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  • Industry Data Models

    Click here for our new Courses on Database Design and Data Modelling. This page shows a list of our Industry-specific Data Models in 50 categories that cover Subject Areas and are used to create Enterprise Data Models. Here is an alphabetical list all of our 1,400+ Data Models. Click here to see where our Models are used. We have written a Short downloadable Tutorial on creating a Data Warehouse u

    • Full Text, Full Archive RSS Feeds for any Blog

      RSS and ATOM feeds are problematic (for our use-cases) for two reasons; 1) lack of history, 2) contain limited post content. We built some open-source software to fix that. If you are reading this blog post via a 3rd party source it is very likely that many parts of it will not render correctly. Please view the post on dogesec.com for the full interactive viewing experience. If you prefer, you can

        Full Text, Full Archive RSS Feeds for any Blog
      • Data Models

        Click here for our new Courses on Database Design and Data Modelling. This page shows a list of our Industry-specific Data Models in 50 categories that cover Subject Areas and are used to create Enterprise Data Models. Here is an alphabetical list all of our 1,800+ Data Models . Click here to see where our Models are used. We have written a Short downloadable Tutorial on creating a Data Warehouse

        • 【UI生成】AIツール「v0」で始めるスマートな資料作成&Webデザイン|AI-Bridge Lab こば

          👋こんにちは!AI-Bridge Labのこばです。最近、AIとチャットしながらUIや資料の可視化ができるツールの進化が目覚ましく、特にWeb開発の分野では大きな変化が起きています。 一瞬でUI生成してくれるAI #v0 (@v0 )に画像添付してプレビューに反映できるのが本当に素晴らしいですね! これなら打合せの時にでもあっという間にプロダクトデザインが作れてしまうスピード感です🚀 ClaudeのArtifactに慣れている方ならすぐに使いこなせるはずです v0に与えた画像と指示は返信欄 pic.twitter.com/c3qkjU2OY1 — こば@AIBridge Lab (@doerstokyo342) August 25, 2024 今回は、Vercelが提供する画期的なAIツール「v0(ブイゼロ)」について、その特徴や使い方、活用事例をご紹介します。v0を使えば、コーディン

            【UI生成】AIツール「v0」で始めるスマートな資料作成&Webデザイン|AI-Bridge Lab こば