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321 - 360 件 / 2172件

新着順 人気順

the emotionsの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 2172件

  • Curry Zawa Kaoru’s Creative Counseling - “A year’s worth of work on a manga lost to a scribble.” Look at your own reputation rather than looking up in despair.

    Curry Zawa Kaoru’s Creative Counseling - “A year’s worth of work on a manga lost to a scribble.” Look at your own reputation rather than looking up in despair. Dear Ms. Curry Zawa, I started drawing doujinshi about ten years ago. I uploaded one to pixiv that I’d been working on for a year and it’s become my most well-received work, garnering lots of interactions from viewers. Although I was please

      Curry Zawa Kaoru’s Creative Counseling - “A year’s worth of work on a manga lost to a scribble.” Look at your own reputation rather than looking up in despair.
    • Vivace Legacy - Sonokinetic - Sample libraries and Virtual Instruments

      The legend returns Strings, woodwinds , brass & Percussion 5 Microphone Positions Designed for Komplete kontrol When we released the original Vivace, over a decade ago, we had no idea how this legacy of orchestral scoring would develop and shape Sonokinetic in the years that followed. Over the past ten years our orchestral libraries have straddled genres and emotions. However, we’ve always had a y

      • 怪談で恐怖を感じることがない「アファンタジア」と呼ばれる人々の新たな調査結果

        心的イメージを思い浮かべることができず、頭の中のイメージを視覚化することができないアファンタジアは人口の2~5%ほど存在するといわれています。これまでの研究でアファンタジアは想記・想像・夢を見ることといった認知プロセスに異なる点があると示されてきましたが、新たな実験では「恐怖を描いた文章を読んでもまったく恐怖を感じない」ことが示されました。 The critical role of mental imagery in human emotion: insights from fear-based imagery and aphantasia | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2021.0267 I ain'

        • 追悼 英国ダンスミュージックのアイコン、アンドリュー・ウェザオール

          Andrew Weatherall in 2009. Photo: Everynight Images / Alamy Stock Photo アンドリュー・ウェザオール(Andrew Weatherall)は、何年かにいちど英国の郊外に現れる天才のひとりだった。 アンドリューは1963年、ウィンザー生まれ。信念を貫きながら幅広い音楽を取り入れたDJ、作曲、プロダクション、執筆業と、彼の仕事は多岐にわたる。彼はキャリアを通して、隠れたボスとして業界を牽引してきた。なんといっても、1990年代以降の英国のダンスミュージックの方向性を決めたのは彼だ。しかもそれを、趣味のようなノリで成し遂げてしまった。 アンドリューの死は、2020年2月17日に報された。享年58歳。死因は肺塞栓症。私たちは英国クラブカルチャーを代表する存在をまたひとり喪った。彼のレコードバッグの中身と同じくらい様々な用途に使わ

            追悼 英国ダンスミュージックのアイコン、アンドリュー・ウェザオール
          • 会話でよく使う「〜しがち」の英語はなに?傾向を伝える英語表現を学ぼう | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト

            「買い物を忘れがち」「やりたくないことを後回しにしがち」「複雑に考えがち」など、「〜しがち」という傾向を表す言葉は日常的によく使われますよね。 では英語で「〜しがち」はなんていうのでしょうか。多くの方は、tend toというフレーズをすぐ思いつくことでしょう。 英語ではほかにも、likely to, apt to, inclined toなどの表現がありますが、今回はこれらをどのように使い分けたらいいのかについて解説します。 一般的に使われる「〜しがち」を表す表現 「〜しがち」という傾向を意味する一般的なフレーズとして「tend to」がよく使われます。 また、tendの名詞形tendency を使って「have a tendency to」という表現もありますので、両方セットで覚えておくと便利です。 tend to 「tend to+動詞原型」で特定の行動や特定の傾向を表す自動詞のフレー

              会話でよく使う「〜しがち」の英語はなに?傾向を伝える英語表現を学ぼう | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト
            • Sam Altman’s Manifest Destiny

              Altman says, “Most people want to be accepted, so they won’t take risks that could make them look crazy.”Illustration by R. Kikuo Johnson One balmy May evening, thirty of Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs gathered in a private room at the Berlinetta Lounge, in San Francisco. Paul Graham considered the founders of Instacart, DoorDash, Docker, and Stripe, in their hoodies and black jeans, and said,

                Sam Altman’s Manifest Destiny
              • 【マインドフルネス】マインドフルネスの実践とトレーニング方法を解説

                人は感情によって状況の解釈が変わる 前回はマインドフルネスの効果が現れるプロセスについて解説しましたが、今回は「マインドフルネスを実践していく方法」について解説していきます。 人の時間体験(時間の感覚)は主観的なもので、そのときの感情に大きく左右される傾向があります。 嫌いな人と過ごす時間は長くて苦痛なのに対し、好きな人と過ごす時間は楽しいけれど短く感じるというふうなものです。 つまり、ネガティブなものでもポジティブなものでも、強い感情を持っていると時間の感覚が変わり、現在の状況を正確に把握できなくなってしまうのです。 kruchoro.com 過去や未来に対する感情でも現状把握が難しくなる これと同じように、過去や未来への不安や恐れがあると、現在の状況を十分に把握することができなくなります。 明日のことが不安だと、今見ているテレビ番組や食べている食事が十分に楽しめない!という感じです。大

                • Should You Trust the Myers-Briggs Personality Test? - Areo

                  Psychology Should You Trust the Myers-Briggs Personality Test? 09/03/202125 comments13 minute readLaith Al-Shawaf The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most popular personality test in the world. It’s a favourite among Fortune 100 companies, government agencies and regular people. More than 1.5 million people take it every year. It is a thriving multimillion-dollar-a-year industry. And as any psy

                    Should You Trust the Myers-Briggs Personality Test? - Areo
                  • Aquarium Drunkard : Decade / 2010-19 : Aquarium Drunkard

                    Well, that was fast. Decade is just about over, and as it draws to a close, its highs look awfully high in the rearview. Presented here, an unranked sprawl of 100 records that stuck with us, managing to break through the noise of an increasingly distracting age, and stick around in our heads. We’ve limited the list to one album per artist, in the interest of covering as much ground, but rest assur

                      Aquarium Drunkard : Decade / 2010-19 : Aquarium Drunkard
                    • Without prescription Alprazolam. Cost of Alprazolam | GrasstrackForum.co.uk

                      №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - Cost of Alprazolam -- Click here to buy Alprazolam. Without prescription Alprazolam - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Fast delivery and complete ano

                      • 感情分析で、マシンに感情の理解を教える

                        原文(投稿日:2019/06/11)へのリンク 感情分析はコンピュータに、テキストに現れた人間の感情を読み取るように教える。感情分析における基本的なトレードオフは、シンプルさと正確さである。アプローチは、感情に関連した単語のリストを使うことから、分散表現、ニューラルネットワーク、アテンション機構といった技術を用いた深層学習まで多岐に渡る。 Johnson Controlsのリード・データサイエンティストであるDonagh Horgan氏は、RebelCon.io 2019でTwitterの感情分析の構築について講演を行う。カンファレンスは6月19、20日にアイルランドのコークで開催される。RebelConは、2日間に渡る”ソフトウェア業界における最新のテクノロジー、カルチャー、デベロップメントプラクティス”に関するワークショップや講演を通し、コークのソフトウェアエンジニアリングコミュニティ

                        • Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (Official Video 2019)

                          “What’s Going On” (Deluxe Edition/50th Anniversary) Available Now! Listen Here: https://marvingaye.lnk.to/WhatsGoingOnDeluxe ‘What’s Going On Live’ Album Out Now! Listen Here: https://UMe.lnk.to/WhatsGoingOnLiveYD Hitsville: The Making Of Motown (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Available Now! Get it here: https://motown.lnk.to/Hitsville For more Marvin Gaye news and merchandise: Marvin

                            Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (Official Video 2019)
                          • 【エッセイ#14】優しくない世界にあなたは優しい人になれ(JPN/ENG) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks

                            優しくない世界にあなたは優しい人になれ The world is kind to those who are being kind 文字数 3,392字 「『冷たい人』は彼らが優しさを知らないより、スイッチがあるように、便利に相手によるとその優しさを付けたり消したりできて、機械か人間かわからない意味です」 こんにちは、アップしたときはもうすぐ春本番ですね! Hi everyone! Well, I think that the spring is coming by the time I post this essay! 寒さがちょっと苦手なので、少し暖かくなるのは嬉しいです(笑) As for myself who does not like the cold much, I’m glad that it gets a bit warmer now…! はい、今回の話題はタイトル通りでな

                              【エッセイ#14】優しくない世界にあなたは優しい人になれ(JPN/ENG) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks
                            • Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis using Python

                              Sentiment analysis is the automated process of tagging data according to their sentiment, such as positive, negative and neutral. Sentiment analysis allows companies to analyze data at scale, detect insights and automate processes. In the past, sentiment analysis used to be limited to researchers, machine learning engineers or data scientists with experience in natural language processing. However

                                Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis using Python
                              • The bizarre, true story of Metal Gear Solid’s English translation

                                Share All sharing options for: The bizarre, true story of Metal Gear Solid’s English translation The last time I saw Hideo Kojima, we were both naked. It was at a traditional Japanese ryokan’s rotenburo (outdoor bath), on a Konami company vacation near Mount Fuji. He was a lot thinner then, before he started pumping iron. He looked more like Psycho Mantis at the time. He’s going for a Snake thing

                                  The bizarre, true story of Metal Gear Solid’s English translation
                                • Toolkit: The Digital Ethics Compass

                                  The Digital Ethics Compass is a tool to help companies make the right decisions from a design ethical standpoint Automation Data Behavioral design Put the human at the center Give users control Avoid creating inequality Make your technology understandable Avoid manipulating 10. Can your automated system be hacked? 09. Is your automated system adaptable to changes? 08. Is someone in the company rea

                                    Toolkit: The Digital Ethics Compass
                                  • OpenAIの動画生成AI「Sora」がヤバいですよね…どうなる?

                                    こんにちは、コピーライティング専門会社・ワードメーカー株式会社の狩生です。 動画生成AI「Sora」が発表されてから、少し日が経ちますが、このインパクトはいろんなところに波及している気がします。 どんな動画が生成されるのか? これについては、すでに公式のほうでいろいろサンプル動画が発表されているので、それをご覧いただくとわかりやすいです。 たとえば、以下のような動画です。 Prompt: “A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. she wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. she wear

                                    • Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time

                                      Address the real reasons you procrastinate and you’re more likely to start achieving your goals.

                                        Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time
                                      • 「Wake Up, Girls!Solo Collection -7 Stars-」が配信された現実が嬉しくて仕方ない | アニメイトタイムズ

                                        「Wake Up, Girls!Solo Collection -7 Stars-」が配信された現実が嬉しくて仕方ない 2020年1月15日(水)、「Wake Up, Girls!Solo Collection -7 Stars-」が各種音楽配信サービスでダウンロード販売を開始した。 リリース後、各サービスのランキングで上位をマーク。iTunesのアルバムランキングではアニメ部門で1位(2020年1月16日18時11分時点)するなど、声優アーティスト「Wake Up, Girls!(以下、WUG)」から2020年に贈られたプレゼントに“ワグナー”が熱で答えた形となった。 「Wake Up, Girls!Solo Collection -7 Stars-」はファンクラブ会員限定のイベント「ソロでイベント、やらせてください!2017」、「わぐらぶ限定 TUNAGO東北ろっけんソロイベントツアー

                                          「Wake Up, Girls!Solo Collection -7 Stars-」が配信された現実が嬉しくて仕方ない | アニメイトタイムズ
                                        • AI Art Generator - AI Image Generator API

                                          Use the Hotpot AI Image Generator API or Hotpot Stable Diffusion API to add an AI image generation to your workflow, website, or app. Tips & Custom Styles To use your own styles: Pick "Custom" in the style menu. Give specific instructions. For instance, "Oil painting of water lilies with vibrant brushstrokes using a happy color palette" is better than "lily flowers". See below for more examples. R

                                            AI Art Generator - AI Image Generator API
                                          • Stop Nitpicking in Code Reviews

                                            One of the best changes I’ve made at work recently is to stop nitpicking in code reviews. Nitpicking isn’t about code that is wrong but suboptimal. It’s pointing out a variable name that could use a more appropriate word, a conditional that could be formatted more cleanly, or some minor simplifying of logic. Nits don't result in significantly better code, nor do they educate the developer; they ar

                                            • 音楽の園 music of my mind

                                              2023年12月30日でブログを休止します。詳しくはこちら。 12/31以降もブロの閲覧はできます。しかしながら、アマゾンの画像リンク作成機能が廃止され、本ページを含む当ブログのほとんどの画像が非表示になっていると思います。ご了承ください。 休止前のラスト・エントリーです。 ラスト・エントリーは恒例の『ezが選ぶ2023年の10枚』と、過去の『ezが選ぶ●●●●年の10枚』から選ぶ17枚の二本立てにしたいと思います。 Part1:『ezが選ぶ2023年の10枚』 今年購入した新譜CDからお気に入りの10枚を紹介します(順不同)。 Emm Gryner『Business & Pleasure』 「Loose Wig」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5tmyvdYH6o Lola Cobach『Camino Dorado』 「Camino dorado」 h

                                              • World Press Photo of the Year: Cropping history and reality

                                                This year’s WPP winner demonstrates Palestinian grief is only acceptable to the West if it is sanitised and devoid of context. Inas Abu Maamar wears a plain blue garment and a mustard brown headscarf decorated with a pattern of raised knots. Her arms cradle the shroud covering a small, slumping body, nestled on her lap. Her head and face are bowed into the crook of her left arm. It is as though Ab

                                                  World Press Photo of the Year: Cropping history and reality
                                                • In the Shadow of the Holocaust

                                                  The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, in Berlin, photographed in 2013.Photograph by Paolo Pellegrin / Magnum Berlin never stops reminding you of what happened there. Several museums examine totalitarianism and the Holocaust; the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe takes up an entire city block. In a sense, though, these larger structures are the least of it. The memorials that sneak up

                                                    In the Shadow of the Holocaust
                                                  • カンヌ映画祭グランプリ『関心領域』5月24日公開決定! | Fan's Voice | ファンズボイス

                                                    第76回カンヌ国際映画祭でグランプリを獲得した『The Zone of Interest』が、邦題を『関心領域』として5月24日(金)より全国公開されることが決定しました。 「The Zone of Interest」とは、第二次世界大戦中、ナチス親衛隊がポーランド・オシフィエンチム郊外にあるアウシュヴィッツ強制収容所群を取り囲む40平方キロメートルの地域を表現するために使った言葉。映画では、アウシュヴィッツ強制収容所と壁一枚隔てた屋敷に住む収容所の所長とその家族の暮らしが描かれます。 イギリスの作家マーティン・エイミスの同名小説を原案に、『アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食』(13年)のジョナサン・グレイザー監督が10年の歳月をかけて映画化。製作は、昨年度のアカデミー賞で作品賞ほか最多7部門を受賞した『エブリシング・エブリウェア・オール・アット・ワンス』のA24。 第76回カンヌ国際映画祭コ

                                                      カンヌ映画祭グランプリ『関心領域』5月24日公開決定! | Fan's Voice | ファンズボイス
                                                    • 60 Underseen but Excellent Netflix Original Movies Now Streaming

                                                      No matter how much you love cinema, and no matter how much movie-watching time you have on your hands, mere mortals cannot possibly keep up with all of the original films coming to streaming each week. Streaming giant Netflix puts a lot of effort (and a lot of money) into their original content every year. The result is a new film arriving to the service and its subscribers seemingly every couple

                                                        60 Underseen but Excellent Netflix Original Movies Now Streaming
                                                      • Stop that! It’s not Tourette’s but a new type of mass sociogenic illness

                                                        Introduction In several countries, currently we are facing a new type of mass sociogenic illness (MSI) (also known as ‘mass psychogenic illness’, MPI) that in contrast to all previously reported episodes of MSI is spread solely via social media and hence is not locally restricted. So far, no such social media-induced episodes have been described, although by 2012, it was speculated that MSI may no

                                                          Stop that! It’s not Tourette’s but a new type of mass sociogenic illness
                                                        • Anahata - Wikipedia

                                                          This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this article. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Anahata" – news · newspapers · bo

                                                            Anahata - Wikipedia
                                                          • A New Report Offers Insights Into Tribalism in the Age of Trump

                                                            Away from the fun-house mirrors and the bullhorns of cable news and social media, Americans’ views are more nuanced and less easy to caricature.Photograph by Joe Sohm / Visions of America / Getty We live in a time of tribes. Not of ideologies, parties, groups, or beliefs—these don’t convey the same impregnability of political fortifications, or the yawning chasms between them. American politics to

                                                              A New Report Offers Insights Into Tribalism in the Age of Trump
                                                            • Identity Beyond Usernames – Lord.io

                                                              In 2006, Robert Andersen sent the first tweet that @mentioned another user, and an internet convention was born. In a world without smartphones, Twitter's primary interface was SMS. There were no threads, no @username autocomplete. If a user said something and you wanted to reply, your only option was to compose a new text to 40404, manually typing the @mention into your phone's SMS text box. SMS

                                                              • “With the Beatles”

                                                                What I find strange about growing old isn’t that I’ve got older. Not that the youthful me from the past has, without my realizing it, aged. What catches me off guard is, rather, how people from the same generation as me have become elderly, how all the pretty, vivacious girls I used to know are now old enough to have a couple of grandkids. It’s a little disconcerting—sad, even. Though I never feel

                                                                  “With the Beatles”
                                                                • The Joy Workout

                                                                  It’s no secret that exercise, even in small doses, can improve your mood. Researchers even have a name for it: the feel-better effect. And while any physical activity — a walk, a swim, a bit of yoga — can give you an emotional boost, we wanted to create a short workout video specifically designed to make people happy. What would a “joy workout” look like? I’m a psychologist fascinated by the scien

                                                                    The Joy Workout
                                                                  • Wedekind Ib Psychology - lasopabro

                                                                    **Note - This study highly ties into principle #2 IB Psychology notes on The biological level of analysis: General learning outcomes - Outline principles that define the Biological Level of Analysis. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the effect that the MHC had on mating preferences Procedure The experiment studied whether females were able to identify males who had a genetic make up whic

                                                                      Wedekind Ib Psychology - lasopabro
                                                                    • Freemake Video Converter Key - jameslasopa

                                                                      Freemake Video Converter 4.1.10 Key With Crack Gold Pack VersionFreemake Video Converter key is an excellent program. It hasn’t failed me when trying to input any file. It’s ideal for making your DVDs because you may easily send video right to a disc filled with a Movie menu and subtitles. Freemake Video Converter 4.1.10key split for Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1. It is modifying kind video converter whic

                                                                        Freemake Video Converter Key - jameslasopa
                                                                      • Diwan El Ghazal Ghalib English - truthlasopa

                                                                        Diwan e Ghalib / دیوانِ غالبJust a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Goodreads helps you keep diwan e ghalib of books you want to read. There’s commentary on every verse by several poets including Ghalib too. A book that must be on your bookshelf if you love poetry, especially the Ghazal and Shayari form. No trivia diwan e ghalib quizzes yet. This book is not yet featured on L

                                                                          Diwan El Ghazal Ghalib English - truthlasopa
                                                                        • Laufey: Tiny Desk Concert

                                                                          Ashley Pointer | December 13, 2023 "I grew up playing classical music and it's so special to get to play my songs almost in this chamber-like setting," Laufey says in her performance. Accompanied by a string quartet, the singer-songwriter's modern jazz-pop love songs soared at the Tiny Desk, the intimacy of our little corner only heightened its impact. Laufey's music undeniably bridges the gap be

                                                                            Laufey: Tiny Desk Concert
                                                                          • Gergiev Mahler 1-9 Review - lasopaaussie

                                                                            Review by Blair Sanderson The potent personal charisma of Valery Gergiev is obviously well-suited to powerhouse classics, and nowhere are his bigger-than-life expressions better suited than in the symphonies of Gustav Mahler, which the London Symphony Orchestra released as separate SACDs on its LSO Live label between 2008 and 2011. The nine completed symphonies and the Adagio from the unfinished T

                                                                              Gergiev Mahler 1-9 Review - lasopaaussie
                                                                            • Domestic Na Kanojo Zip - talkinglasopa

                                                                              Domestic Girlfriend (Japanese: ドメスティックな彼女Hepburn: Domesutikku na Kanojo) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kei Sasuga. It has been serialized weekly in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine since April 2014 and twenty two tankōbon volumes of the manga have been released so far. The series has been published digitally in English by Kodansha USA under the Kodansha Comics imprint. An

                                                                                Domestic Na Kanojo Zip - talkinglasopa
                                                                              • Arpeggiator Fruity Loops - lasopabare

                                                                                For quite some time, I’ve been composing (e.g. chord progressions and playing lead melodies over them) by ear without having any grasp of music theory. There is nothing wrong with that as I see it. Composing that way is great fun and a technique that is accessible for everyone and to all ages. It simply is a fun – yet challenging – way to create music. Also, I know someone who creates amazing song

                                                                                  Arpeggiator Fruity Loops - lasopabare
                                                                                • Ukraine pushes back Russian troops in counter-offensive near Kharkiv

                                                                                  Ukraine counter-offensive could shift war's momentumUkrainian forces seeking to cut off Russian supply linesU.S. concerned about future course of war KHARKIV, Ukraine, May 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine said on Tuesday its forces had recaptured villages from Russian troops north and northeast of the city of Kharkiv, pressing a counter-offensive that could signal a shift in the war's momentum and jeopardis

                                                                                    Ukraine pushes back Russian troops in counter-offensive near Kharkiv