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  • Greatest 500 Movies

    Some movies change you. The very best films stay with you, they comfort you, they challenge you. There’s impeccable craft, indelible emotion, plots that grip and twist, characters that live long after the final credits. In order to work out the best movies of all time, Empire asked readers to ransack their Blu-ray collections and place their votes for the 100 Greatest Movies – from belting blockbu

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          Some movies change you. The very best films stay with you, they comfort you, they challenge you. There’s impeccable craft, indelible emotion, plots that grip and twist, characters that live long after the final credits. In order to work out the best movies of all time, Empire asked readers to ransack their Blu-ray collections and place their votes for the 100 Greatest Movies – from belting blockbu

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                    『肩をすくめるアトラス[1]』(かたをすくめるアトラス、原題: Atlas Shrugged)は、1957年のアイン・ランドの4作目の小説である。ランドの最長にして最後の小説であり、ランドが自身の手がけたフィクションの中で最高傑作と見なしていた作品である[2]。サイエンス・フィクション[3]、ミステリ、及び恋愛小説[4][5][6]の要素を含んでおり、自身の思想「オブジェクティビズム」について、ランドのフィクション作品の中では最も詳しく述べている。 この小説では、成功した産業家を攻撃する様々な規制の制定を受け、多くの傑出した産業家たちが財産や国を捨てた結果、社会に不可欠な諸産業が崩壊していくディストピア的なアメリカ合衆国が描かれている。タイトルの「アトラス」とは、ギリシア神話に登場する天空を肩に乗せて支える巨人アトラースであり、傑出した能力で世界を支える諸個人を含意している。このタイトルの

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                          • The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema, Feature | Movies - Empire

                            From Brazil to Japan to France and Senegal, from Neo-Realism to Dogme to J-horror, we've compiled a list of the very best films not in the English language (note: features, not documentaries). So rustle up some sushi, strike up a gauloise and make sure you've locked your bicycle as we count down the top 100 world cinema movies... 100. Night Watch Year: 2004 Country: Russia Director: Timur Bekmambe

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                              • Hollywood’s 100 Favorite Films

                                Is it wrong to already declare this the No. 1 movie list of all time? After all, there are other movie lists. Lots and lots of others. So many lists, you couldn’t list them all. But this is the first to ask the entertainment industry itself to pick its choices for the best pictures ever made. In May, THR sent an online ballot all over town — to every studio, agency, publicity firm and production h

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                                • Stephen Colbert - Wikipedia

                                  Stephen Tyrone Colbert[1] (/koʊlˈbɛər/ kohl-BAIR;[2] born May 13, 1964)[3] is an American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host. He is best known for hosting the satirical Comedy Central program The Colbert Report from 2005 to 2014 and the CBS talk program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert since September 2015.[4][5][6] Colbert originally studied to be a dr

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                                            Mechanic Resurrection This was just one of several sites that were created to promote the 2016 film, Mechanic Resurrection, starring Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, Michelle Yeoh, and Tommy Lee Jones. Content is from the site's 2016 archived pages, as well as reviews from other sources. Rating: R (for violence throughout and language) Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense Directed By: Dennis

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                                                英日略語対訳リスト DEMONSTRATION VERSION Data updated on December 10, 2008 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Fujioka International 藤岡インターナショナル All rights reserved この文書にはコピープロテクトを掛けています。5倍 のデータを収録してプロテクトを解除した製品版 (PDFバージョン+TEXTバージョン)については下記を ご覧ください。 世界で唯一、誤記例からの検索も可能 対訳リストパッケージ製品版のご案内 TOP PAGE 日英団体名対訳リスト 英日略語対訳リスト file:///DATA/Desktop Folder/INTERNET/Tokaiホームページ/abbreviations.html (1/295) [2008.12.9 9:23:25 PM] 日英法律名

                                                • The 100 Greatest Movies, Feature | Movies - Empire

                                                  Some movies change you. The very best films stay with you, they comfort you, they challenge you. There’s impeccable craft, indelible emotion, plots that grip and twist, characters that live long after the final credits. In order to work out the best movies of all time, Empire asked readers to ransack their Blu-ray collections and place their votes for the 100 Greatest Movies – from belting blockbu

                                                    The 100 Greatest Movies, Feature | Movies - Empire
                                                  • The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema, Feature | Movies - Empire

                                                    From Brazil to Japan to France and Senegal, from Neo-Realism to Dogme to J-horror, we've compiled a list of the very best films not in the English language (note: features, not documentaries). So rustle up some sushi, strike up a gauloise and make sure you've locked your bicycle as we count down the top 100 world cinema movies... 100. Night Watch Year: 2004 Country: Russia Director: Timur Bekmambe

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                                                        Managers and investors alike must understand that accounting numbers is the beginning, not the end, of business valuation. Warren Edward Buffett (born 30 August 1930) is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is currently the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is one of the most successful investors in the world and has a net worth of over $113 billion as of June 20

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                                                            All revolutionaries want their stories told to the world, and no one has conveyed the hopes and dreams of Egyptians more vividly than Alaa Al Aswany. The dentist turned author rose to fame with his 2002 novel, The Yacoubian Building, which charted Egypt’s cultural upheaval and gradual dilapidation since throwing off its colonial shackles. Aswany used his prominence to help found the Kefaya politic

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                                                            • The Onion - Wikipedia

                                                              The Onion is an American digital media company and newspaper organization that publishes satirical articles on international, national, and local news. The company is based in Chicago but originated as a weekly print publication on August 29, 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin.[1] The Onion began publishing online in early 1996. In 2007, they began publishing satirical news audio and video online as the

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                                                                  • The 100 Greatest Movies, Feature | Movies - Empire

                                                                    Some movies change you. The very best films stay with you, they comfort you, they challenge you. There’s impeccable craft, indelible emotion, plots that grip and twist, characters that live long after the final credits. In order to work out the best movies of all time, Empire asked readers to ransack their Blu-ray collections and place their votes for the 100 Greatest Movies – from belting blockbu

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                                                                          25 Aug 2009 17:00Last updated: 6 Mar 2017 20:13 Movies Aliens, The Godfather Part II, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight, Toy Story 2, The Bourne Supremacy, Before Sunset, Superman II , Evil Dead II, X-Men 2, Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan, Batman Returns, Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix Whether

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