2012.04.28 第4回WordBench大阪にて発表 http://takumadesign.com/blog/wordbenchosaka-vol4-report/Read less
いつの間にかパソコンの調子が悪くなっているけど、どうやって直せばいいかよく分からないときや、一度に色んな修復をしたいときに、クリックをしていけば簡単にパソコンを修復できるフリーソフトが「Windows Repair」です。インストールと操作方法は以下から。 「Windows Repair」では以下を修復できます。 ・Reset Registry Permissions(レジストリのアクセス権のリセット) ・Reset File Permissions(ファイルのアクセス権のリセット) ・Register System Files(システムファイルの登録) ・Repair WMI (WMIの修復) ・Repair Windows Firewall(Windowsファイアウォールの修復) ・Repair Internet Explorer(IEの修復) ・Repair MDAC & MS Je
Web styling is a very challenging task for designers, as they are expected to fulfill all the requirements of the clients. It becomes tougher when you are not familiar with a website styling and you are given that site to modify. Many designers have set their styling procedures to remember their work; these CSS codes snippets are very helpful for the other designers. CSS development task is hard p
Photoshop layer styles are a popular way to add effects, such as drop shadows and strokes, to layers in a non-destructive way. With the right knowledge and experience, any effect can be achieved. Whether it's a Photoshop metal layer style, a Photoshop glass layer style, a Photoshop cartoon layer style, or even a Photoshop gold layer style, you can quickly bring your artwork to the next level in a