2008年10月24日のブックマーク (4件)

  • Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

    We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot. Why did this happen? Please make sure your browser supports JavaScript and cookies and that you are not blocking them from loading. For more information you can review our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy. Need Help? For inquiries related to this message please co

    qooooo 2008/10/24
    "GDP dropped 0.5 percent from the second quarter.Economists predicted a 0.2 percent decline.Service industries shrank 0.4% in the quarter, the first contraction since 1992.Manufacturing production dropped 1 % and construction slipped 0.8 % as both areas of the economy fell into a recession"
  • The incredible shrinking funds

    The incredible shrinking fundsHigh borrowing and the credit crisis are bad enough for hedge funds. Panicky clients are worse ON THE trading floor of one of London's big hedge funds, the banks of Bloomberg screens still flicker with life but the traders are almost silent. “None of us can quite believe what we are seeing,” says a senior manager. A year ago hedge funds were the omnipotent vanguard of

    The incredible shrinking funds
    qooooo 2008/10/24
  • Tsugami Toshiya's Blog:中国:沿海中心に経済成長に急ブレーキ

    悪い報せです、中国経済が足許でヤバくなってきました。 中国:沿海中心に経済成長に急ブレーキ 電力消費量急落のニュースに思う 10月上旬の世界協調利下げや欧米の公的資投入・量的緩和措置のおかげで恐慌ムードが少し遠のいたと思ったら、今度は実体経済面で 「世界同時不況」 が現実味を帯びてきて、マーケットはまた大きく下げている ・・・ そんなときに 「悪い報せ」 だが、中国経済が予想以上に急減速しそうな気配だ。対中依存度の高い日経済は、傘だけでなく雨合羽も必要になるかも知れない。 以前から、景気が落ち込みそうな割にはあまり動じない中国政府を見て、「沿海にばかり行っているせいで、こっちが悲観的になりすぎているのかな」 と思っていたら、先週第3QのGDPが9.0%だと発表された。「えっ! 第2Qは10.1%だったのに、三ヶ月で1.1%落ちるの?」 当のところ、いま中国経済はどうなっているのか・・

  • Greenspan Admits Errors to Hostile House Panel - WSJ

    qooooo 2008/10/24
    "Alan Greenspan Thursday admitted some mistakes in assumptions about deregulation while rejecting the idea that he is personally responsible for what he termed a "once-in-a-century credit tsunami."At a minimum, stabilization of home prices is still many months in the future," ""