Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination — Smashing Magazine

                          Sticky positioning is one of those CSS features that’s pretty delicate and can be negated by a lot of things, so here’s another one to add to your mental catalog: Sticky elements don’t play nicely if they have to coordinate with other elements to make up a combined height, like 100vh. Philip Braunen explores why this happens and presents a solution to fix it. I was recently asked by a student to h

                            Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination — Smashing Magazine
                          • Layers and Compositing

                            Web developers typically aren't exposed to low-level browser rendering primitives, yet the concepts of Layers and Compositing are foundational to how the browser renders web applications as pixels on screen! In this tip, I'll explain what Layers are, why they exist, and how they are Composited together to produce on-screen Frames to the user's display. PrerequisitesYou should understand the basics

                              Layers and Compositing
                            • 【VRC / VRM 対応3Dモデル】CONTAINER ver1.03 - yoyogi mori - BOOTH

                              「KEMONO FABRIC TOKYO」より「CONTAINER」販売開始です! デザインをモグモ( @m_o_g_m_o_g_555 )が、メインモデルをトノダ ( @tonoda_tonoda ) が担当しています。 VRChat 2022アップグレードに関しまして本データはUnity 2022での動作確認済みです。 VRChat指定のバージョンのUnityで新規作成したプロジェクトに、従来通りの手順で読み込んでご利用いただけます。 なお、既存プロジェクトのバージョン移行はVRChat公式ドキュメント等を参考にしてください。 https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/current-unity-version 概要本データはUnityのHumanoid形式に対応したYOYOGI MORIのオリジナル3Dモデル「CONTAINER」です。 モリオン航空のモグモ(@m_o

                                【VRC / VRM 対応3Dモデル】CONTAINER ver1.03 - yoyogi mori - BOOTH
                              • Rust Tachikawa | garage living with plants

                                住所 〒190-0014 東京都立川市緑町3-1 GREEN SPRINGS E2-208 TEL 042-506-1187 営業時間 11:00~19:00 定休日 なし(年末年始休有) coordinate display ▶お車でお越しの場合 平日(特定日を除く)250円/30分 土・日・祝日及び特定日 300円/30分 2,000円以上お買い上げで1時間無料 5,000円以上お買い上げで2時間無料 30,000円以上お買い上げで3時間無料

                                • 7c 悪い場所、スーパーフラット、方法 Bad Place, Superflat, Method

                                  7c 悪い場所、スーパーフラット、方法 Bad Place, Superflat, Method 【本文確定】 2000年前後は若手の新人よりも、かつて東京ポップを担い、いまや中堅となった世代の活躍に目覚ましいものがありました*7c1。中村政人は1998年にアーティスト・イニシアティブ・オーガニゼーション「コマンドN」を立ち上げ、1999年と2000年には商業地域とアートを連繋する「秋葉原TV」を実施、国内外の大人数の美術家を動員しました。小山登美夫は1996年にギャラリストとして独立し、日本の先行世代の画廊とは違い海外のアートフェアに積極的に出展、当時所属の村上隆や奈良美智の作品を力強く売り出し中でした。椹木野衣は1998年に著書『日本・現代・美術』を上梓し*7c2、日本を「悪い場所」と規定*7c3 *7c4、2000年1月1日をはさむ前後の期間に「日本ゼロ年」展を水戸芸術館で企画し、そ
