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leaの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 70件

  • Java並行処理プログラミング ―その「基盤」と「最新API」を究める― : Brian Goetz, Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea : 本 : Amazon.co.jp

      Java並行処理プログラミング ―その「基盤」と「最新API」を究める― : Brian Goetz, Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea : 本 : Amazon.co.jp
    • Doug Lea の malloc (dlmalloc) - bkブログ

      Doug Lea の malloc (dlmalloc) 小さなオブジェクトを大量に new しまくるプログラムを C++ で書いたところ、処理時間の多くが malloc() に費やされていることがわかりました。このような場合、自前でメモリ管理を行って最適化するという方法がありますが、なかなか大変です。 そこで、安易に高速な malloc に置き換えてみようということで、 Doug Lea の malloc (通称 dlmalloc) の最新版を試してみました。 dlmalloc の使い方 dlmalloc は 1ファイルをダウンロードしてビルドすれば使えます。次のように実行すると共有ライブラリ libdlmalloc.so を作れます。現時点でのバージョンは 2.8.3 でした。 % wget ftp://g.oswego.edu/pub/misc/malloc.c % gcc -O2

      • HOM55 on Twitter: "小泉進次郎(38歳)が初の外遊に際し「環境大臣の中でも、おそらく世界の中でも最年少でしょう」と言い若者アピール。 本当に最年少なの?と思い調べたら、デンマークには1985年生まれ34歳の環境大臣Lea Wermelinさんが存在。… https://t.co/3a4vHKW0zO"

        小泉進次郎(38歳)が初の外遊に際し「環境大臣の中でも、おそらく世界の中でも最年少でしょう」と言い若者アピール。 本当に最年少なの?と思い調べたら、デンマークには1985年生まれ34歳の環境大臣Lea Wermelinさんが存在。… https://t.co/3a4vHKW0zO

          HOM55 on Twitter: "小泉進次郎(38歳)が初の外遊に際し「環境大臣の中でも、おそらく世界の中でも最年少でしょう」と言い若者アピール。 本当に最年少なの?と思い調べたら、デンマークには1985年生まれ34歳の環境大臣Lea Wermelinさんが存在。… https://t.co/3a4vHKW0zO"
        • Java並行処理プログラミング —その「基盤」と「最新API」を究める— Brian Goetz, Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea, 岩谷 宏(訳) 復刊リクエスト投票

          Javaにおけるマルチスレッドプログラミングに関する技術書。 以下Amazonより抜粋 -------------------------------------- 並行処理の基盤と最新APIを究める! java.util.concurrentを駆使した豊富なプログラムと親しみやすい解説文で、難解といわれるマルチスレッドプログラムを、安全でスケーラブルに書くために必要なコンセプトとテクニックが身につきます。 --------------------------------------

            Java並行処理プログラミング —その「基盤」と「最新API」を究める— Brian Goetz, Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea, 岩谷 宏(訳) 復刊リクエスト投票
          • Awesomplete: Ultra lightweight, highly customizable, simple autocomplete, by Lea Verou

            2KB minified & gzipped! Ultra lightweight, customizable, simple autocomplete widget with zero dependencies, built with modern standards for modern browsers. Because <datalist> still doesn’t cut it. Demo (no JS, minimal options) Pick a programming language: Note that by default you need to type at least 2 characters for the popup to show up, though that’s super easy to customize. With Awesomplete,

            • Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned • Lea Verou

              Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned Chinese translation by Coink Wang Now that optional chaining is supported across the board, I decided to finally refactor Mavo to use it (yes, yes, we do provide a transpiled version as well for older browsers, settle down). This is a moment I have been waiting for a long time, as I think optional chaining is the single most subs

              • Lea Verouのフレシキブルな複数行定義リスト

                Lea Verouの編み出したフレキシブルな複数行定義リストは目からウロコだった。このテクニックを知るまではfloatを使うと長い時(コンテンツ幅に収まらない時)に途中で改行とかうまくできないけどまぁしょうがないか……みたいな感じで我慢していた。LF(やCR)を擬似要素経由で挿入してwhite-space: preで改行させてしまうというのは頭良い。ただ複数のdd要素を持つケースにはうまく対応できないのでちょっと変えて使い始めた。 このテクニックはつまりdt要素とそれとセットになったdd要素を一行に並べるというもの。表的なものならばそれは単にマークアップが間違っているのでtable要素でマークアップし直した方が適切だけど、dl要素のが適切なケースも多くあるのでこのテクニックが生かされる場面は多い。 dt, dd { display: inline; } dd + dt:before { c

                  Lea Verouのフレシキブルな複数行定義リスト
                • Flexible multiline definition lists with 2 lines of CSS 2.1 • Lea Verou

                  If you’ve used definition lists (<dl>) you’re aware of the problem. By default, <dt>s and <dd>s have display:block. In order to turn them into what we want in most cases (each pair of term and definition on one line) we usually employ a number of different techniques: Using a different <dl> for each pair: Style dictating markup, which is bad Floats: Not flexible display: run-in; on the <dt>: Brows

                  • 広島のうさぎ島は予想以上に混雑する観光スポットになっていました。 - lea2usagiの日記

                    一度は行きたかった 広島のうさぎ島(大久野島)🐇🏝️ 念願叶って行くことができました。 数ヶ月前から うさぎ島の様子を伝えていらっしゃる方の ブログを拝見させて頂いており とても楽しみにしていました。 (温かい素敵なブログです。 うさぎ島のうさぎさん達を大切に想っている感じが伝わってきます(*^^*)) うさぎ島の事前勉強をしつつ うさぎさん達に会いに行って来たのですが 予想以上の混雑でびっくりしました。 連休だったこともあると思いますが、 外国人(アジア系の方が多かったかも‥)の 観光客の勢いが強い感じがしました。 子供さん連れが多くて、 うさぎさんとの接し方をポスターを読み上げながら、 きちんと教えている、素晴らしいお母さんもいれば・・・ 子供がうさぎを追いかけても ほったらかしのお父さんお母さんも・・・ うさぎさん達のために マナーを守れない場合は 立ち入り禁止。 そのくらいの厳

                      広島のうさぎ島は予想以上に混雑する観光スポットになっていました。 - lea2usagiの日記
                    • jQuery CollagePlus - an image gallery plugin by Ed Lea

                      An image gallery plugin for jQuery Download .zip Download .tar.gz View on GitHub This plugin for jQuery will arrange your images to fit exactly within a container. You can define the padding between images, give the images css borders and define a target row height. Example: Play with a live example on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/edlea/uZv3n/ or take a look at the demo Basic Usage // example HTM

                      • Pure CSS scrolling shadows with background-attachment: local • Lea Verou

                        A few days ago, the incredibly talented Roman Komarov posted an experiment of his with pure CSS “scrolling shadows”. If you’re using Google Reader, you are probably familiar with the effect: In Roman’s experiment, he is using absolutely positioned pseudoelements to cover the shadows (which are basically radial gradients as background images), taking advantage of the fact that when you scroll a scr

                        • Pure CSS3 typing animation with steps() • Lea Verou

                          steps() is a relatively new addition to the CSS3 animations module. Instead of interpolating the values smoothly, it allows us to define the number of “frames” precisely. So I used it to create headers that have the well-known animated “typing effect”: As you can see, the number of characters is hardcoded in the steps() function, but that’s the only place. Everything else is totally flexible. Apar

                          • jQuery CollagePlus - an image gallery plugin by Ed Lea

                            An image gallery plugin for jQuery Download .zip Download .tar.gz View on GitHub This plugin for jQuery will arrange your images to fit exactly within a container. You can define the padding between images, give the images css borders and define a target row height. Example: Play with a live example on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/edlea/uZv3n/ or take a look at the demo Basic Usage // example HTM

                            • iOS 6 switch style checkboxes with pure CSS • Lea Verou

                              I recently found myself looking at the Tools switch in Espresso: Not because I was going to use it (I rarely do), but because I started wondering what would be the best way to replicate this effect in CSS. I set on to create something that adhered to the following rules: It should be keyboard accessible It should work in as many browsers as possible and degrade gracefully to a plain checkbox in th

                              • CSSシークレット ―47のテクニックでCSSを自在に操る : Lea Verou, 牧野 聡 : 本 : Amazon

                                  CSSシークレット ―47のテクニックでCSSを自在に操る : Lea Verou, 牧野 聡 : 本 : Amazon
                                • Home • Lea Verou

                                  Hi, I’m Lea and I love making things. Ι design new web technologies, and tools used by millions of developers. As a W3C TAG member, I review web technology proposals to ensure they benefit the Web. I’ve done HCI research at MIT on democratizing web development, earning me a PhD. I speak, teach, and write, including a bestselling book with O’Reilly, dubbed “Best CSS book”. I often blog about all th

                                  • A Pen by Lea Verou

                                    About HTML Preprocessors HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions Adding Classes In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body> tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-

                                      A Pen by Lea Verou
                                    • LCH colors in CSS: what, why, and how? • Lea Verou

                                      I was always interested in color science. In 2014, I gave a talk about CSS Color 4 at various conferences around the world called “The Chroma Zone”. Even before that, in 2009, I wrote a color picker that used a hidden Java applet to support ICC color profiles to do CMYK properly, a first on the Web at the time (to my knowledge). I never released it, but it sparked this angry rant. Color is also ho

                                      • Checkerboard, striped & other background patterns with CSS3 gradients • Lea Verou

                                        Checkerboard, striped & other background patterns with CSS3 gradients You’re probably familiar with CSS3 gradients by now, including the closer to the standard Mozilla syntax and the ugly verbose Webkit one. I assume you know how to add multiple color stops, make your gradients angled or create radial gradients. What you might not be aware of, is that CSS3 gradients can be used to create many kind

                                        • Cleanest CSS spinner, ever • Lea Verou

                                          For some reason, I seem to have a fascination with CSS loaders these days. After recreating the Google loader with clean CSS recently, I set off to recreate the classic spinner with CSS. Yes, I know this has been done zillions of times, but I wanted a clean, maintainable, reusable solution, not just a proof of concept. Something with not tons of CSS and/or HTML elements. I managed to recreate it w

                                          • 広島うさぎ島レポート ~うさぎのために私が出来る事が思いつけなくて、ふるさと納税まで考えた~ - lea2usagiの日記

                                            広島うさぎ島レポート 気付いたら全7回になっていました 数時間うさぎ島を訪れただけなのに 私の頭の中は1週間うさぎ島依存症です 1週間、明桜のブログをお休みしていることにも気付きました 旅先で動物に会う度に 明桜の影が薄くなっていたら 動物ブログになりそうな気がします 「こっちみてほしいよ・・・」 明桜(あさ)くん、への字口ですね😢 ほったらかしにしてごめんなさい 今回でレポートおしまいなので、 少しだけ待ってね。 うさぎ島のうさぎのために何か出来ないか 現実的なところで 「ふるさと納税」 を思いつきましたが そもそも 集められた税金の使途は? うさぎ島のある広島県竹原市のふるさと税金の使い道を調べましたところ 1.平成30年西日本豪雨 2.「ひとにやさしいふるさとづくり」 3.「竹原の資源を活かしたふるさとづくり」 4.「魅力あふれるふるさとづくり」 これだと、わからないので💦 市役

                                              広島うさぎ島レポート ~うさぎのために私が出来る事が思いつけなくて、ふるさと納税まで考えた~ - lea2usagiの日記
                                            • Inline conditionals in CSS? • Lea Verou

                                              Last week, the CSS WG resolved to add an inline if() to CSS. But what does that mean, and why is it exciting? Last week, we had a CSS WG face-to-face meeting in A Coruña, Spain. There is one resolution from that meeting that I’m particularly excited about: the consensus to add an inline if() to CSS. While I was not the first to propose an inline conditional syntax, I did try and scope down the var

                                              • JS private class fields considered harmful • Lea Verou

                                                Today I mourn. What am I mourning? Encapsulation. At least in my projects. As a library author, I’ve decided to avoid private class fields from now on and gradually refactor them out of my existing libraries. Why did I make such a drastic decision? It all started a few days ago, when I was building a Vue 3 app that used Color.js Color objects. For context, Vue 3 uses proxies to implement its react

                                                • Easily center text vertically, with SVG! • Lea Verou

                                                  These days, we have a number of different ways to vertically align text in a container of variable dimensions: Table display modes Flexbox inline-block hacks Wrapping the text in an extra element and absolutely positioning it …and probably many others I’m forgetting However, often comes a time when neither is suitable, so here I am, adding yet another option to the list. Of course, it comes with i

                                                  • jQuery considered harmful • Lea Verou

                                                    Heh, I always wanted to do one of those “X considered harmful” posts*. :D Before I start, let me say that I think jQuery has helped tremendously to move the Web forward. It gave developers power to do things that were previously unthinkable, and pushed the browser manufacturers to implement these things natively (without jQuery we probably wouldn’t have document.querySelectorAll now). And jQuery i

                                                    • Amazon.co.jp: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English: Lea, Diana: 本

                                                        Amazon.co.jp: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English: Lea, Diana: 本
                                                      • CSS Animations with only one keyframe • Lea Verou

                                                        This is a very quick tip, about a pet peeve of mine in almost every CSS animation I see. As you may know, I’m a sucker for reducing the amount of code (as long as it remains human readable of course). I demonstrated a very similar example in my “CSS in the 4th dimension” talk, but I recently realized I never blogged about it (or seen anyone else do so). Lets assume you have a simple animation of a

                                                        • Flexible Google-style loader with CSS • Lea Verou

                                                          So, for a while I had noticed the nice sutble loader Google apps use and I was wondering if it would be easy to make with CSS and CSS animations: Yesterday, I realised that you can get this effect by increasing border size until about the middle of the element, as long as the total width stays the same (by using box-sizing: border-box): However, as you can see above, after the midpoint, the border

                                                          • ミッフィーグッツ~懸賞にハマった頃に私が獲得したものと参考にならないコツ~ - lea2usagiの日記

                                                            ミッフィーグッツを見つけると なんだか欲しくなってしまいます。 上の大きいトートバックは 明桜のお掃除グッツが入っています。 うさぎがいると、 うさぎグッツが欲しくなる。 我が子が思い浮かぶようなグッツがあると ついつい、愛しくて欲しくなる。 きっと、 皆さま同じなのではないかなぁと思います。 グッツがあるだけで癒されるし、 嬉しくなってしまいますよね。 お年頃である10代の頃は、 シンプルなものが好きで 可愛らしいキャラクターものは 「子供じゃないもんっ」 と、子供らしく背伸びをしていました。 今となっては ”自分に似合うか”に関しては目をつむり ”好きなものに囲まれる幸せ”を 素直に求めるようになりました。 つい、好きなものを見ると 客観的な判断がすっ飛びます。 他人様が見て堪えられない程に度が過ぎないてはいないかと(笑) 少し心配なので、止めてもらえるように 周りにお願いしておこうと

                                                              ミッフィーグッツ~懸賞にハマった頃に私が獲得したものと参考にならないコツ~ - lea2usagiの日記
                                                            • 新オープン マラサダドーナツ&岡山発上陸 フルフルボトルドリンク Lea Lea BOX(レアレアボックス) : Eternal Rose (エターナルローズ)

                                                              ご高覧いただきまして、ありがとうございます。 岡山ランチ 岡山グルメ 記事の内容は、現在のお店の詳細とは限りませんので、 出かける前にお店に確認してください。 ​新しいお店情報教えてくださいね。 食べログ      https://tabelog.com/rvwr/001238991/ Facebook     https://www.facebook.com/artemis.brilliant Twitter     https://twitter.com/xxx_artemis_xxx​ このブログで使用しているアルテミス個人の写真、イラスト、文章の著作権及び肖像権は、全てブログ主(アルテミス)が有します。 このブログに掲載のアルテミス個人の記事、文章、写真、イラスト、図表等の、無断での使用、転載、複製、改変、頒布等を禁止します。 Copyright (C) 2011 Artemis

                                                                新オープン マラサダドーナツ&岡山発上陸 フルフルボトルドリンク Lea Lea BOX(レアレアボックス) : Eternal Rose (エターナルローズ)
                                                              • Image comparison slider with pure CSS • Lea Verou

                                                                As a few of you know, I have been spending a good part of this year writing a book for O’Reilly called “CSS Secrets” (preorder here!). I wanted to include a “secret” about the various uses of the resize property, as it’s one of my favorite underdogs, since it rarely gets any love. However, just mentioning the typical use case of improving the UX of text fields didn’t feel like enough of a secret a

                                                                • Gaelynn Lea: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

                                                                  Gaelynn Lea, the winner of NPR's second annual Tiny Desk Contest, makes music like nobody else. Her sounds are steeped in the deep melodies of great Irish fiddle tunes, but her performance and singing style aren't traditional. More than 6,000 artists submitted videos in which they performed an original song behind a desk of their choosing with the hope of winning a chance to play a Tiny Desk conce

                                                                    Gaelynn Lea: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
                                                                  • Responsive tables, revisited • Lea Verou

                                                                    Many people have explored responsive tables. The usual idea is turning the table into key-value pairs so that cells become rows and there are only 2 columns total, which fit in any screen. However, this means table headers need to now be repeated for every row. The current ways to do that are: Duplicating content in CSS or via a data-* attribute, using generated content to insert it before every r

                                                                    • Leaving W3C • Lea Verou

                                                                      About a year ago, I announced I was joining W3C as a full-time staff member, to work on Developer Relations and education. Working at W3C was a dream come true and I can’t say I was disappointed. Over the past year I’ve worked with some amazingly brilliant people, hopefully increased awareness for web standards in the developer community and helped materialize the vision behind WebPlatform.org. It

                                                                      • Slanted tabs with CSS 3D transforms • Lea Verou

                                                                        Not sure if I’m the first to come up with this idea, but I searched and didn’t find anything. So, for a long time, I was wondering if there’s an easy way to create trapezoid shapes in CSS, especially with borders etc. Eventually, I realized that I could use a pseudo-element for the background and 3D rotate it, so that it appears like a trapezoid. Then @krofdrakula suggested on twitter that I could

                                                                        • Amazon.co.jp: Oxford Learner's Thesaurus Paperback with CD-ROM: Diana Lea: 本

                                                                            Amazon.co.jp: Oxford Learner's Thesaurus Paperback with CD-ROM: Diana Lea: 本
                                                                          • GitHub - ed-lea/jquery-collagePlus: Create an image gallery like Google+ Albums

                                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                              GitHub - ed-lea/jquery-collagePlus: Create an image gallery like Google+ Albums
                                                                            • Text masking — The standards way • Lea Verou

                                                                              As much as I like .net magazine, I was recently outraged by their “Texturizing Web Type” article. It features a way to apply a texture to text with -webkit-mask-image, presenting it as an experimental CSS property and misleading readers. There are even -moz-, -o- and -ms- prefixes for something that is not present in any specification, and is therefore unlikely to ever be supported by any non-WebK

                                                                              • The failed promise of Web Components • Lea Verou

                                                                                Web Components had so much potential to empower HTML to do more, and make web development more accessible to non-programmers and easier for programmers. Remember how exciting it was every time we got new shiny HTML elements that actually do stuff? Remember how exciting it was to be able to do sliders, color pickers, dialogs, disclosure widgets straight in the HTML, without having to include any wi

                                                                                • Can we get rid of gradient prefixes? • Lea Verou

                                                                                  I recently realized that unprefixed gradients finally propagated to stable Chrome, and after tweeting about it, I decided to do some research on which browsers support unprefixed gradients, and what percentage of users needs them. Currently, unprefixed gradients are supported in: Chrome 26+ Firefox 16+ Opera 12.10+ IE10+ Lets have a look at which prefixes we actually need to use for gradients toda