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  • 03_清塚.indd

    論 文 E・H・ゴンブリッチの画像表象論: 『芸術と幻影』を中心に 清 塚 邦 彦 画像表象 1 の本性をめぐる現代英語圏における哲学的考察の展開は,ゴンブリッチの貢献を抜 きにしては語れない。ゴンブリッチ自身は美術史家であり,哲学の専門的研究者ではないが,そ の理論上の主著『芸術と幻影』 (1960 年,以下引用の際には A&I と略記する)は,画像表象の本 性を考える手掛かりとなる理論的着想と興味深い事例紹介に富んでおり,その後の美学の展開に 非常に大きな影響を与えた。英米哲学における画像表象の問題圏は,ゴンブリッチの著作によっ てはじめて形成されたとさえ言えそうに思われる。 しかし,そうした大きな影響力を持ちながら,ゴンブリッチの理論的業績は,その後の議論の 中で必ずしも正当に評価されてこなかった。後ほど見るように,よく取り上げられる一部の論点 は誤解を受け,また他の論点は注目を集め

    • Introducing Claude

      After working for the past few months with key partners like Notion, Quora, and DuckDuckGo in a closed alpha, we’ve been able to carefully test out our systems in the wild, and are ready to offer Claude more broadly so it can power crucial, cutting-edge use cases at scale. Claude is a next-generation AI assistant based on Anthropic’s research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems.

        Introducing Claude
      • The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities

        The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities The symbolic power of Bernie’s old pair of mittens was the work of the “us” in “not me, us.” Attendees including Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., listen during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Jan. 20, 2021. Photo: Caroline Brehman/Pool/AP Pity the art directors, the stylists, and the stage managers. So much effort,

          The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities
        • Tomoya Ikeda - Macintosh Artist  ⌘I  Get Info

          Contents Introduction Berkeley Systems Enzan-Hoshigumi MacWorld EXPO Selected Works Mandala Timeline Introduction Tomoya Ikeda (池田友也) might not be a name you’re familiar with, but if you used a classic Macintosh computer at any time during in the 1990s you’re likely already familiar with some of his work. Berkeley Systems Tomoya Ikeda played a key part in the evolution of After Dark’s world famous

          • Japanese Swords as Symbols of Historical Amnesia: Touken Ranbu and the Sword Boom in Popular Media - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

            Abstract: This essay analyses the Japanese sword boom in popular media in the 21st century, situating Touken Ranbu, an online video game franchise, within its wider political and historical context. In the first two decades of the 21st century, government, commercial, and semi-public institutions, such as museums, extensively deployed positive depictions of Japanese swords in popular media, includ

              Japanese Swords as Symbols of Historical Amnesia: Touken Ranbu and the Sword Boom in Popular Media - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
            • Sons Of Kemet | ele-king

              昨年の春に世界中で起こったブラック・ライヴズ・マタ―の抗議活動で、もっとも反響を呼んだ映像のひとつが、イギリスのブリストルで、抗議者たちが17世紀の奴隷貿易商人エドワード・コルストンの像を引き倒し、港へと押して行った光景だった。その行為は一定の政治家から予想通りの非難を受けたが、象徴性は否定できないものだった。数世紀の時を経て、ようやく歴史が大西洋奴隷貿易の立役者たちに追いつこうとしていた。 詩人のジョシュア・アイデヘンが、サンズ・オブ・ケメットの『ブラック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー』の扇情的なオープニング・トラックである“フィールド・ニーガス”で、「お前の記念碑をゴロゴロ転がして行く タバコを巻くみたいに/肖像は川に投げ込め 火葬の薪の価値もない」、と激しく非難する。低音で鳴くホルンと自由形式のドラミングに乗せて、アイデヘデンはプランテーション奴隷制の時代から現在に至るまで続いている、耐え

                Sons Of Kemet | ele-king
              • The 35 Best Anime of All Time

                At Paste, we believe there’s an anime for everyone. With lists like this, diverse demographics are often left unconsidered, effectively sidelining female and LGBT viewers. Hobbyists and fandoms have long had distinctive, individualized communities, lively groups that often do not intersect except, maybe, at anime conventions, given over half of North America’s attendees are female. So why is it th

                  The 35 Best Anime of All Time
                • 淡々と画像を貼るスレ オーパーツ・ロストテクノロジー : 哲学ニュースnwk

                  2023年07月02日12:00 淡々と画像を貼るスレ オーパーツ・ロストテクノロジー Tweet 1: 名無しさん@おーぷん 2015/08/31(月)16:03:30 ID:V88 転載元:http://hayabusa.open2ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1441004610/ 淡々と画像を貼るスレ 世界記録・ギネス記録編 http://blog.livedoor.jp/nwknews/archives/4913188.html 淡々と画像を貼るスレ UMA編・後編 http://blog.livedoor.jp/nwknews/archives/4897697.html 淡々と画像を貼るスレ UMA編・前編 http://blog.livedoor.jp/nwknews/archives/4895965.html 淡々と画像を貼るスレ 秘密結

                    淡々と画像を貼るスレ オーパーツ・ロストテクノロジー : 哲学ニュースnwk
                  • Kanji for Sun or Day 日 (Hi or Nichi)

                    The kanji for “sun” in Japanese is 日. The pronunciation of 日 is “hi” in its kun’yomi reading and “nichi” or “jitsu” in its on’yomi reading. However, please remember that the pronunciation of the kanji 日 can be different (hi, ka, nichi, bi, etc.) depending on the word and context. The Kanji 日 is constructed with 4 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus (please check the JLPT N5 Kanji

                      Kanji for Sun or Day 日 (Hi or Nichi)
                    • Who the hell are 2girls1bottl3?

                      Mixie wears necklace SHUSHU/TONG. Munchie wears jacket GUESS, hat STEPHEN JONES MILLINERY and headphones BEATS BY DRE In an age of hyper-sharing, Mixie and Munchie are a mystery, a myth, a glimpse and a glitch. But their TikTok account, 2girls1bottl3, is the portal to a fully-formed world. A girl with synthetically blue eyes, which peek out from under a massive fuzzy bear hat, approaches me in a M

                        Who the hell are 2girls1bottl3?
                      • Kanji for Mountain: 山 ("Yama" or "San")

                        The kanji for “mountain” in Japanese is 山. The Kunyomi, or the Japanese pronunciation of the Kanji 山 is yama (やま). The Onyomi (Chinese) pronunciation of this Kanji is san (サン), when used in compound words like “Fujisan” (Mt. Fuji) or “Hakusan” (Mt. Haku). The onyomi, or Chinese reading, is “san” or “zan.” Mountain’s Kanji is constructed with 3 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus

                          Kanji for Mountain: 山 ("Yama" or "San")
                        • Kanji of Moon and Month: 月 (Tsuki or Getsu/Gatsu)

                          The kanji for “moon” in Japanese is 月. Please note that the original Japanese calendar, like some others in Asia, was the lunar calendar, based on the moon’s movement, so the moon’s Kanji 月 also means “month.” The pronunciation of the Kanji 月 is “tsuki” (つき) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “gatsu” (ガツ) or “getsu” (ゲツ) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). The shape of this kanji is rather simpl

                            Kanji of Moon and Month: 月 (Tsuki or Getsu/Gatsu)
                          • “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy

                            Lessons from the Afghan Women Who Weave Modern War into an Ancient Tradition Women of Central Asia have been weaving hand-made rugs of intricate design for thousands of years. But in 1979, the carpets began to change radically. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan displaced more than a million citizens and devastated the region. Its effects impacted everyday life so deeply that women in Afghanistan

                              “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy
                            • Kanji for Mouth or Opening: 口 (Kuchi)

                              Pronunciation The onyomi (Chinese reading) of 口 is “ko” or “ku”. The kunyomi (Japanese reading) of 口 is “kuchi” or “guchi”. The Kanji 口 is constructed with 3 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N4 syllabus (please check the JLPT N4 kanji list). In Japanese schools, this Kanji is taught in grade 1. Origin of the Kanji 口 to Denote Mouth The character 口 is a pictogram, which means it was origin

                                Kanji for Mouth or Opening: 口 (Kuchi)
                              • Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem

                                As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies. A January 28 demonstration, in Kiev, by 600 members of the so-called “National Militia,” a n

                                  Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
                                • Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan

                                  Giving gifts is a common practice in many cultures. It’s a way to show your appreciation to someone in a platonic or romantic way. Offering gifts can also help establish or maintain professional relationships for years. However, Gift-giving in Japan is a crucial part of the culture. The art of gift-giving in Japan on the surface appears easy, but there’s a bit of nuance in the type of gift, how it

                                    Mastering the Art of Gift Giving in Japan
                                  • Kanji for Water: 水 (Mizu)

                                    The Japanese kanji for “water” is 水. The pronunciation of the Kanji 水 is “mizu” (みず) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “sui” (スイ) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). The shape of this kanji is rather simple, and its shape has a clear origin. The Kanji 水 is constructed with 4 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus (please check the list of JLPT N5 Kanji). In Japanese schools, this

                                      Kanji for Water: 水 (Mizu)