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realdonaldtrump truth social accountの検索結果1 - 3 件 / 3件

  • X(旧Twitter)がトランプ元大統領のデータ引き渡し要求を順守しなかったとして5000万円の罰金を科される

    現地時間の2023年8月9日に公開された(PDFファイル)法廷文書から、2023年初頭に連邦判事が旧Twitterを法廷侮辱罪で訴えていたことが明らかになりました。これにより、Xは35万ドル(約5000万円)の罰金を科されています。 Twitter held in contempt, fined $350K over Trump data delay | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/08/twitter-held-in-contempt-fined-350k-over-trump-data-delay/ Special counsel obtained search warrant for Donald Trump’s Twitter account - POLITICO https://www.politic

    • US elections : Trump heads for Pennsylvania, boasting of ‘big red wave’ Biden and Obama stump together in Michigan today | by Mtsgymwx | Oct, 2020 | Medium

      US elections : Trump heads for Pennsylvania, boasting of ‘big red wave’ Biden and Obama stump together in Michigan today As Donald Trump heads to Pennsylvania today, Joe Biden and Barack Obama will campaign together in Michigan. The pair will hold a drive-in event in Flint, which will begin shortly, and then head to Detroit, for another drive-in rally, set to begin at 5.30pm. Stevie Wonder is sche

      • Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit

        Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit Trump falsely claims Harris used AI to fake rally crowd 05:28 Former President Donald Trump on Sunday falsely claimed Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign lied about a crowd attending her Aug. 7 rally in Detroit, Michigan. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said a photo of the crowd was created using artificial intelligence and

          Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit