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gridの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 120件

  • CSS Grid Areas

    A fresh look at the CSS grid template areas and how to take advantage of its full potential today. Jul 20, 2024 CSS Grid support has been widely available since March 2017 in all major browsers. Yet, here we are in 2024, and I still see few people using the grid template areas feature. It’s no surprise that many avoid template areas as making sense of the grid is challenging enough. In this intera

      CSS Grid Areas
    • Grid for layout, Flexbox for components - Ahmad Shadeed

      My brother is a fresh computer engineering graduate and he is currently finishing his internship in front-end development. He learned about both CSS grid and flexbox, but I noticed a pattern that I see a lot on the web. He can’t decide when to use grid or flexbox. For example, he used CSS grid to layout a website header and mentioned that the process wasn’t smooth as he played with grid-column and

        Grid for layout, Flexbox for components - Ahmad Shadeed
      • A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()

        There are a lot of tutorials and guides out there that teach CSS grid in general, and I wrote about it multiple times. However, I noticed that there is a misunderstanding of the minmax() function as most of the articles are generic or don’t provide enough explanation and real-world use-cases. The minmax() is very powerful and useful. For that specific reason, I thought that writing a complete guid

          A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()
        • 2020年版:CSS Grid Layoutの対応ブラウザやベンダープレフィックスについて解説! | Web Design Trends

          TOP > Web制作 > 2020年版:CSS Grid Layoutの対応ブラウザやベンダープレフィックスについて解説! CSS Grid Layoutは、CSSで柔軟にレイアウトを作ることができる便利なレイアウト手法です。 しかし、Flexboxと比べてブラウザ対応が遅れているなど、推奨環境について気になる方も多いのではないでしょうか。 今回は、2020年最新のCSS Grid Layoutのブラウザ対応状況と、必要なベンダープレフィックスについてご紹介したいと思います。 一番分かりやすいCSS Grid Layoutの使い方ガイド CSS Grid Layoutは、CSSによるレイアウト手法の1つです。様々なレイアウトをこれ1つで実装することができます。 ただ、覚えなければならないことも多く、初心者の方にとっては少し難しく感じる... Web Design Trends

            2020年版:CSS Grid Layoutの対応ブラウザやベンダープレフィックスについて解説! | Web Design Trends
          • GitHub - grid-js/gridjs: Advanced table plugin

            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              GitHub - grid-js/gridjs: Advanced table plugin
            • Spacing, grids, and layouts

              The organization of space is key to every great design. Spatial systems, grids, and layouts provide rules that give your designs a consistent rhythm, constrain decision making, and help teams stay aligned. This foundational scaffolding is a requirement for all design systems. In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of defining spatial base units, creating relationship rules with grids, and br

                Spacing, grids, and layouts
              • CSS Gridの使い方を丁寧に解説!爆速でレイアウトを完結させよう! | ZeroPlus Media

                Grid Layoutは、同じくCSSレイアウト技術のFlexboxでは実現できない複雑なレイアウトを効率良く作成できます。しかし理解が難しい概念を含んでいるため、学習を挫折してしまうケースも多いでしょう。 この記事ではCSS Gridに関する他の記事を読んで挫折した場合でも理解できるように、Grid Layoutの使い方を詳しく紹介します。この記事を読めば、Grid Layoutの使い方を正確に理解できるだけでなく、Web制作においてサイトのレイアウトを組むスピードが劇的に向上します。

                  CSS Gridの使い方を丁寧に解説!爆速でレイアウトを完結させよう! | ZeroPlus Media
                • display: contents; とは一体何なのか

                  tailwindcssを途中から導入しはじめたプロジェクトで、contentsクラスを使用している箇所がデザイン崩れを起こしていたので、tailwindcssにおけるcontentsクラスが持っているプロパティdisplay: contents;について調べた。 まとめ記事あるけど、長いのでみんなきっと理解できてない coliss が[CSS]「display: contents;」がすごい便利!ラッパーを使った実装が大きく変わるこれからのテクニックと「すごい便利!」まで言って2018年に解説した記事作ってくれているけど、なかなかボリューミーな記事。 会社の同僚たちが「わからん」言ってたのと、Twitterみても「あとぜ読むぜ」くらいのリアクションしかわかんなかったので、「結局いつ使うねん」だけは、わかるようにまとめてみる。 display: contents; is 何 結論「displ

                    display: contents; とは一体何なのか
                  • CSS Findings From Photoshop Web Version

                    A few weeks ago, Adobe released a web version of Photoshop that is built with the web technologies like WebAssembly, web components, P3 colors, and a lot more. Photoshop was the first professional design app that I learned when I was 14 years old. It was one of the reasons that I became a designer, and eventually a front-end developer. Because of that, I thought it would be interesting to see how

                      CSS Findings From Photoshop Web Version
                    • Printing music with CSS grid

                      Printing music with CSS Grid Too often have I witnessed the improvising musician sweaty-handedly attempting to pinch-zoom an A4 pdf on a tiny mobile screen at the climax of a gig. We need fluid and responsive music rendering for the web! Stephen Band 24 Apr 2024 Music notation should be as accessible and as fluid as text is, on the web; that it is not, yet, is something of an afront to my sensibil

                      • 1次元の場合でも flex-shrink, flex-grow が必要なら CSS Grid でもいいんじゃない? - Qiita

                        1次元の場合でも flex-shrink, flex-grow が必要なら CSS Grid でもいいんじゃない?CSS 「1次元なら Flexbox, 2次元なら CSS Grid」 のように Flexbox と CSS Grid を使い分けると考えている人は多いのではないでしょうか? じつは、1次元であっても、中身の文字列等の幅に関係ない(つまり 幅 が hug contents じゃない) 要素が含まれるときには、 Flexbox で書くよりも CSS Grid のほうが簡潔になる場合があります。 たとえば、「左側は幅固定で、右側はあまった幅を埋める (ともに中身に左右されない)」のように領域を左右に分ける場合です。 (CodeSandbox のプレビュー画面のサイズを変化させると、左側領域の幅は変わらず、右側だけが変わっていることが分かります。) 1. Flexbox で実装する

                          1次元の場合でも flex-shrink, flex-grow が必要なら CSS Grid でもいいんじゃない? - Qiita
                        • CSS Grid Cheat Sheet Illustrated in 2021🎖️

                          Joy Shaheb Posted on Mar 4, 2021 • Updated on Jun 11, 2021 • Originally published at freecodecamp.org Today we're gonna learn CSS Grid properties so that you can make your own responsive sites. I'll explain how each of Grid's properties work along with a CheatSheet that covers everything you can do with Grid. Let's Go 🎖️ Table of Contents : Grid Architecture Parent Properties grid-template-column

                            CSS Grid Cheat Sheet Illustrated in 2021🎖️
                          • CSS Layout Generator

                            A CSS Grid generator & CSS Flexbox generator. A tool for generating UI layout component code.

                              CSS Layout Generator
                            • CSS Nite LP64「Coder's High 2019」フォローアップ(4)鹿野 壮さん、松下 絵梨さん|CSS Nite公式サイト

                              CSS Nite LP64「Coder's High 2019」フォローアップ(4)鹿野 壮さん、松下 絵梨さん 記事公開日:2020年1月 2日(木) 2019年10月19日に大崎ブライトコアホールで開催したCSS Nite LP64「Coder's High 2019」のフォローアップとして、鹿野 壮さん(ICS)、松下 絵梨さん(ツキアカリ)の『デザイナーとコーダーをつなぐ、Adobe XDを用いたモダンなウェブ制作』セッションのスライドなどを公開します。 スライド(PDF)デモファイル動画 2019年10月19日開催のCSS Nite LP64で「デザイナーとコーダーをつなぐ、Adobe XDを用いたモダンなウェブ制作」セッションを担当した松下・鹿野です。今回はご参加ありがとうございました! アンケートでは「XDの便利な使い方を知れてよかった」「ダークモード対応について初めて知った

                                CSS Nite LP64「Coder's High 2019」フォローアップ(4)鹿野 壮さん、松下 絵梨さん|CSS Nite公式サイト
                              • Grid Cheatsheet

                                All text content belongs to W3C CSS Grid Specification, I only added interactive demos

                                  Grid Cheatsheet
                                • Introducing CSS Grid Inspector

                                  CSS Grid Layout is a web-standard layout system used to define a grid structure of rows and columns in CSS. HTML elements can then be distributed to the resulting grid cells to achieve a flexible and predictable layout. This layout system is highly capable, but using it requires a shift away from the mental models of the past. When the grid definition itself is not visible (only its effects on the

                                    Introducing CSS Grid Inspector
                                  • Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS | CSS-Tricks

                                    I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style layout, instead of just popping a list of our favorite blogs in the sidebar. The easy part was grabbing a list of posts with excerpts from our favorite RSS feeds. For that, we used a WordPress plugin, Feedzy lite, which can aggregate multiple feeds

                                      Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS | CSS-Tricks
                                    • デザイン名著をよみとく #1 ヨゼフ・ミューラー=ブロックマン『グリッドシステム』 | デザインのよみかた

                                      はじめに 中村 こんばんは。年末のお忙しいなか、お集まりくださりありがとうございます。今日と明後日、ともに似たようなかたちの講座となります。この秋に邦訳が発刊されたヨゼフ・ミューラー=ブロックマン『グリッドシステム —— グラフィックデザインのために※1』、それからエミール・ルーダー『タイポグラフィ —— タイポグラフィ的造形の手引き※2』、この二冊それぞれを「よみとく」という趣旨で、大林さんと私でお話ししてゆきます。 どちらもモダンタイポグラフィにおける名著、そして古典とされている書籍です。どちらも20世紀半ばにそのスタイルを確立し、活躍した人物のもの。それが数十年のタイムラグを経て、今回、日本語版が刊行されたという経緯があります。もちろん、そのあいだも原書が売れ続けています。それがなぜか?その理由を紐解いてゆくのがこの講座の趣旨となります。ともすれば巷にあふれるデザインのハウトゥー本と

                                        デザイン名著をよみとく #1 ヨゼフ・ミューラー=ブロックマン『グリッドシステム』 | デザインのよみかた
                                      • GitHub - revolist/revogrid: Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from excel plus incredible performance 🔋

                                        Millions of cells viewport with a powerful core in-build by default; Keyboard support with excel like focus; Super light initial starter . Can be imported with polifill or as module for modern browsers; Intelligent Virtual DOM and smart rgRow recombination in order to achieve less redraws; Sorting (multiple options, can be customized per column and advanced with events); Filtering Predefined syste

                                          GitHub - revolist/revogrid: Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from excel plus incredible performance 🔋
                                        • CSS Animated Grid Layouts  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                          CSS Animated Grid Layouts Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. In CSS Grid, the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties allow you to define line names and track sizing of grid columns and rows, respectively. Supporting interpolation for these properties allows grid layouts to smoothly transition between states, instead of snapping a

                                          • Page Redirection

                                            If you are not redirected automatically, follow this link.

                                              Page Redirection
                                            • 【CSS グリッドレイアウト】display: gridの使い方

                                              今回はCSSのグリッドレイアウト(display: grid)の使い方を解説していきます。 グリッドレイアウトを利用すると、要素を格子状に並べて自由に配置することができるので、レイアウトを組むのにとても便利です。 CSSグリッドレイアウト(display: grid)とは? Grid Layout(display: grid)は、CSSでレイアウトを組む手法の1つで、要素を格子状に並べて配置することができます。 Grid Layoutでは列数と行数をあらかじめ指定し、水平線と垂直線が交差してできたエリアにアイテムを配置していくことでレイアウトを組んでいきます。 ■(参考)列数を3、行数を4と指定し、1番左上のエリアにアイテムを配置させている例 「display: grid」が指定された要素をグリッドコンテナ、その子要素となる要素をグリッドアイテムと呼びます。

                                                【CSS グリッドレイアウト】display: gridの使い方
                                              • Grids

                                                The educational project about grids which Obys uses every day with unusual storytelling.

                                                • Positioning Overlay Content with CSS Grid | CSS-Tricks

                                                  Not news to any web developer in 2021: CSS Grid is an incredibly powerful tool for creating complex, distinct two-dimensional modern web layouts. Recently, I have been experimenting with CSS Grid and alignment properties to create component layouts that contain multiple overlapping elements. These layouts could be styled using absolute positioning and a mix of offset values (top, right, bottom, le

                                                    Positioning Overlay Content with CSS Grid | CSS-Tricks
                                                  • An Auto-Filling CSS Grid With Max Columns of a Minimum Size | CSS-Tricks

                                                    Within Drupal 10 core, we’re implementing a new auto-filling CSS Grid technique that I think is cool enough to share with the world. The requirements are: The user specifies a maximum number of columns. This is the auto-filling grid’s “natural” state.If a grid cell goes under a user-specified width, the auto-filling grid will readjust itself and decrease the number of columns.The grid cells should

                                                      An Auto-Filling CSS Grid With Max Columns of a Minimum Size | CSS-Tricks
                                                    • Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid

                                                      Most designers are familiar with responsive design, a column-based layout approach with fixed breakpoints to cover all screen sizes. However, we can move beyond the rigid structure with modern CSS layouts, crafting flexible and dynamic designs that seamlessly adjust to different screen sizes. Designers and developers having different mental models when discussing layout, especially grid, leads to

                                                        Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid
                                                      • Learn Box Alignment

                                                        Are you ready to learn how box alignment works for CSS Grid and Flexbox? This article is for you. Start LearningInteractive Demo IntroductionWe have a table and four plates. Throughout this article, we will learn how to align the plates differently for our guests by using Flexbox and Grid. Make sure you’re not hungry when reading this. ;) Plates SizeTo start, I added a width and height for the pla

                                                          Learn Box Alignment
                                                        • Euismod

                                                          Learn about css grid in a quick, easy, and interactive way!

                                                          • インタフェースデザインにおけるグリッドの利用

                                                            グリッドを利用することで、デザイナーはまとまりのあるレイアウトを作成できるようになり、エンドユーザーは流し読みしやすくなってインタフェースが使いやすくなる。優れたグリッドは、さまざまな画面サイズや向きに適応して、プラットフォーム間の一貫性を保ってくれる。 Using Grids in Interface Designs by Kelley Gordon on July 17, 2022 日本語版2022年12月5日公開 ニューヨークに行って通りを歩いたことがある人なら、街の作りが格子(グリッド)状になっているおかげで、ある場所から別の場所に移動する方法を見つけることはさほど難しくない。街が格子状になっているとわかっていることで地元の人も観光客もあちこち移動しやすいのと同じように、Webページのグリッドはユーザーとデザイナー両方のガイドになる構造を提供してくれる。グリッドが一貫した基準点にな

                                                            • gridless.design

                                                              historydesignersdevelopersaboutget rid of grid“Blasphemy, I need structure and order!” The web is good at these things, just not in the ways that designers have been accustomed to working. We'll take a look at how we got here and how we might change our perspective. Let's think outside of the grid and allow other guidelines to provide a comprehensive layout. History of the design grid Back to top

                                                              • CSS { In Real Life } | Building a Scrapbook Layout with CSS Grid

                                                                My son was recently tasked with the responsibility of looking after his pre-school class teddy bear for the week, which comes with the obligation to take said teddy bear out on adventures and add your memories to a scrapbook. I quite enjoyed creating this scrapbook layout, and it got me thinking about how I would build something like this with CSS Grid! Compound grids Andy Clarke delivered a fanta

                                                                  CSS { In Real Life } | Building a Scrapbook Layout with CSS Grid
                                                                • Building a hexagonal grid using CSS grid

                                                                  Author Jesse Breneman Published on November 15, 2019 I've been chasing the idea of using (abusing?) CSS grid to build a interconnected hexagonal grid, where each hexagon fits together seamlessly. An example of this would be a lot of tabletop war games, some board games (Settlers of Catan, for instance), and some computer games (I used to play The Battle for Wesnoth, it uses a system like this). He

                                                                    Building a hexagonal grid using CSS grid
                                                                  • Learn CSS Subgrid

                                                                    Even though CSS grid is one of the greatest additions to CSS, it was lacking one important thing, which is to make an element inherit the columns or rows from its parent. CSS subgrid can help us in doing that. It has been requested for years and now that both Firefox and Safari Technology Preview support it, I thought about giving it a chance. In this article, I will try to highlight the problem t

                                                                      Learn CSS Subgrid
                                                                    • An alternative proposal for CSS masonry  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                      The Chrome team is keen to see an implementation of masonry type layouts on the web. However, we feel that implementing it as part of the CSS Grid specification as proposed in the recent WebKit post would be a mistake. We also feel that the WebKit post argued against a version of masonry that no one was proposing. Therefore, this post aims to explain why we at Chrome have concerns about implementi

                                                                        An alternative proposal for CSS masonry  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
                                                                      • Techniques for a Newspaper Layout with CSS Grid and Border Lines Between Elements | CSS-Tricks

                                                                        Techniques for a Newspaper Layout with CSS Grid and Border Lines Between Elements I recently had to craft a newspaper-like design that featured multiple row and column spans with divider lines in between them. Take a look at the mockup graphic here and see if it makes you sweat at all. If you’re like me, you have been around a while and know just how difficult this would have been with old layout

                                                                          Techniques for a Newspaper Layout with CSS Grid and Border Lines Between Elements | CSS-Tricks
                                                                        • How I made Google’s data grid scroll 10x faster with one line of CSS

                                                                          In my company, we use Google Search Console to check indexing status and optimize visibility of our websites. You can also check which external websites link to your page, and as I was browsing the “Top linking sites” page I noticed major scroll lag. This happens when choosing to display a larger dataset (500 rows) instead of the default 10 results. The “Top linking sites” section in Google Search

                                                                            How I made Google’s data grid scroll 10x faster with one line of CSS
                                                                          • Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid | Frontend Horse | Creative Web Development

                                                                            Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid Featuring Andy Barefoot The support of CSS Grid in modern browsers has opened up layout possibilities like never before. We can create more complex designs with fewer elements than we could with Flexbox alone. But when you think of CSS Grid, you generally think of a boxy layout, right? Some of the layouts on Rachel Andrew’s excellent Grid by Example. Andy Bar

                                                                              Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid | Frontend Horse | Creative Web Development
                                                                            • https://www.terrier.dev/blog/2019/20191204000000-css-grid-z-index/

                                                                              • Top 10 React Grid components and libraries for 2023 - LogRocket Blog

                                                                                Editor’s note: This article was last updated by Fimber Elemuwa on 24 April 2023 to include information about the React Virtualized, Griddle, and React Data Grid libraries. For more React articles, check out How to build a tree grid component in React, or The top React table libraries. Most developers today use React grid libraries and components to effectively create responsive grid layouts in the

                                                                                  Top 10 React Grid components and libraries for 2023 - LogRocket Blog
                                                                                • CSS Grid Mastery Quiz

                                                                                  Learn how CSS Grid works through a number of CSS Grid questions!

                                                                                    CSS Grid Mastery Quiz