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And You And Iの検索結果1 - 24 件 / 24件

  • 菅 義偉 on Twitter: "Dear President Trump, I was very worried about you when I read your tweet saying that you and Madam First Lady test… https://t.co/uCmPkcigAg"

    Dear President Trump, I was very worried about you when I read your tweet saying that you and Madam First Lady test… https://t.co/uCmPkcigAg

      菅 義偉 on Twitter: "Dear President Trump, I was very worried about you when I read your tweet saying that you and Madam First Lady test… https://t.co/uCmPkcigAg"
    • Khamenei.ir on Twitter: "We have no doubt in @abeshinzo’s goodwill and seriousness; but regarding what you mentioned from U.S. president, I… https://t.co/MsgFrBKwkm"

      We have no doubt in @abeshinzo’s goodwill and seriousness; but regarding what you mentioned from U.S. president, I… https://t.co/MsgFrBKwkm

        Khamenei.ir on Twitter: "We have no doubt in @abeshinzo’s goodwill and seriousness; but regarding what you mentioned from U.S. president, I… https://t.co/MsgFrBKwkm"
      • Tuku & Hikaria on Twitter: "Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr"

        Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr

          Tuku & Hikaria on Twitter: "Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr"
        • Close To The Edge イエス(YES ) の最高傑作アルバムから「同志 "And You And I"」を歌詞つきで聴く【名盤・名曲】【YESの「危機」再現ライブ】 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

          ギター、スティーヴ・ハウ75歳!という求心力 イエスというバンド自体、メンバーチェンジが激しすぎて、その構成についていけません でもね、 アルバム「危機」50周年のライブに駆けつけた古くからのファンにとっては、 ジョン・アンダーソン ボーカル スティーヴ・ハウ           ギター リック・ウェイクマン キーボード クリス・スクワイア  ベース ビル・ブラッフォード ドラム アラン・ホワイト   ドラム といったところが、 揺るぎのないYESのイメージではないかと思います クリスとアランが逝ってしまい、 スティーヴ・ハウ75歳だけのイエス??? そんな懸念を吹き飛ばす、圧巻のライブでしたね 司令塔は、一貫してスティーヴ・ハウ ブレないリーダーがいる強さを感じました 独創的な天才が5人もいると、 こうはいかないよ。。。 ビル・ブルーフォードがキングクリムゾンに移ってしまった「理由」を思

            Close To The Edge イエス(YES ) の最高傑作アルバムから「同志 "And You And I"」を歌詞つきで聴く【名盤・名曲】【YESの「危機」再現ライブ】 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
          • NaomiOsaka大坂なおみ on Twitter: "You’re sooooo mad at me for reposting a BLM march that was being held in Osaka. I’m not holding people hostage and… https://t.co/8xfzSP31J6"

            You’re sooooo mad at me for reposting a BLM march that was being held in Osaka. I’m not holding people hostage and… https://t.co/8xfzSP31J6

              NaomiOsaka大坂なおみ on Twitter: "You’re sooooo mad at me for reposting a BLM march that was being held in Osaka. I’m not holding people hostage and… https://t.co/8xfzSP31J6"
            • GitHub - catchpoint/workflow-telemetry-action: Github action to collect metrics (CPU, memory, I/O, etc ...) from your workflows to help you debug and optimize your CI/CD pipeline

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - catchpoint/workflow-telemetry-action: Github action to collect metrics (CPU, memory, I/O, etc ...) from your workflows to help you debug and optimize your CI/CD pipeline
              • イエス「同志 - "And You and I"」1972年のライブ、アルバム「危機」「イエスソングス」 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                "And You and I"イエスの「同志」をライブで聴く 1972年のライブのこの臨場感! youtu.be 素晴らしい映像をこうして観ることができる現在が夢のようです レコードの宇宙感、桃源郷感 イエスに夢中になったころは、もちろんライブどころか、動画もなく、 写真ですら貴重でしたから、 ロジャー・ディーンの描く桃源郷、あるいは宇宙のどこかの世界に浮遊する中学生でした コチラでしたよね youtu.be アルバム「危機」の凄さライブアルバム「イエスソングス」の驚き スタジオアルバムでイエスを聴く時、 それはもう、人間が演奏しているバンドとしては聴いていないというか、 とにかく、どこかの別天地に飛んでいました でも、 同じイエスの曲「同志」なのに、 ライブアルバムの「イエスソングス」で聴くと、 これはもう、バンドなんですよね ライブの興奮です 両方の良さがあります ドラマー、ビル・ブル

                  イエス「同志 - "And You and I"」1972年のライブ、アルバム「危機」「イエスソングス」 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                • ネイティブが I and you と絶対に言わないのはなぜ?ネイティブの考え方を解剖してみた!

                  なかなか深いテーマになりました、、過去1難しい回だったかもしれません、、! ★3人で作った本が出版されました! 購入はこちらから↓↓↓本屋さんでも買えます! https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046051124 〜本の詳細〜 書名:その英語、本当にあってる? ネイティブならこう答えます 価格:1,300円(税別) 発売日:2021年3月18日 販売:全国の書店、Amazon、楽天などのネット書店にて販売 ▷勉強になるかもしれない再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKBue5ZovUFIPHW_HcYc6UMJDRIKL2GOP ▷TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/RVKp4w/ ▷Instagram https://instagram.com/kevinsenroom ▷Twi

                    ネイティブが I and you と絶対に言わないのはなぜ?ネイティブの考え方を解剖してみた!
                  • Santiago on X: "Scrum is a cancer. I've been writing software for 25 years, and nothing renders a software team useless like Scrum does. Some anecdotes: 1. They tried to convince me that Poker is a planning tool, not a game. 2. If you want to be more effi

                    • where can i buy albuterol. How and Where You Can Buy for Bitcoin. ^ - Field and Stream Questions and Answers

                      №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - How and Where You Can Buy for Bitcoin -- Click here for more info - where can i buy albuterol - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Fast delivery and co

                      • http://url-qr.tk/Lorazepam - How and Where You Can Buy Lorazepam . $ I need Lorazepam for Bitcoin. - DBACLASS FORUM

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                        • 33 GitHub projects I have bookmarked and you should

                          GitHub isn't only a rendition control administration; it is a marvelous substance asset for all-things-advancement. From free digital books and instructional exercises, to talk with planning material and 'amazing' bullet point articles, GitHub is the go-to learning center for Developers anxious to up-expertise themselves and stay important. A great deal of designers love to invest energy on GitHub

                            33 GitHub projects I have bookmarked and you should
                          • GitHub - priyankavergadia/GCPSketchnote: If you are looking to become a Google Cloud Engineer , then you are at the right place. GCPSketchnote is series where I share Google Cloud concepts in quick and easy to learn format.

                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                              GitHub - priyankavergadia/GCPSketchnote: If you are looking to become a Google Cloud Engineer , then you are at the right place. GCPSketchnote is series where I share Google Cloud concepts in quick and easy to learn format.
                            • Jan Nedvidek on Twitter: "I work in the aviation sector, and I can tell you that for all intents and purposes Russian aviation has - at best… https://t.co/rNr7I7zKbR"

                              I work in the aviation sector, and I can tell you that for all intents and purposes Russian aviation has - at best… https://t.co/rNr7I7zKbR

                                Jan Nedvidek on Twitter: "I work in the aviation sector, and I can tell you that for all intents and purposes Russian aviation has - at best… https://t.co/rNr7I7zKbR"
                              • McLaren Stanley on Twitter: "Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ"

                                Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ

                                  McLaren Stanley on Twitter: "Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ"
                                • 聴き比べ ボブ・ディランの『我が道を行く(Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine) )』 - Flying Skynyrdのブログ

                                  今日の「聴き比べ」はまたまたボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)です。今回は『我が道を行く(Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine) )』です。 この曲は1966年の7枚目のアルバム『Blonde on Blonde』に収録されました。このアルバムはいわゆるディランのロック・アルバム3部作の最後を飾る2枚組アルバムでした。バックにはザ・バンド(当時はホークス)のメンバーも参加しました。後にシングルカットされヒットします。 1974年のライヴアルバム『偉大なる復活(Before The Flood)』のオープニング・ナンバーでした。 Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine) By Bob Dylan You say you love me And you’re thinkin' of me

                                    聴き比べ ボブ・ディランの『我が道を行く(Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine) )』 - Flying Skynyrdのブログ
                                  • Why I Still Lisp (and You Should Too)

                                    Logo available on public domainAs a long-time user (and active proponent) of Scheme/Common Lisp/Racket, I sometimes get asked why I stick with them. Fortunately, I have always headed up my own engineering organizations, so I’ve never had to justify it to management. But there’s an even more important constituency — my own engineering colleagues — who’ve never ever had the pleasure of using these l

                                      Why I Still Lisp (and You Should Too)
                                    • Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks you (or I) didn't know were possible

                                      It's no secret I dig WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and now that WSL2 is available in Windows Insiders Slow it's a great time to really explore the options that are available. What I'm finding is so interesting about WSL and how it relates to the Windows system around it is how you can cleanly move data between worlds. This isn't an experience you can easily have with full virtual machines, and

                                        Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks you (or I) didn't know were possible
                                      • Kat Cosgrove (Rat Arc) 🐀 on Twitter: "So, Kubernetes is deprecating Docker support and you're either nervous or confused. That's okay! I would like to he… https://t.co/JjnsrUyLhu"

                                        So, Kubernetes is deprecating Docker support and you're either nervous or confused. That's okay! I would like to he… https://t.co/JjnsrUyLhu

                                          Kat Cosgrove (Rat Arc) 🐀 on Twitter: "So, Kubernetes is deprecating Docker support and you're either nervous or confused. That's okay! I would like to he… https://t.co/JjnsrUyLhu"
                                        • Anthony Accomazzo @ acco.io | I finally escaped Node (and you can too)

                                          I wrote my first Node program in 2013. (It was in CoffeeScript.) In those days, there were three factors contributing to Node's ascendancy: The first was "JavaScript everywhere." This originally meant "JavaScript on the front-end, JavaScript on the back-end," which always struck me as a weak rationale. (This has since evolved into "might is right" and JavaScript as a lingua franca, which is a bit

                                          • I Declare To-Do List Bankruptcy! (and you should too)

                                            Illustration by Yin Weihung Sometimes I fantasize about quitting my job. For the record (and the benefit of my boss who is probably reading this), I love my job. I love the work. I love the products. I love the people. I have zero intention of actually quitting. But that doesn’t stop me from occasionally getting lost in the sweetest of daydreams in which all my unanswered emails, unfinished projec

                                              I Declare To-Do List Bankruptcy! (and you should too)
                                            • I've used the pipe() function 2,560 times and I can tell you it's good! – Obvibase under the hood

                                              I've used the pipe() function 2,560 times and I can tell you it's good! The pipe() function that I'm talking about is the one that lets you replace b(a(x)) with pipe(x, a, b). Yes, that's how many times I've used it over the last few years, and looking back at those usages, I'd like to tell you the reasons you might find it useful too, even when you work with a codebase that doesn't stray from mai

                                              • 日本人「I'm fine, thank you. And you?」アメリカ人「それマジでダサいからやめろ」 : IT速報

                                                1:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2019/10/19(土) 07:31:48.81 ID:cv/Ug4mh0 BE:123322212-PLT(13121) アメリカ生活が始まった直後、僕は中学校の英語の授業で習ったとおりのあいさつをしていました。先生たちに「How are you?」と聞かれれば、「I'm fine, thank you. And you?」と返していたのです。これが日本で習ったあいさつの基本でした。 ところが、バスケットボール部のチームメートとつき合うようになると、すぐにあいさつの仕方を“矯正”されてしまいます。 「雄太、いいか。あのあいさつだけは絶対にやめておけ」 なんといきなりの全否定。 彼らは、「How are you?」と聞かれたら、「Good. You?」だけにしろと言うのです。 「こっちのほうがクールだろ。『I'm fine, thank you. And

                                                  日本人「I'm fine, thank you. And you?」アメリカ人「それマジでダサいからやめろ」 : IT速報
                                                • How I built a fully offline smart home, and why you should too

                                                  As someone who grew up with a dial-up internet connection, I get anxious at the thought of any always-online product or service. My smart home is no different — I rely on it to automatically cool the room when I return home, light up my closet when I open the door, and match the color temperature of my lights to the sun’s position. Why should any of that require an internet connection? That train

                                                    How I built a fully offline smart home, and why you should too