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encodingの検索結果1 - 4 件 / 4件

  • UTF-8 の BOM について - 将棋プログラミング

    1.はじめに UTF-8 の文字コードのファイルには、BOM (Byte Order Mark) がある場合とない場合がある。 Unicode の規格では、BOM は、推奨されないが、許容されている。 ja.wikipedia.org 今回、必要があり、色々な OS や言語で、UTF-8 の文字コードのファイルを作成した時、BOM が記録されるか、されないか、を調べた。 2.色々な OS や言語での BOM 2.1 Windows 10, Visual Studio, C++, _wfopen (_tfopen), // Visual Studio 2005 以降 保存 FILE *fp = _wfopen(name, _ L"w, ccs=UTF-8"); if (fp == NULL) { // エラー処理 } fwprintf_s(fp, L"ABC漢字123\n"); fclose

    • Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough

      I'm concerned by the number of times I've heard, "oh, we can do RAG with retriever X, here's the vector search query." Yes, your retriever for a RAG flow should definitely support vector search, since that will let you find documents with similar semantics to a user's query, but vector search is not enough. Your retriever should support a full hybrid search, meaning that it can perform both a vect

        Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough
      • MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5

        A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was released 40.5 years before this post, and is a pretty cool machine especially considering that the hardware is very simple. I

        • Ruby 3.3.3 Released

          Ruby 3.3.3 has been released. This release includes: RubyGems 3.5.11 Bundler 2.5.11 REXML 3.2.8 strscan 3.0.9 --dump=prism_parsetree is replaced by --parser=prism --dump=parsetree Invalid encoding symbols raise SyntaxError instead of EncodingError Memory leak fix in Ripper parsing Bugfixes for YJIT, **{}, Ripper.tokenize, RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary, --with-gmp, and some build environmen
