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  • The Contestant: Reality TV show saw man live on competition prizes

    In 1998, a Japanese man was stripped naked and left alone in an almost-empty apartment as part of a challenge for a reality TV show. Tomoaki Hamatsu, known as Nasubi, was left with only a pen, some blank postcards, a telephone and rack full of magazines. But he was not there to read. The concept of the show was to see if a human being could survive on competition prizes alone. In order to win the

      The Contestant: Reality TV show saw man live on competition prizes
    • 人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary

      というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「People's Understanding of Inflation」で、著者はAlberto Binetti(ボッコーニ大)、Francesco Nuzzi(ハーバード大)、Stefanie Stantcheva(同)。 以下はその要旨。 This paper studies people's understanding of inflation—their perceived causes, consequences, trade-offs—and the policies supported to mitigate its effects. We design a new, detailed online survey based on the rich existing literature in economics

        人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary
      • Ruby を KOMPO してみた

        RubyKaigi2024 の発表、It’s about time to pack Ruby and Ruby scripts in one binary で話されていた kompo を試してみた。 じゅんびというかとらしゅーというかうごかすまでのきろく とりあえず動かしてみましょう!! $ gem install kompo $ mkdir hello; cd hello; $ echo puts \"hello, world\" > hello.rb $ kompo which: no brew in (/home/katsyoshi/.rbenv/versions/3.3.1/bin:/home/katsyoshi/.rbenv/libexec:/home/katsyoshi/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:/home/katsyoshi/.local/s

        • GenAI Handbook

          William Brown @willccbb | willcb.com v0.1 (June 5, 2024) Introduction This document aims to serve as a handbook for learning the key concepts underlying modern artificial intelligence systems. Given the speed of recent development in AI, there really isn’t a good textbook-style source for getting up-to-speed on the latest-and-greatest innovations in LLMs or other generative models, yet there is an

          • 268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds

            268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds Study consisting of 600 UK and US software engineers finds projects adopting Agile Manifesto practices are 268% more likely to fail than those which do the opposite.Research demonstrates how Agile software project failure rates can be cut 6.5x using a new Impact Engineering methodology.Adopting Impact Engineering could save $115bn

              268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds