
ブックマーク / jp.techcrunch.com (113)

  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    VCs are clamoring to invest in hot AI companies, willing to pay exorbitant share prices for coveted spots on their cap tables. Even so, most aren’t able to get into such deals at all. Yet, small, unknown investors, including family offices and high-net-worth individuals, have found their own way to get shares of the hottest…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/02/14
    ニューヨークのスタートアップ育成企業Betaworks(英語Wikipedia)が、日本のデジタルメディアインキュベータでTwitterの投資家でもあるDigital Garage(日本語Wikipedia)から1000万ドルの資金を調達した。同社はこの12月にも、2000万
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    VCs are clamoring to invest in hot AI companies, willing to pay exorbitant share prices for coveted spots on their cap tables. Even so, most aren’t able to get into such deals at all. Yet, small, unknown investors, including family offices and high-net-worth individuals, have found their own way to get shares of the hottest…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/02/14
    楽天は14日、モバイルメッセージングサービス「Viber」を展開するViber Mediaを子会社化すると発表した。発行済株式の100%の取得および新株発行の引き受けを行い、総額9億ドル(約900億円)を出資する。Viberは、iOSやAndroidア
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/01/10
    LINEは9日、アドレス帳に登録していない番号からの電話・SMSの発信元情報を表示したり、着信拒否ができるアプリ「LINE whoscall」をAndroid向けに無償公開した。アプリは世界で600万ダウンロードを超える「whoscall」を、LINE向け
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/01/07
    あけましておめでとう。新たな365日も、地球が太陽と衝突せずに終わることを、祈りましょう。今年もよろしく! ところでこの記事は今2013年12月31日に書いてるんだけど、したがって、ちょいとお酒が入っている。またこの
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2014/01/07
    ここラスベガスではLGのCESプレス・カンファレンスが始まったところだ。LGはすでに多数のスマート家電を販売しているが、今回、同社はユーザーがこうしたスマート家電と対話する方法の革新に乗り出した。 CTOのScott Ahnが
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/12/23
    ヤフーやミクシィ、サイバーエージェントなど大手ネット企業が続々と参入する個人間取引(C2C)市場に、LINEがついに進出する。「LINE MALL」を来春に正式公開するのに先立ち12月20日、出品と購入の機能に特化したプレオー
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/12/14
    LINEが12月5日に公開したスマートフォン向けQ&Aアプリ「LINE Q」が順調な滑り出しを見せているようだ。リリースから1週間の利用状況を見ると、1日あたりの質問投稿数は約1万件、回答数は約8万件と、1つの質問に平均8件の
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/12/06
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/12/03
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/12/01
    休日も、仕事のことが気になったり、お金の問題があったり、季節的な情動障害があったりすると楽しくない。そんなときはMerle Haggardの“If We Make It Through December”を何度も何度も聴くことにしているが、でも今年は、ヴィ
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta is once again taking on its competitors by developing a feature that borrows concepts from others — in this case, BeReal and Snapchat. The company is developing a feature…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/11/25
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta is once again taking on its competitors by developing a feature that borrows concepts from others — in this case, BeReal and Snapchat. The company is developing a feature…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/11/24
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta is once again taking on its competitors by developing a feature that borrows concepts from others — in this case, BeReal and Snapchat. The company is developing a feature…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/11/22
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta is once again taking on its competitors by developing a feature that borrows concepts from others — in this case, BeReal and Snapchat. The company is developing a feature…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/11/19
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/11/13
    過去2年半日本を席巻しているメッセージングアプリ、Lineは、四半期売上を1億ドル近くへと伸ばした。 今年2月に親会社のNHNから独立した同アプリは、9月末締四半期の純売上を99億円(0.999億ドル)とした。アプリストアや
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/10/27
    Nikkeiによると、人気のメッセージングサービスLineが、2014年に東京証券取引所で株式の公開をしたい(上場企業になる)らしい。評価額は8億ドルから10億ドルのあいだ、とされている。 … via TechCrunch Japan http://jp.techcrunch.com
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/10/16
  • TechCrunch

    EduFi, a fintech startup that enables financially strapped students to secure loans for their education, has raised $6.1 million in a pre-seed round led by Zayn VC with participation from Palm Drive C

    reikof 2013/10/08
    ソーシャルブックマーキングサービスDeliciousはかなり長期にわたって、Web 2.0運動のシンボルのような存在だった。ブックマークをソーシャルに共有するシンプルなサービスだったが、オープンでコラボレーション的でタグ
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    reikof 2013/09/26
  • TechCrunch

    Arc, the web browser startup that’s convincing some power users to give up Chrome, is now inviting other non-Arc users to test drive its capabilities with the launch of a trio of new “shar

    reikof 2013/06/17
    Deliciousの言葉を見ると、多くの人が「Web 2.0」を思い出すことだろう。Yahooによって買収されて、結局放棄されるまで、「クラウド」サービスの典型として大いに人気を集めたものだった。それまではあくまでも個人のもので