
2014年11月17日のブックマーク (7件)

  • ラクーア カウチソファ(フラットソファ)の電源コンセントの場所が分かりにくかった - ものくろぼっくす

    東京では、ほぼカプセルホテルに宿泊します。でも、たまには豪華にリラックスしたくなります。 そんな時に利用するのが、東京ドームの隣にあるスパ施設 ラクーア です。深夜滞在料金を負担すれば、朝の9時まで滞在(宿泊)できます。 [箱] ラクーア(東京 後楽園 LaQua)が、コンビニへ5分寄り道すればお得なJTBチケットを利用できる | [箱]ものくろぼっくす → https://mono96.jp/?p=24380 フラットになっているソファが、寝るときのお気に入りです。ラクーアのWEBサイトを見ると、電源コンセントありますと書かれているのですが、コンセントの場所が分かりずらいのです。 4回泊まって、やっと見つけた電源コンセント パッと見ると、コンセントは無いんだねって、感じるのが、この「カウチソファ」です。フラットになって寝やすいのです。 電源が無いと、充電に困るのですが、寝やすいから、この

    ラクーア カウチソファ(フラットソファ)の電源コンセントの場所が分かりにくかった - ものくろぼっくす
    reikof 2014/11/17
    東京では、ほぼカプセルホテルに宿泊します。でも、たまには豪華にリラックスしたくなります。 そんな時に利用するのが、東京ドームの隣にあるスパ施設 ラクーア です。深夜滞在料金を負担すれば、朝の9時まで滞在(
  • "Do You Want To Build A Meth Lab?" Is The "Frozen" And "Breaking Bad" Mash-Up You Need In Your Life

    Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place!

    "Do You Want To Build A Meth Lab?" Is The "Frozen" And "Breaking Bad" Mash-Up You Need In Your Life
    reikof 2014/11/17
    “We’ll make lots of money / Just you and me.” Well this is powerful. youtube.com Those clever people at Animeme came up with this. youtube.com It's good. It's possibly as good as the time Jesse turned Anna down. Only a few months till Better Call Saul, people. Only a few months. via BuzzFeed -
  • How Did You Pay Back Your Student Loans?

    reikof 2014/11/17
    We all know we're in the middle of a student debt crisis. Unfortunately, some of us are more familiar with that crisis than others. But many graduates have overcome huge amounts of student debt. If this is you, we want to know the tools and methods that helped you the most. From government resources
  • Pie Crust Cut Out Cookies

    reikof 2014/11/17
    It wasn't until adulthood that I truly came to appreciate the buttery, flaky deliciousness that is pie crust! I wish I could go back in time and eat all of those crusts I left behind in my childhood. Though I suppose it's not too late to make up for those lost crusts! This is a super simple cookie i
  • Scrapbook Sundays: Rainbow Ink

    reikof 2014/11/17
    Hi friends! Happy Sunday. This week I'm focusing on colored inks. Ever since I got the ABM ink pad set in the mail a few weeks ago I can't stop playing with them. I am having the best time experimenting with different color combinations and, really, falling in love with stamping for the first time.
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Welcome back to TechCrunch’s Week in Review. This week had two major events from OpenAI and Google. OpenAI’s spring update event saw the reveal of its new model, GPT-4o, which…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/11/17
  • SNL Shows Why the Internet Should Never Write a TV Show

    reikof 2014/11/17
    If there is one thing the internet has a lot of, it's opinions. When things don't align with our conservative or liberal viewpoints, we tend to vehemently voice our concerns via Twitter. With Woody Harrelson hosting, Saturday Night Live decided to see what would happen if Twitter dictated a sitcom's