
2008年2月29日のブックマーク (2件)

  • ベア速 やるおで学ぶハイパーインフレ

    3 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。[] 投稿日:2008/01/15(火) 17:39:31.51 ID:fCPdc5Io0 / ̄ ̄ ̄\ / ─    ─ \ /  (●)  (●)  \.   ん。テロップで何か書いてあるお・・・。 |    (__人__)    | \    ` ⌒´    / /              \ 「ひぐろしのなく頃に」は 今週で放送を終了します ____ /::::::─三三─\ /:::::::: ( ○)三(○)\ |::::::::::::::::::::(__人__)::::  | \:::::::::   |r┬-|  ,/ ノ::::::::   `ー'´  \ 4 名前:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします。[] 投稿日:2008/01/15(火) 17:39:49.38 ID:fCPdc5Io0 ___

  • Boost Your Wireless Signal With a Homemade Wifi Extender

    It's amazing what a few sheets of tinfoil can do for the strength of your wireless signal. As shown above, by carefully folding tinfoil into a parabola, you can boost your wireless strength tremendously. The fellas in the video saw gains from 82% to just under 100%, though I only saw boosts of around five percent, so your mileage may vary. This project should only take about three minutes and will

    Boost Your Wireless Signal With a Homemade Wifi Extender
    s2005976 2008/02/29