
2009年6月16日のブックマーク (12件)

  • Beyond Filesystems

    Historically, I’ve been a bit of a filesystem purist. If somebody called something a filesystem that wasn’t fully integrated into the kernel so that any application could transparently read, write and even map files within a familiar hierarchical directory/file structure, or if it didn’t support consistency at least as good as NFS (preferably better) I’d be quick to correct them. I’d say that what

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "filesystems are overkill for many people. They provide functionality those people don’t need, and in return exact a cost those people are unwilling to pay, so alternatives have been developed. I think it’s time for more people to realize that there are no longer only two ways to store and acces
  • Computerworld (U.S.)

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "Possibly Ejabberd which is an open-source Jabber/XMPP instant messaging server. Ejabberd appears to be the market leading XMPP server and things like Google Wave which runs on top of XMPP will probably attract a lot of people into building applications on XMPP servers. Another candidate might be Ra
  • Opera Unite : A model for server disintermediation on the internet

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "# It allows these apps to be accessed across a router on a dynamic IP using a subdomain on a centralised operaunite service ..operaunite.com (not sure yet whether across a firewall as well but seems so) # It allows these applications to be shared / published using the config.xml file (similar to go
  • Rolling with Ruby on Rails

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    BA: The big things I would look forward to is -- well, one, I think many people right now have been showing interest in our main project which is Drizzle, which is a reworking of MySQL towards both microkernel design and also towards going for much faster performance under multicore architecture. Th
  • Rolling with Ruby on Rails

    Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi

    Rolling with Ruby on Rails
    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "On the other hand, if you learn 3.0, in order to be able to work with 2.6, you only have to unlearn a few things because many 3.0 features have actually been backporte to 2.6, or were already available. There's a handful of things that are essentially different like print statement versus print fun
  • Opera Web Browser | Faster, Safer, Smarter | Opera

    Your personal browser Faster, safer and smarter than default browsers. Opera Browser is fully-featured for privacy, security, and everything you do online. See more Take Opera Browser to go Complete your browsing experience on mobile with free VPN, Ad Blocker and browser AI. Download Opera for Android or iOS and enjoy smooth browsing anywhere.

    Opera Web Browser | Faster, Safer, Smarter | Opera
    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "Opera Unite is a unique technology that turns any computer or device running Opera into a Web server. In other words, your computer (running Opera Unite) is truly part of the fabric of the Web, rather than just interacting with it, and it’s something anyone can use. With Opera Unite, everyday non
  • Opera Unite

    Services for Desktop, Mobile and TV. Browse, download and share services on Opera's official Unite services site. New services added daily.Share your stuff with your friends over the Web without handing it over to anyone else — total privacy and complete control. We are changing the game. Explore Opera Unite services. To help you get started, we have created a detailed Opera Unite user guide that

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    Opera Unite allows you to easily share your data: photos, music, notes and other files. You can even run chat rooms and host entire Web sites with Opera Unite. It puts the power of a Web server in your browser, giving you greater privacy and flexibility than other online services.
  • Project Voldemort Blog : Building a terrabyte-scale data cycle at LinkedIn with Hadoop and Project Voldemort

    Many of LinkedIn’s products are critically dependent on computationally intensive data mining algorithms. Examples of these include some modules like People You May Know, Viewers of This Profile Also Viewed, and much of the Job matching functionality that we give to people who post jobs on the site. To support these data-intensive products we have begun to move many of the largest offline processi

    rawwell 2009/06/16
    This post describes the system we built to deploy data to the live site using our key-value storage system, Project Voldemort.
  • ダてなちゃん・まとめ - h071019の倉庫

    はてなハイクに新たなるキャラクターをねじこみました。その名も「ダてなちゃん」。 ダてなちゃんとは? 「ダークサイドに堕ちたはてなちゃん」の略。 特徴:はてなちゃんとほとんど同じフォルム。違いは髪と衣装が黒い、目つきが悪い、髪留めが「×」、八重歯。性格も黒くて言葉遣いが荒い。はてなちゃんよりもグラマー。 ↓記念すべき最初のダてなちゃん ↓でっかいバージョン はてなハイクのキーワードでは色々な方が描かれたダてなちゃんを見られます。→h:keyword:ダてなちゃん 中には「ダてなようせい」なんてのも。 ダてなちゃんイラストいろいろ 黒クマさん*1とは仲良くケンカする関係? ショートストーリー「はてなちゃんとダてなちゃん」 思いつくまま描いていった。途中で選択肢あり。 どうしますか? ェァ  あげる あげない (「あげる」方が多かったので) というわけで h:keyword:ダてなちゃんを宜しく

    ダてなちゃん・まとめ - h071019の倉庫
    rawwell 2009/06/16
  • Google App Engine - Wikipedia

    Google App Engine (GAE) は、Googleの提供するGoogle Cloudのサービスの1つであり、ウェブアプリケーションをPHPPythonJavaGoを使用して開発し、Googleのインフラストラクチャー上で実行し、バージョン管理することができる。 PHP用、Python用、Java用、Go用にそれぞれソフトウェア開発キット (SDK) が用意されている。Java用のSDKはSDK単体のものと、Eclipseのプラグインが同社より提供されており、Google Web Toolkitの開発と統合されている。このほか、Java用には有志によりNetBeans用とIntelliJ用のプラグインがそれぞれ作成されていて、そちらでも開発は可能である。またJavaに対応していることから、Java仮想マシン上で稼働するJython・JRuby・Scalaなども(自ら導入作

  • Tumblrは恐ろしい。(誤字訂正) - 湊子の徒然

    さて、今回は以前から何度か触れていた ウェブ上のサービスの一つ。Tumblrについてです。 コメント欄で指摘があった通り tumbler(コップ)ではなく、 ウェブサービスとしてのタンブラー、Tumblelogです。 なお、ウィキペディアで問題点としてあげられている事には 元ページへの表示がありリンクが基的にたどりやすい事、 個々人のTumbler(つまり加工できる場所)より ダッシュボードかRSSリーダーで閲覧しているように思える事、 またその時以降はほとんど議論らしいものを見かけなかった事から 「巻き起こっている」「横取り」はそれはあるかもしれないけど・・・ね。 という感じです。 ・・・が。今回はtwitterにも増して説明ができません。 ウェブ上のスクラップブックなのですが 他人に面白いと思ったものをお勧めし合うサービスでもあります。 端的に言いますと・・・ ひたすら他人をフォロー

    Tumblrは恐ろしい。(誤字訂正) - 湊子の徒然
    rawwell 2009/06/16
    "LDR+Tomblooというものも入れるとライブドアリーダーで RSSから同じように即座に記事投稿できるようになります。"
  • Website Builder — Create a Website in Minutes — Squarespace

    A collection of inspirational websites made by real Squarespace users. Stories and solutions for the modern entrepreneur. In-depth guides and videos about the platform, our services, and how to get started. An online community for Squarespace users and professionals to discuss best practices and seek advice. Free, online sessions where you’ll learn the basics and refine your Squarespace skills. Ea

    Website Builder — Create a Website in Minutes — Squarespace
    rawwell 2009/06/16
    # Winning prize will include a $199 gift certificate to the Apple store, which may be used toward the purchase of an 8GB iPhone, or toward any other official Apple products or services. This is currently the price listed by Apple of the most expensive new iPhone, and we were advised by Apple that th