Download Moka Minimalist functional python library Moka is a minimalist functional library wrapping commons Python default data structures. In other words, it let you chain functional constructs in a readable and pythonic way. (List() # Create a new instance of moka.List .extend(range(1,20)) # Insert the numbers from 1 to 20 .keep(lambda x: x > 5) # Keep only the numbers bigger than 5 .rem(lambda
/var/log/mindDhananjay Nene’s opinions on software programming, design, architecture and the internet PagesAbout Manifesto Categories agile architecture blogging company-profile functional programming hardware and networking Internet and Social Media java linux management php programming python rest rest-musings ruby scala security software testing Uncategorized web RSS In Functional Programming w
Lately there has been a substantial increase in interest and activity in Functional Programming. Functional Programming is sufficiently different from the conventional mainstream programming style called Imperative Programming to warrant some discussion on what it is, before we delve into the specifics of how it can be used in Python. What is Functional Programming? To quote from Wikipedia, In com