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41 - 80 件 / 255件

新着順 人気順

startup companyの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 255件

  • Japan’s SmartNews was growing fast in the U.S. What went wrong?

    Japanese news aggregator SmartNews was on the rise in the U.S., with a $2 billion valuation and a mission to fix the polarization of political news.In 2023, its American expansion came to a staggering halt, with 40% of the U.S. staff laid off and the departure of Ken Suzuki as CEO last month.Former employees say Suzuki's unconventional leadership, including a preoccupation with the American far-ri

      Japan’s SmartNews was growing fast in the U.S. What went wrong?
    • 半導体開発で、久しぶりにXの投稿で盛り上がったので、記録に残します。 - Vengineerの戯言

      はじめに 昨日、お昼に、大宮公園の梅園にて、梅を見ながら、南インド料理を堪能しているときに、Xの投稿した下記の内容が久しぶりに盛り上がったので記録として残します。 1989年からお仕事で 半導体開発やってきて 35年経ちますが 今が一番盛り上がっている気がする が、 日本国内で半導体開発をやろうとすると論理設計者が居ない マジ居ない— Vengineer@ (@Vengineer) 2024年2月17日 このブログを書いている時に、9.4万ぐらいでした。 補助金戦争 これを知ったのは、とあるYoutube(ReHacQ)で竹中平蔵氏がダボス会議にて、サマーズ氏からこれからは補助金戦争だ!と聞いた、というものです。 米国のCHIPS法に始まった大規模な半導体製造に対する補助金。金額は数千億円から数兆円レベル。。 その中で日本でも半導体関連に対して国が補助金を出しています。 AIバブルから生成

        半導体開発で、久しぶりにXの投稿で盛り上がったので、記録に残します。 - Vengineerの戯言
      • Applied LLMs - What We’ve Learned From A Year of Building with LLMs

        A practical guide to building successful LLM products, covering the tactical, operational, and strategic. Also published on O’Reilly Media in three parts: Tactical, Operational, Strategic. Also see podcast. It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. And they’re getting better and cheaper every ye

          Applied LLMs - What We’ve Learned From A Year of Building with LLMs
        • How bad are search results? Let's compare Google, Bing, Marginalia, Kagi, Mwmbl, and ChatGPT

          Marginalia does relatively well by sometimes providing decent but not great answers and then providing no answers or very obviously irrelevant answers to the questions it can't answer, with a relatively low rate of scams, lower than any other search engine (although, for these queries, ChatGPT returns zero scams and Marginalia returns some). Interestingly, Mwmbl lets users directly edit search res

          • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

            Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

              A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
            • Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture

              Programming note: this week, there will be no The Pulse on Thursday. I’m attending Craft Conference in Budapest, Hungary and delivering my annual conference talk the same day. My keynote is titled “What’s Old is New Again.” I’ll share the recording in the newsletter, once it will become available. I hope you enjoy this detailed deepdive on a lean and nimble startup (Bluesky) for the week! Bluesky

                Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture
              • Three Decades of Agile – Manage Complexity

                The Agile Manifesto [1], created in 2001, brought about a significant shift in the development of (software) products. The values and principles in the manifesto have since evolved and expanded, and we continue to discover better ways to implement them. Overall, the changes have been positive and continue to benefit the industry. This article discusses the journey we have collectively taken over t

                • A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't. | nicole@web

                  Last week, I did a Q&A session for a friend's security class. One of the students asked a question that I loved. They asked something like, "As a principal engineer, how do you make sure your company stays at the forefront of innovation?" There are two reasons I love this question. The first is that it's a good and natural one, which I had early on too. The second is that it's unintentionally lead

                  • Data Flywheels for LLM Applications

                    Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about workflows to automatically and dynamically improve LLM applications using production data. This stems from our research on validating data quality in LLM pipelines and applications—which is starting to be productionized in both vertical AI applications and LLMOps companies. (I am always very thankful to the teams in industry who find my wo

                      Data Flywheels for LLM Applications
                    • Blockchain Startups and Companies in Japan to Watch | MailMate

                      bitFlyer.com Founder: Yuzo Kano Established: 2014 bitFlyer is the biggest crypto exchange in Japan and one of the largest Bitcoin brokers globally. Users can buy/sell cryptocurrency with each other or directly with bitFlyer. Initially focused on Bitcoin, the company later added futures contracts, Bitcoin derivatives, and other crypto currencies to the exchange. In the news: Japanese Crypto Exchang

                        Blockchain Startups and Companies in Japan to Watch | MailMate
                      • 東南アジア諸国の中央銀行と協力してデジタル決済システムをサポートする日本発のブロックチェーン企業「ソラミツ」とは?

                        カンボジアの中央銀行であるカンボジア国立銀行は2020年10月にデジタル通貨の「バコン」を導入し、銀行口座を持たない人々を金融システムに包摂する取り組みを進めています。そんなバコンの開発においてカンボジアの中央銀行と協力し、ベトナムやフィリピンなどの国々でも中央銀行デジタル通貨(CBDC)の導入可能性を探る日本発のブロックチェーン企業「ソラミツ」について、海外メディアのRest of Worldが報じています。 The Japanese blockchain startup behind Cambodia’s digital currency - Rest of World https://restofworld.org/2023/japanese-company-cambodia-digital-banking/ 2016年のある日、ソラミツの共同創設者兼CEOである武宮誠氏は、カンボジ

                        • The Inside Story of Microsoft’s Partnership with OpenAI

                          Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s chief technology officer, says of releasing A.I. software, “You have to experiment in public.”Illustration by Todd St. John At around 11:30 a.m. on the Friday before Thanksgiving, Microsoft’s chief executive, Satya Nadella, was having his weekly meeting with senior leaders when a panicked colleague told him to pick up the phone. An executive from OpenAI, an artificial-inte

                            The Inside Story of Microsoft’s Partnership with OpenAI
                          • OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more

                            Dear friends, In the last couple of days, Google announced a doubling of Gemini Pro 1.5's input context window from 1 million to 2 million tokens, and OpenAI released GPT-4o, which generates tokens 2x faster and 50% cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo and natively accepts and generates multimodal tokens. I view these developments as the latest in an 18-month trend. Given the improvements we've seen, best pra

                              OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more
                            • イーロン・マスクの人工知能スタートアップ「xAI」が1470億円の資金調達を目指すと当局に申請

                              イーロン・マスク氏が設立した人工知能スタートアップのxAIが、最大10億ドル(約1470億円)の資金調達を進めていることが、規制当局に提出された申請書類により判明しました。 Elon Musk is raising money for his AI company X.ai https://www.axios.com/2023/12/05/elon-musks-xai-aims-to-raise-1-billion Elon Musk's AI startup — X.AI — files to raise $1 billion https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/05/elon-musks-ai-startup-xai-files-to-raise-1-billion-.html 証券取引委員会(SEC)に提出されたフォームDという書類によると、xAIは既に最大10

                              • How a startup loses its spark

                                At a well-run seed stage startup, engineers will often describe the work experience as intoxicating. At a larger company, the best you get is "enjoyable". Why does this happen? Is it inevitable? Let's inspect what makes a startup intoxicating. An engineer should spend most of their time in this core loop: If needed, talk to users, figure out their problems. Come up with an idea to build. If needed

                                • テスラが電気自動車向けのワイヤレス充電器メーカー「Wiferion」の買収を完了

                                  2023年6月、イーロン・マスク氏の保有する電気自動車(EV)メーカーであるテスラが、ドイツのフライブルクに本拠地を置くワイヤレス充電器メーカーのWiferionを買収するとウワサされていたのですが、この買収がついに完了したことが明らかになっています。 Tesla rumored to be purchasing wireless charging company Wiferion https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-wiferion-purchase-rumors-wireless-charging/ Tesla completes acquisition of wireless charging company Wiferion https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-wiferion-acquisition-wireless-ele

                                  • How I turned my open-source project into a business

                                    When I started writing and publishing open-source software about 15 years ago, I was pretty radical about it. I only used permissive licenses like MIT or BSD, as all I cared about was reach. Using a copyleft license with strings attached seemed to hinder that reach. Getting another A-category company to use my open-source libraries like Nodemailer was a badge of honor. I even went so far that when

                                      How I turned my open-source project into a business
                                    • Nvidia H100 GPUs: Supply and Demand

                                      This post is an exploration of the supply and demand of GPUs, particularly Nvidia H100s. We’re also releasing a song and music video on the same day as this post. This post went mega viral. It was on the frontpage of HN, techmeme, many email newsletters, got tweets from Andrej Karpathy and others, comments from Mustafa (who will have $1B of GPUs online soon) from Inflection and Emad from Stability

                                        Nvidia H100 GPUs: Supply and Demand
                                      • 株式会社、LLC、LLPの比較 | 起業マニュアル | J-Net21[中小企業ビジネス支援サイト]

                                        会社法の施行(平成18年5月1日から)によって、株式会社の設立要件は、従来に比べ大きく緩和されました。 会社法施行前は、株式会社設立に際し1000万円以上の資本金を必要としていたのに対し、会社法施行後はその制限が無くなりました(最低資本金規制の撤廃)。ほか、取締役は3名以上必要だったものが1名以上でよくなり、取締役の任期は原則2年(非公開会社である株式会社については定款で10年まで延長可)となりました。監査役に関しては、必ず必要とされていたものが任意となり、監査役の任期は原則4年(非公開会社である株式会社については定款で10年まで延長可)となりました。ただし、決算公告と株主総会に関しては、引き続き実施が必要(義務がある)とされています。 合同会社(LLC) 合同会社は、会社法で新たに設立が認められた持分会社の一形態であり、米国のLLC(Limited Liability Company)の

                                          株式会社、LLC、LLPの比較 | 起業マニュアル | J-Net21[中小企業ビジネス支援サイト]
                                        • Digital Solution Offerings: Techniques to Deliver Success for Digitalization

                                          When we talk about digital solution offerings, first of all, let’s discuss what digital solutions are, what are digitalization and digitization, and what are the needs for that. What is Digitalization Simply put, digitalization is the journey of shifting business activities – processes, data management, communication, and more – from paper to an online environment. It involves utilizing digital to

                                            Digital Solution Offerings: Techniques to Deliver Success for Digitalization
                                          • Network tunneling with… QEMU?

                                            Cyberattackers tend to give preference to legitimate tools when taking various attack steps, as these help them evade detection systems while keeping malware development costs down to a minimum. Network scanning, capturing a process memory dump, exfiltrating data, running files remotely, and even encrypting drives — all these can be done with trusted software. To gain a foothold inside a compromis

                                              Network tunneling with… QEMU?
                                            • Interview with Anand Joshi of SmartNews, Japan

                                              Name: Anand Joshi Title: Software Engineer Organization: SmartNews Inc., Japan Hometown: Mumbai, India Living in Japan: Since January, 2017 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anandhjoshi/ Blog: https://anandjoshi.me/about/ This is the 12th interview in the “Interviews with Foreign Information Technology Engineers in Japan” series. “ EJable.com’s Ryoko Nagai talks to Anand Joshi of SmartNews, Ja

                                                Interview with Anand Joshi of SmartNews, Japan
                                              • How to Use LinkedIn Effectively with Setting Objectives

                                                For professionals, LinkedIn is the only leader in the social media domain. The reason is that even if we call it social media, it’s not just that. It’s a social media for professionals. However, as professionals, how to use LinkedIn effectively for our objectives is essential. Setting Objectives for Effective Use of LinkedIn Effectivity only comes with objectivity. The first step is to realize the

                                                  How to Use LinkedIn Effectively with Setting Objectives
                                                • Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses

                                                  We have long heard that houses in Japan are expensive. Then, all of a sudden, someone tells you that you can buy a cheap house in Japan. Imagine the waves such a statement will cause. The same thing happened with the Akiya phenomenon in Japan. Akiya, or abandoned cheap houses, has always existed in Japan. However, lately, this has become a buzzword, especially among foreigners, both in and out of

                                                    Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses
                                                  • Discordがついにゲームの有料プロモーションを開始する予定、ユーザーがゲームの「クエスト」達成で報酬をゲット可能に

                                                    人気コミュニケーションツールの「Discord」は、その他のほとんどのテクノロジー企業と異なり、ユーザーへの広告表示を行わずに成長してきました。ところが、ついにDiscordが「クエスト」と呼ばれるゲームの有料プロモーションをユーザーに提供する予定であることが判明し、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルはDiscordの大きな方針転換だと報じています。 Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/tech/discord-to-start-showing-ads-for-gamers-to-boost-revenue-bf5848b9 Social-media startup Discord plans to start showing advertisements on

                                                    • A Global Design System

                                                      TL;DR: This is a call to action to create a Global Design System that provides the world’s web designers & developers a library of common UI components. A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of the world’s web experiences, save the world’s web designers and developers millions of hours, and make better use of our collective human potential. Sounds pretty good, right? I

                                                        A Global Design System
                                                      • Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders

                                                        Engineering Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders — Lessons From Stripe, Uber & Carta Will Larson, a veteran engineering leader and the CTO at Carta, holds three conventional engineering management “anti-patterns” up to the light for a closer look. Whenever Will Larson meets up with fellow CTOs or heads of engineering at other startups, he often finds himself having the same conversatio

                                                          Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders
                                                        • Ramp and the AI Opportunity

                                                          Welcome to the 93 newly Not Boring people who have joined us since Thursday! If you haven’t subscribed, join 226,688 smart, curious folks by subscribing here: Subscribe now Hi friends 👋, Happy Tuesday and welcome back to our fourth Not Boring Deep Dive on Ramp. Ramp is one of the fastest-growing, best-run startups in the world. It’s also just one of my favorites. I met Ramp CEO Eric Glyman the fi

                                                            Ramp and the AI Opportunity
                                                          • Kanji for Long: 長 (Naga-i)

                                                            The Japanese kanji for “Long” is 長. The pronunciation of the Kanji 長 is “naga-i” (なが-い) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “chou” (チョウ) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). However, the Kanji 長 is also pronounced as “osa” (おさ) in it’s Japanese reading. The reading “osa” is for words when this Kanji extends its meaning from long to mean the head of a group, chief, leader, elder, the greatest of al

                                                              Kanji for Long: 長 (Naga-i)
                                                            • Bottlenecks of Scaleups

                                                              A collection of articles on common problems startups face when scaling. Throughout Thoughtworks’ history, we’ve been partnering with startups to help them scale. We’ve worked with organizations at various stages in their development — from helping early-stage startups experiment, land on the right idea and create an MVP, to helping later-stage scaleups create the right technical platform and organ

                                                                Bottlenecks of Scaleups
                                                              • Kanji for "Enter", "Insert", "Put in": 入

                                                                The Japanese Kanji 入 means “Enter (to enter),” “Putting in,” and “Insert.” Various contexts for the usage of 入: Enter: It refers to the action of going into a space or location. Insert: 入 is also used to describe putting something into something else. Admission: 入 is often used in contexts related to being admitted into a group, organization, or institution. Include: 入 can signify the inclusion of

                                                                  Kanji for "Enter", "Insert", "Put in": 入
                                                                • IDaaS Market Size & Share | Industry Growth - 2032

                                                                  Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and trends. To identify opportunities in the market. Analyze the key challenges in the

                                                                  • Kitemaker blog - More product, fewer PMs

                                                                    There has been a lot of discussion about how many Product Managers (PMs) are required in a product team. This conversation gained momentum after Airbnb restructured their product management organization, followed by articles about how startups are thriving without any PMs. I agree that many companies hire too many PMs. As a result, PMs often fill their days with project management tasks and updati

                                                                      Kitemaker blog - More product, fewer PMs
                                                                    • How web bloat impacts users with slow devices

                                                                      At a first glance, the table seems about right, in that the sites that feel slow unless you have a super fast device show up as slow in the table (as in, max(LCP*,CPU)) is high on lower-end devices). When I polled folks about what platforms they thought would be fastest and slowest on our slow devices (Mastodon, Twitter, Threads), they generally correctly predicted that Wordpress and Ghost and Wor

                                                                      • Building A Fintech Solution

                                                                        FinTech stands for Finance Technology, and a Fintech company is a company that uses technology to solve customers’ financial needs. A career in a Fintech company can be very lucrative, and knowing the basics about building an app for a Fintech solution can open doors to many good opportunities. This article will discuss the subcategories of startups in the Fintech space, with a few Japanese exampl

                                                                          Building A Fintech Solution
                                                                        • 1行のコードから社会課題の解決へ、思いを馳せる。READYFORのエンジニアリングの軌跡と展望|Ryohei Kumagai

                                                                          はじめにREADYFORでVPoEをしている熊谷です。READYFORアドカレ1日目を担当させていただきます。 今回は、READYFORのエンジニアリング組織について、シリーズAの資金調達後の2019年1月から、シリーズBやCを経て、今日までの約4年間を振り返ろうと思います。これまで多くの取り組みや、数々の失敗など、怒涛の日々を過ごしてきましたが、そのあたりを一度棚卸して整理することで、次の活動にも繋げていけたらと考えています。 また、シリーズA〜Cラウンド程度のスタートアップ企業や同規模のエンジニアリング組織を抱えているエンジニア/マネジメント層の方々へ、何か一つでも参考になる事があれば幸いです。 あと今回、この約4年間の振り返り記事を書こうと考えた理由はもう一つあります。昨今では世界情勢やスタートアップ業界、また生成AIなどテクノロジー界隈などなど、様々な領域で転換点を迎えていると思い

                                                                            1行のコードから社会課題の解決へ、思いを馳せる。READYFORのエンジニアリングの軌跡と展望|Ryohei Kumagai
                                                                          • Kanji for Child: 子 (Ko)

                                                                            Japanese kanji for “Child” is 子. The pronunciation of the Kanji 子 is “ko” (こ) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “shi” (シ) or “su” (ス) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). Please note that the Kanji 子, meaning “child,” is also one of the twelve Zodiac animal signs in the Chinese zodiac, representing the rat. Additionally, pronounced as zǐ, it also denotes the North direction (0° or 360°) on ancie

                                                                              Kanji for Child: 子 (Ko)
                                                                            • Sakana AI

                                                                              Last update: January 16, 2024 Interested in joining us? We’re hiring! Although we are a small lab, we are always looking to bring on exceptional talent to join our team. If you are interested in applying for one of the positions in this post, please follow the below two steps: Complete this Google Form. Email careers@sakana.ai with a description about yourself. Indicate that you have completed the

                                                                                Sakana AI
                                                                              • EVスタートアップ「Fisker」が破産申請、伝説的カーデザイナー2度目の挫折

                                                                                by Werner Bayer 2016年にカリフォルニア州で設立されたEVメーカーのFiskerが2024年6月18日に、日本の民事再生法に相当する連邦破産法第11章の適用を裁判所に申請しました。同社は2024年初頭に「運転資金が今後12カ月持たない」と発表していましたが、それから半年足らずで経営が行き詰まりを迎えることになりました。 FISKER GROUP INC. FILES FOR CHAPTER 11 (PDFファイル)https://assets.ctfassets.net/cghen8gr8e1n/6W19OiEBJDVIFVEmo4feHA/df902c5cb2b067251a300efb0b35f611/Fisker-Filing-FINAL.pdf EV startup Fisker files for bankruptcy, aims to sell assets

                                                                                • Getting a Self-Sponsored Visa in Japan

                                                                                  A self-sponsored visa in Japan is for people who wish to live in Japan for freelancing work. This includes part-time work and not as a direct employee of a company in Japan. There’s a saying among the international community in Japan that getting into Japan is hard, but staying in Japan is easy. The challenging part of immigrating to Japan is the visa process. Even long-term residents still dread

                                                                                    Getting a Self-Sponsored Visa in Japan