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  • 夢の常温常圧超電導体「LK-99」の存在を支持する研究結果が相次いで発表される、再現したLK-99が超電導物質だと示唆する動画も公開

    2023年7月、韓国の研究チームが室温かつ常圧で超電導状態になる物質「LK-99」を開発したとする論文を発表し、世界中の研究者から大きな注目を集めています。新たに、LK-99の常温常圧超電導を支持する研究結果がアメリカのローレンス・バークレー国立研究所や中国の瀋陽国立研究所の研究者らによって発表されたほか、中国の華中科技大学によって「再現したLK-99の超電導性を示唆する動画」も公開されました。 [2307.16892] Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2307.16892 [2307.16040] First-principles study on the electronic struc

    • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

      Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

        The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
      • Cheating is All You Need

        Heya. Sorry for not writing for so long. I’ll make up for it with 3000 pages here. I’m just hopping right now. That’s kinda the only way to get me to blog anymore. I’ve rewritten this post so many times. It’s about AI. But AI is changing so fast that the post is out of date within a few days. So screw it. I’m busting this version out in one sitting. (Spoiler alert: There’s some Sourcegraph stuff a

          Cheating is All You Need
        • Transformers from scratch | peterbloem.nl

          18 Aug 2019 code on github video lecture I will assume a basic understanding of neural networks and backpropagation. If you’d like to brush up, this lecture will give you the basics of neural networks and this one will explain how these principles are applied in modern deep learning systems. A working knowledge of Pytorch is required to understand the programming examples, but these can also be sa

          • Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs

            Make Something WonderfulSteve Jobs in his own wordsThere’s lots of ways to be, as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. And you never meet the people. You never shake their hands. You never hear their story or tell

              Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs
            • Quantum supremacy: the gloves are off

              The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. Links: Google paper in Nature New York Times article IBM paper and blog post responding to Google’s announcement Boaz Barak’s new post: “Boaz’s inferior classical inferiority FAQ” Lipton and Regan’s post My quantum supremacy interview w

                Quantum supremacy: the gloves are off
              • Institute for the Study of War

                This page collects ISW and CTP's updates on the conflict in Ukraine. In late February 2022, ISW began publishing daily synthetic products covering key events related to renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine. These Ukraine Conflict Updates replaced ISW’s previous “Indicators and Thresholds for Russian Military Operations in Ukraine and/or Belarus,” which we maintained from November 12, 2021, t

                • Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!

                  The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. You’ve seen the stories—in the Financial Times, Technology Review, CNET, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, or elsewhere—saying that a group at Google has now achieved quantum computational supremacy with a 53-qubit superconducting device. Whil

                    Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!
                  • A History of Clojure

                    71 A History of Clojure RICH HICKEY, Cognitect, Inc., USA Shepherd: Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Clojure was designed to be a general-purpose, practical functional language, suitable for use by professionals wherever its host language, e.g., Java, would be. Initially designed in 2005 and released in 2007, Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, but is not a direct descendant of any

                    • How can we develop transformative tools for thought?

                      How can we develop transformative tools for thought? Part of the origin myth of modern computing is the story of a golden age in the 1960s and 1970s. In this story, visionary pioneers pursued a dream in which computers enabled powerful tools for thought, that is, tools to augment human intelligence E.g., Douglas Engelbart, Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework (1962).. One of those pi

                        How can we develop transformative tools for thought?