
ブックマーク / punkx.org (2)


    [PLAY WEB VERSION: ALONE] [PLAY WEB VERSION: WITH A FRIEND] [PRINT] [RULES] [SIMILAR PROJECTS] [SYMBOLS] [CREDITS] [CONTACT] [GAME HELPER ESP32 | MOBILE] [ASSEMBLY GUIDE] THE GAME I made this game to teach my daughter how buffer overflows work. Looking at programs as something you can play with, and poke and twist and make it do something else, is my favorite part of modern computing. I think its

  • The UNIX Pipe Card Game

    This is a card game for teaching kids how to combine unix commands through pipes. This game assumes the parent knows the basic unix commands: cat, grep, tail, head, wc, sort, uniq. The parent should show also show those commands in action the computer as well, if you do not have any UNIX system you can use jslinux in your browser. Buy now: €5,00 EUR print it yourself: unix-pipe-cards.pdf, unix-pip

    The UNIX Pipe Card Game
    razokulover 2022/10/22
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