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  • フルリモート入社で感じた、Ubieにおける心理的安全性の源泉について|Dave

    2021年2月に入社し、Ubieで事業開発(Biz Dev)を担当してる野上と申します。 時節柄、面接から現在に至るまでフルリモートで、まだUbieのオフィスに行った事も無い私ですが、チームメンバーとの深い繋がりを感じながら、刺激的な毎日を送っています。 フルリモートにも関わらず、入社直後から組織に馴染むことができた背景には、Ubieが重視する「心理的安全性」があると考えています。 このnoteでは、自分が感じたUbieにおける「心理的安全性」と、その源泉となるカルチャーや取り組みについて記しています。 自己紹介大手通信会社に新卒入社し、2つの外資戦略コンサルティングファームに計5年勤務した後、縁あってUbie株式会社にやって来ました。 コンサル時代は、製造業や通信業界を中心としたクライアントの事業戦略立案、新規事業策定、オペレーション改善や、投資ファンド向けのビジネスDD、投資先企業のバ

    • Transactional Leadership Vs. Transformational Leadership

      In the realm of leadership, two prominent styles often come to the forefront: transactional leadership vs. transformational leadership. These distinct leadership approaches represent contrasting philosophies and methodologies for leading teams and achieving organizational goals. While transactional leadership focuses on exchanges and task-oriented performance, transformational leadership emphasize

        Transactional Leadership Vs. Transformational Leadership
      • Kubuntu Linux 19.10 for a digital painting workstation: Reasons and Install guide.

        Kubuntu Linux 19.10 for a digital painting workstation: Reasons and Install guide. My assistant introducing my workstation running Kubuntu at home As you probably knows if you follow my blog, I'm using exclusively a GNU/Linux operating system for my workstation. I produce everything I do with it (webcomic, website, book, freelance, videos, etc...) and all of that since more than ten years now. Alo

          Kubuntu Linux 19.10 for a digital painting workstation: Reasons and Install guide.
        • Introducing Spectrum 2: Our vision for the future of Adobe experience design

          Introducing Spectrum 2: Our vision for the future of Adobe experience design A preview of the comprehensive update coming to Adobe's design system Imagine you’re designing a house. Your first step might be to draw a picture. To turn that picture into a house would require the input of many experts—architects, engineers, and builders—and would involve planning, teamwork, and time with each collabor

            Introducing Spectrum 2: Our vision for the future of Adobe experience design
          • 1950年代のサッカートレーニング動画が話題→技術・知識の違いだけが原因ではない可能性、1950年代は○○が重視されていたためとの声も

            Iris @Iris_i_Life @fasc1nate Back in the '50s, football training was a creative comedy, making the best of odd resources. 😄⚽ 2023-10-22 11:07:40 Akatarou ⛩ | TBP🦈 @redhairderek Oh, the training days of the 1950s! They focused on strengthening basics with rigorous physical workouts, tactical drills, and ball control exercises. Discipline and teamwork prevailed, highlighting the essence of traditi

            • Japanese Origami: The Art of Paper Folding

              Origami (折り紙), the beautiful and delicate Japanese paper folding art, is to create beautiful shapes and models. This ancient and time-honored art possesses a rich, vibrant, and somewhat mysterious history transcending time and borders. The word Origami has two parts, ‘Ori‘ (折り), meaning to fold, and ‘Kami‘ (紙), meaning paper. However, Kami here becomes ‘Gami‘ because of the Rendaku phenomenon. Ori

                Japanese Origami: The Art of Paper Folding
              • モチベーション創造メソッドとは?──「やる気」のセルフコントロール | サイボウズチームワーク総研

                「最近、なんとなくモチベーションが低いな」「もっとモチベーションを上げたいな」――このように思ったことは、誰もが一度はあるのではないでしょうか。それだけ多くの人が、モチベーションは高いほうがいいと思っているし、モチベーションをうまくコントロールできたらいいなと思っています。 また、チームとしても、モチベーションが高い人が集まっていた方が、仕事に前向きに取り組めそうですし、仕事の成果にもつながりそうです。 そこで、この記事では、サイボウズで用いている社員のモチベーションをセルフコントールする方法「モチベーション創造メソッド」についてお話します。 モチベーションとは何か?―2つの「やる気」 ところで、そもそもモチベーションとは何なのでしょうか?日本語では「やる気」と言われることが多いですね。 ただ、一言で「やる気」と言っても、いくつかの種類がありそうです。 例えば、お酒を飲みすぎてしまった二日

                  モチベーション創造メソッドとは?──「やる気」のセルフコントロール | サイボウズチームワーク総研
                • Google’s 5-Step Formula for Team Success Is a Master Class in Emotional Intelligence

                  It was 2012. After well over a decade in business, Google had hit its stride. It was on pace for its biggest year to date, with revenue skyrocketing and its first $50 billion year in the making. They knew that the key to Google's success was teamwork and collaboration--allowing the company to innovate faster, identify mistakes more quickly, and solve problems more effectively. Yet, while some team

                    Google’s 5-Step Formula for Team Success Is a Master Class in Emotional Intelligence
                  • Looking for a New Job? Think like a Recruiter and AI Algo – Not Like a Candidate

                    Looking for a New Job? Think like a Recruiter and AI Algo – Not Like a Candidate Originally published at EJable.com Career corner - Looking for a Job? What makes a job change difficult Whether you are looking for a job change now or planning to do it in the near future, some small things can make significant differences to make getting that new job easier. When you are in the job market, you are t

                      Looking for a New Job? Think like a Recruiter and AI Algo – Not Like a Candidate
                    • Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time

                      This article originally appeared in the 2010 Christmas double issue of The Economist. On the evening before All Saints’ Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg. In those days a thesis was simply a position one wanted to argue. Luther, an Augustinian friar, asserted that Christians could not buy their way to heaven. Today a doctoral thesis is both an idea a

                        Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time
                      • Using Information Architecture With Distributed Teams

                        Using information architecture to make distributed teamwork easier Communication is key for any team—especially when you're all working from home. Creating an information architecture for how you create, share, and communicate can provide the clarity you need to work effectively. When you’re working from home, it’s hard to tell how well you’re communicating with your team. Should your emails be mo

                        • Group Harmony vs. Individual Competition: Japan’s Cultural Balance

                          If you are familiar with Japan and someone asks if Japanese society is individualistic or collectivistic, the immediate answer would be “collectivistic.” And you would not be far from the truth. Yes, Japanese society is known for group harmony and collectivism, which are the foundation stones of its cultural values, where individuals prioritize the collective good over personal ambition. However,

                            Group Harmony vs. Individual Competition: Japan’s Cultural Balance
                          • From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate

                            It's been almost 2 years since I moved to a team lead role, then to a full-time engineering management position after the expansion of our team. I've been a front-end developer for 7 years before that, and initially I took the "advanced individual contributor" career track before doing the management turnaround. How's it been? Bumpy, but fun. In this article, I'll share the things I love and hate

                              From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate