
ブックマーク / senseable.mit.edu (1)

  • Flyfire

    Flyfire, a project initiated by the SENSEable City Laboratory in collaboration with ARES Lab (Aerospace Robotics and Embedded Systems Laboratory) aims to transform any ordinary space into a highly immersive and interactive display environment. In its first implementation, the Flyfire project sets out to explore the capabilities of this display system by using a large number of self-organizing micr

    s5-style 2010/02/24
    MITのSenseable City LabとARES Labが共同研究しているインタラクティブ空中ディスプレイFlyfire。 ディスプレイの画素に見立てた数百個のLEDを空中に浮かせて映像を空中に写そうではないかというプロジェクト。
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