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coordinationに関するエントリは2件あります。 自民党安倍晋三 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Spotify’s New Experimentation Coordination Strategy - Spotify Engineering』などがあります。
  • Spotify’s New Experimentation Coordination Strategy - Spotify Engineering

    March 10, 2021 Published by Mårten Schultzberg, Oskar Kjellin, and Johan Rydberg At Spotify we run hundreds of experiments at any given time. Coordinating these experiments, i.e., making sure the right user is receiving the right “treatment” with a population of hundreds of millions of users, poses technical challenges. Adding to the complexity, some of these experiments must be coordinated in the

      Spotify’s New Experimentation Coordination Strategy - Spotify Engineering
    • After nudge from Macron, Trump and other G7 leaders agree on coronavirus coordination | CNN Politics

      Leaders of the world’s advanced economies agreed Monday to coordinate their response to a growing coronavirus pandemic even as fractures emerge between Europe and the United States over travel restrictions and efforts to develop a vaccine. In a morning videoconference, the Group of 7 leaders agreed to pool some medical resources and align their central banks as the virus causes major lockdowns and

        After nudge from Macron, Trump and other G7 leaders agree on coronavirus coordination | CNN Politics
