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workの検索結果81 - 93 件 / 93件

  • Tiny brain sensor implanted without surgery dissolves after weeks

    A brain sensor made of hydrogel is small enough to inject with a needle Hanchuan Tang and Jianfeng Zang A tiny sensor can be injected through the skull with a needle to help monitor brain health before dissolving within weeks. These sensors have been tested in animals, and could one day enable minimally invasive human implants to monitor traumatic brain injuries or neurological conditions such as

      Tiny brain sensor implanted without surgery dissolves after weeks
    • Introducing Lamini Memory Tuning: 95% LLM Accuracy, 10x Fewer Hallucinations | Lamini - Enterprise LLM Platform

      Introducing Lamini Memory Tuning: 95% LLM Accuracy, 10x Fewer Hallucinations TLDR:Lamini Memory Tuning is a new way to embed facts into LLMs that improves factual accuracy and reduces hallucinations to previously unachievable levels — for one Fortune 500 customer, Lamini Memory Tuning led to 95% accuracy compared to 50% with other approaches. Hallucinations were reduced from 50% to 5%.Lamini Memor

        Introducing Lamini Memory Tuning: 95% LLM Accuracy, 10x Fewer Hallucinations | Lamini - Enterprise LLM Platform
      • MLow: Meta’s low bitrate audio codec

        At Meta, we support real-time communication (RTC) for billions of people through our apps, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. We are working to make RTC accessible by providing a high-quality experience for everyone – even those who might not have the fastest connections or the latest phones. As more and more people have relied on our products to make calls over the years, we’ve been wo

          MLow: Meta’s low bitrate audio codec
        • An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

          There are a number of imperative methods for asking for permission to use powerful features like location access in web apps. These methods come with a number of challenges, which is why the Chrome permissions team is experimenting with a new declarative method: a dedicated HTML <permission> element. This element is in origin trial from Chrome 126, and ultimately we hope to standardize it. Imperat

            An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
          • 仕事と勉強の両立を目指す人におすすめ! タイムブロッキングを取り入れた勉強法とは? - STUDY HACKER(スタディーハッカー)|社会人の勉強法&英語学習

            働きながら勉強に励む人は、どんなに忙しくてもスキマ時間を上手に使い、学ぶ時間を確保していますよね。 しかし、仕事の疲れや眠気との戦い、ストレスの蓄積には手を焼いているのではないでしょうか。それらの影響が強くなると、集中力が続かなくなったり、意欲が低下したりするかもしれません。 そうした状況を避けるためにも、タイムブロッキングを取り入れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 実践を交えて説明します。 【ライタープロフィール】 STUDY HACKER 編集部 「STUDY HACKER」は、これからの学びを考える、勉強法のハッキングメディアです。「STUDY SMART」をコンセプトに、2014年のサイトオープン以後、効率的な勉強法 / 記憶に残るノート術 / 脳科学に基づく学習テクニック / 身になる読書術 / 文章術 / 思考法など、勉強・仕事に必要な知識やスキルをより合理的に身につけるためのヒント

              仕事と勉強の両立を目指す人におすすめ! タイムブロッキングを取り入れた勉強法とは? - STUDY HACKER(スタディーハッカー)|社会人の勉強法&英語学習
            • Sakana AI

              Summary At Sakana AI, we harness nature-inspired ideas such as evolutionary optimization to develop cutting-edge foundation models. The development of deep learning has historically relied on extensive trial-and-error by AI researchers and their theoretical insights. This is especially true for preference optimization algorithms, which are crucial for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with hum

                Sakana AI
              • ドラム式洗濯機の糸くずフィルター付近から水漏れ、原因と対策 - アラフィフ まあみんの日常

                我が家のドラム式洗濯機、15年使ってます。 今まで特に問題なく使えていましたが、近頃は途中で止まってしまうことも何度かあります。 そろそろ買い替えが必要かな?と思っていたところ、先日は洗濯途中で床が水浸しになってしまいました。 洗濯機を調べてみると、糸くずフィルター付近から水が溢れ出しています。 水漏れ原因と対策についてまとめました。 水漏れの場所を探る 糸くずフィルターを開けてみる 糸くずフィルターの奥の掃除 糸くずフィルターの締めが甘かった まとめ 水漏れの場所を探る まず水漏れがどこからなのか、場所を探してみました。 糸くずフィルターの付近から水が出ているものの、洗濯機の中の排水から漏れ出ている可能性も考えて下のカバーを外してみました。 中を見るのはこの15年で初です。 中の床部分も水で濡れているため、狭い隙間に手を突っ込んでとりあえず雑巾で拭いてみました。 その後目視で排水ホースな

                  ドラム式洗濯機の糸くずフィルター付近から水漏れ、原因と対策 - アラフィフ まあみんの日常
                • As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’

                  Chinese people know their country’s internet is different. There is no Google, YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. They use euphemisms online to communicate the things they are not supposed to mention. When their posts and accounts are censored, they accept it with resignation. They live in a parallel online universe. They know it and even joke about it. Now they are discovering that, beneath a facade b

                    As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’
                  • Making my first embedded Linux system

                    Follow @popovicu94 This post is the documentation of my journey to building my first Linux system. I started with no PCB experience whatsoever and I am here to document the journey to my Linux-ready PCB. The initial part of this text may seem somewhat off-topic, but I promise there is cohesion to all these sections, so please patiently read through the whole text. Table of contents Open Table of c

                      Making my first embedded Linux system
                    • Announcing Ditto | Soapbox

                      It's finally here. After a year of work, I'm pleased to announce the first release of Ditto! 🎉 Ditto is a Nostr community server. It has a built-in Nostr relay, a web UI, and it implements Mastodon's REST API. It has moderation. It has spam filters. It has NIP-05 self-service. It has quote posts, emoji reactions, and zaps. ⚡ The scope of this project is absolutely huge. It aims to take everything

                        Announcing Ditto | Soapbox
                      • Waiting for Postgres 17: Streaming I/O for sequential scans & ANALYZE

                        In today’s E112 of “5mins of Postgres” we discuss streaming and vectored I/O in Postgres 17. This is an important step towards implementing asynchronous I/O in Postgres. In Postgres 17 we do not yet have asynchronous I/O, but we do see a performance benefit from what is essentially a refactoring work around the internal APIs. In this episode, I give you a little bit of a behind the scenes view on

                          Waiting for Postgres 17: Streaming I/O for sequential scans & ANALYZE
                        • ブランシャールの現代フランス政治学 - himaginary’s diary

                          ブランシャールが経済関係のツイートの合間に、欧州議会選後に風雲急を告げる状況になった母国フランスの政治動向についてツイートしている。 6/10 Macron's decision to dissolve the assembly and call new elections is smart and the right move. Either the incoherence of the RN program becomes clear during the campaign and it loses the election. Or the RN wins, gets to govern and quickly makes a mess of it. In this case, we get two bad years, compared to five if they won the

                            ブランシャールの現代フランス政治学 - himaginary’s diary
                          • トランプ案に必要な関税率は? - himaginary’s diary

                            関税で所得税を置き換える、というトランプ案について、クルーグマンが実際に必要になる関税率をツイッターで弾き、解説している(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。 This was a bit cryptic, so a quick explanation 1/ Trump has reportedly floated the idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs. I’ll have to write this up in detail, but my first-pass estimate is that this would require an *average* tariff rate of 133 percent. Imports are about 14 percent of US GDP. Federal income tax rev

                              トランプ案に必要な関税率は? - himaginary’s diary