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TextMate2IMFix.tmplugin TextMate 2 専用の日本語入力改善プラグインです。github に置いています。バイナリは「Downloads」にあります。 https://github.com/hetima/TextMate2IMFix CJK-Input.tmplugin Universal Binary 動作環境:TextMate 1.5.4 これは TextMate でシームレスな日本語入力を実現するプラグインです。特別なキーボードショートカットなどを必要とせず、日本語を入力しようとすると自動的に専用の入力欄が出現します。 Input Method を使用する他の言語も対応しています(未確認ですが)。下記の等幅日本語フォント ForMateKonaVe.ttf と併用すれば、日本語入力・表示環境がとりあえずは整います。 インストール方法 CJK-Input.
Dan Benjamin is an inventor, podcaster, software developer, and writer. In early 2009, Dan became a full-time podcaster with the launch of 5by5.tv, often called "NPR for Geeks" by its listeners. 5by5 quickly rose to become one of the top tech-focused pocast networks, drawing talent from all corners of the tech, gaming, productivity, and entertainment industries. Dan’s podcasts have gone on to rece
Dan Benjamin is an inventor, podcaster, software developer, and writer. In early 2009, Dan became a full-time podcaster with the launch of 5by5.tv, often called "NPR for Geeks" by its listeners. 5by5 quickly rose to become one of the top tech-focused pocast networks, drawing talent from all corners of the tech, gaming, productivity, and entertainment industries. Dan’s podcasts have gone on to rece