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toolchainsに関するエントリは4件あります。 Gosoftwareprogramming などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Perfectly Reproducible, Verified Go Toolchains - The Go Programming Language』などがあります。
  • Perfectly Reproducible, Verified Go Toolchains - The Go Programming Language

    Russ Cox 28 August 2023 One of the key benefits of open-source software is that anyone can read the source code and inspect what it does. And yet most software, even open-source software, is downloaded in the form of compiled binaries, which are much more difficult to inspect. If an attacker wanted to run a supply chain attack on an open-source project, the least visible way would be to replace th

      Perfectly Reproducible, Verified Go Toolchains - The Go Programming Language
    • Go Toolchains - The Go Programming Language

      Introduction Starting in Go 1.21, the Go distribution consists of a go command and a bundled Go toolchain, which is the standard library as well as the compiler, assembler, and other tools. The go command can use its bundled Go toolchain as well as other versions that it finds in the local PATH or downloads as needed. The choice of Go toolchain being used depends on the GOTOOLCHAIN environment set

        Go Toolchains - The Go Programming Language
      • GradleでJavaのバージョンを指定するときはsourceCompatibilityじゃなくてToolchainsを使うと便利 - Mitsuyuki.Shiiba

        追記 2021-02-14 Toolchains はまだ IDEA ではサポートされてないみたい。IDEA を使うときはこれまでの書き方をしておく方が良さそう。 Support detecting SDKs from Gradles toolchain support https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-252328 追記ここまで === 昨日、Gradleのことを書いたのだけど。そういえば、触ってる中でもうひとつ学んだことがあったので、今日はそれについて。今日もタイトルの通り。 bufferings.hatenablog.com 昨日も書いたけど、Gradleって変化が速い印象あるので、しばらくするとこのやり方よりも良いやり方が出てくるかもしれない。今日は、2021年2月時点のGradle 6.8.2のお話。 これまでの書き方 これまでは、

          GradleでJavaのバージョンを指定するときはsourceCompatibilityじゃなくてToolchainsを使うと便利 - Mitsuyuki.Shiiba
        • Toolchains.net - Compiler toolchains resources

          GNU Toolchain GCC - The GNU Compiler Collection (Git) GDB - The GNU Project Debugger (Git) Binutils - The GNU Binary Utilities (Git) LLVM Toolchain LLVM - The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (Git) LLDB - The LLDB Debugger Clang - C language family frontend for LLVM LLD - The LLVM Linker GNU Toolchain Resources Binutils Porting Guide To A New Target/Processor Architecture How To Retarget the GNU Toolc

