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unemploymentの検索結果1 - 23 件 / 23件

  • THE BRADY BLOG:The Unemployment Blues

    「あんた、まだここにいるのかい?」 そろそろわたしもそういう言葉をかけられる身分になった。 極少ながらも収入があって税金も納めているわたしはアンダークラスに生きる人間ではないのだが、長年の貧乏生活のため全身から漂うルーザー臭もあるのだろう、すっかり底辺生活者サポート施設の人々と同化してしまうようだ。 「あんた、まだここにいるのかい?」 いつもわたしに皮肉っぽく声をかけてくるのは、50代後半のボランティア、リチャードである。彼は食堂の洗い場およびカフェ部門(っつっても、ティーバッグで紅茶作ったり、インスタントのコーヒーをスプーンでカップに入れてコーヒー作ったりしているだけなんだが)担当であり、暑い夏の日も雪降る冬の日も、必ず休まずにそこにいる。 彼も10年単位で金銭を貰える仕事に就いたことのないコアな無職者の一人であり、人の噂によれば元々は自分の会社を率いるビジネスマンだったらしいのだが、そ

    • Unemployment - Econlib

      Few economic indicators are of more concern to Americans than unemployment statistics. Reports that unemployment rates are dropping make us happy; reports to the contrary make us anxious. But just what do unemployment figures tell us? Are they reliable measures? What influences joblessness? Each month, the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics randomly surveys sixty thousand individuals

        Unemployment - Econlib
      • Unemployment | When jobs disappear | The Economist

        When jobs disappearThe world economy faces the biggest rise in unemployment in decades. How governments react will shape labour markets for years to come

          Unemployment | When jobs disappear | The Economist
        • A Decade of Unemployment

            A Decade of Unemployment
          • 日本以上?アメリカの若者の失業率:The U.S. Youth Unemployment Rate

            The U.S. Youth Unemployment Rate - The United States Youth Chamber of Commerce; "Although the recession ended in the summer of 2009, youth unemployment remains near its cyclical peak…What keeps the numbers from being even higher is that many teens have simply given up. Some are sitting on couches. Others are in school, which can be a dead end itself. The percentage of American 16- to 19-year-olds

            • The Real Crisis: Global Youth Unemployment

              The United States must cooperate with public and private partners to tackle this vital issue. Last week, Secretary Kerry made his first speech as Secretary of State at the University of Virginia where he spoke about the importance of our foreign policy, especially for young people.  He said “In countries across North Africa and the Middle East, the majority of people are younger than 30 years old.

                The Real Crisis: Global Youth Unemployment
              • Here's why the real unemployment rate may be higher than reported

                The unemployment rate fell to 13.3% in May, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report on Friday. The agency admitted the real unemployment rate likely exceeds 16%.That's due an error in how furloughed workers were treated in the data sample. April's unemployment rate would have been nearly 20% absent that same error. The unemployment rate in the U.S. improved last month as millions of peopl

                  Here's why the real unemployment rate may be higher than reported
                • The link between video games and unemployment

                  The link between video games and unemploymentAs people struggle to find decent jobs, video games fill the void By R.A. | WASHINGTON IN 2016 the video-gaming industry racked up sales of about $100bn, making it one of the world’s largest entertainment industries. The games on offer run the gamut from time-wasting smartphone apps to immersive fantasy worlds in which players can get lost for days or w

                    The link between video games and unemployment
                  • Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - OECD Annual Projections : NAIRU - Unemployment rate with non-accelerating inflation rate

                    This platform reaches the end of its life.The data is being progressively migrated to our new data dissemination platform OECD Data Explorer, which we invite you to start using.

                    • Economy tracker: Unemployment

                      Latest news: Unemployment fell by 102,000 to 1.86 million in the three months to the end of January, according to the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures. The number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in February fell by 31,000 to 791,200, its lowest level since 2008, the ONS said. The employment rate now stands at 73.3%, the highest rate of people in work since the ONS began

                        Economy tracker: Unemployment
                      • PHD Comics: Enrollment vs. Unemployment Rate

                        NEW BOOK! Pre-order now! - I'm SUPER excited to announce my new book Oliver's Great Big Universe is now available to order! It's funny, heart-warming and full of awesome science. Please check it out!

                          PHD Comics: Enrollment vs. Unemployment Rate
                        • The danger of unemployment

                          OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsIsrael and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsIsrael and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

                            The danger of unemployment
                          • Eurostat - Euro area unemployment up to 10.0% in December 2009 (PDF)

                            16/2010 - 29 January 2010 December 2009 Euro area unemployment rate up to 10.0% EU27 up to 9.6% The euro area1 (EA16) seasonally-adjusted2 unemployment rate3 was 10.0% in December 2009, compared with 9.9% in November4. It was 8.2% in December 2008. The EU271 unemployment rate was 9.6% in December 2009, compared with 9.5% in November4. It was 7.6% in December 2008. For the euro area this is the

                            • Japan's low unemployment is easily explained

                              This is the old Noahpinion archive. Noahpinion continues at noahpinion.substack.com Tyler Cowen, Karl Smith, Scott Sumner, and Matt Yglesias raise a question about the Japanese economy: Why is Japan's unemployment rate so low (<5%) when Japan's growth has been so low for so long? This is not a puzzle to me. I actually know not one, but two or even three good answers to this question. Answer 1: Man

                                Japan's low unemployment is easily explained
                              • Eurostat - Euro area unemployment up to 9.6% in August 2009 (PDF)

                                139/2009 - 1 October 2009 August 2009 Euro area unemployment up to 9.6% EU27 up to 9.1% The euro area1 (EA16) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate2 was 9.6% in August 2009, compared with 9.5% in July3. It was 7.6% in August 2008. The EU271 unemployment rate was 9.1% in August 2009, compared with 9.0% in July3. It was 7.0% in August 2008. For the euro area this is the highest rate since March 1

                                • Unemployment Benefits: How to Collect Unemployment Benefits

                                  If you've lost your job, you may be eligible to collect unemployment benefits. Unemployment insurance provides workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own with monetary payments for a specific period or until they find new jobs. Collecting Unemployment Benefits Benefits are provided by state unemployment insurance programs within guidelines established by federal law. Eligibility for

                                    Unemployment Benefits: How to Collect Unemployment Benefits
                                  • Economics One: Investment-Unemployment Link Still On Track

                                    Monday, February 4, 2013 Investment-Unemployment Link Still On Track When the recovery was getting started I pointed out the remarkably strong inverse relationship between fixed investment as a share of GDP and the unemployment rate, and argued that a policy that focused on getting businesses to invest more would help get the unemployment rate down. The additional data from the past several years

                                    • Forced unemployment and second-class status: Google's data center contractors | Hacker News

                                      >Contractors love the good pay and engaging work in Google's data centers. They resent that Google and its staffing firm, Modis Engineering, make them quit every two years.>[...] But those two-year contracts are written in stone. Workers like Wait are not usually allowed to apply either to renew their contracts or to do the same job as a Google employee. If they want to keep working in the same jo

                                      • Unemployment Rate and Level of Education

                                        By request ... Click on graph for larger image in new window. This graph shows the unemployment rate by four level of education. And here is a graphic from the BLS based on 2008 data: Education pays ... Note that the unemployment rate has risen sharply for all categories in 2009. For "less than a high school diploma" the rate has increased from 9% in 2009 to almost 16% in May. Education matters!

                                          Unemployment Rate and Level of Education
                                        • A ‘misclassification error’ made the May unemployment rate look better than it is. Here’s what happened.

                                          When the U.S. government’s official jobs report for May came out on Friday, it included a note at the bottom saying there had been a major “error” indicating that the unemployment rate likely should be higher than the widely reported 13.3 percent rate. The special note said that if this “misclassification error” had not occurred, the “overall unemployment rate would have been about 3 percentage po

                                            A ‘misclassification error’ made the May unemployment rate look better than it is. Here’s what happened.
                                          • Eurostat - Euro area unemployment up to 9.4% in June 2009 (PDF)

                                            112/2009 - 31 July 2009 June 2009 Euro area unemployment up to 9.4% EU27 up to 8.9% The euro area1 (EA16) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate2 was 9.4% in June 2009, compared with 9.3% in May3. It was 7.5% in June 2008. The EU271 unemployment rate was 8.9% in June 2009, compared with 8.8% in May3. It was 6.9% in June 2008. For the euro area this is the highest rate since June 1999 and for the

                                            • Unemployment - Wikipedia

                                              Unemployment, according to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), is people above a specified age (usually 15)[2] not being in paid employment or self-employment but currently available for work during the reference period.[3] Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, which is the number of people who are unemployed as a percentage of the labour force (the tota

                                                Unemployment - Wikipedia
                                              • Unemployment Measures; Job Losses (%) Post-WWII Recessions - The Big Picture

                                                Jake at Econompic points us to this chart of U3 versus U6: > > And here is an update of the chart we first ran back in February of this year (here, and here) > via Calculated Risk This content, which contains security-related opinions and/or information, is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon in any manner as professional advice, or an endorsement of any practice

                                                  Unemployment Measures; Job Losses (%) Post-WWII Recessions - The Big Picture