
ブックマーク / chromium.googlesource.com (2)

  • PartitionAlloc Design

    This document explains a high-level design of PartitionAlloc. If you're interested in its in-depth implementation, see comments in PartitionAlloc.h. OverviewPartitionAlloc is a memory allocator optimized for performance and security in Blink. All objects in Blink are expected to be allocated with PartitionAlloc or Oilpan (but not yet done). Partitions and bucketsPartitionAlloc has four partitions.

    reboot_in 2022/04/30
  • Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)

    This document outlines Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB), an algorithm by which dubious cross-origin resource loads may be identified and blocked by web browsers before they reach the web page. CORB reduces the risk of leaking sensitive data by keeping it further from cross-origin web pages. In most browsers, it keeps such data out of untrusted script execution contexts. In browsers with Site Isol

    reboot_in 2019/03/18
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