The web today is a growing universe of interlinked web pages and web apps, teeming with videos, photos, and interactive content. What the average user doesn't see is the interplay of web technologies and browsers that makes all this possible.� Over time web technologies have evolved to give web developers the ability to create new generations of useful and immersive web experiences. Today's web is
Web Audio Examples The Web Audio API introduces a variety of new audio features to the web platform. It can be used with the canvas and WebGL APIs for creating a new generation of games and interactive applications. The API is capable of dynamically positioning/spatializing and mixing multiple sound sources in three-dimensional space. It has a powerful modular routing system, supporting effects, a
Simply put, they did a great job redesigning our personal injury site. With so many attorneys, it's really hard to stand out from the rest. VI-Designs definitely achieved that. - Sherwin Arzani, a personal injury attorney in Bakersfield, CA. I am beyond impressed with my new website designed by VI-Design. I think it's the perfect combination of bein
ブラウザから新年のご挨拶!お正月気分を味わえる、ちょっと贅沢なコンテンツ集。ブラウザ凧揚げ ブラウザをドラッグして 上手に凧を上げてみよう。 リズム餅つき アドレス欄を流れる □と■が合わさったら タイミングを合わせて クリックしよう! ローディング初日の出 いつもの見慣れた ローディングが、 初日の出になりました。 ラジオだるま だるまの目が ラジオボタンに。 目に墨を入れて、 願掛けしよう。 スクロールやぶさめ スクロールで弓を引き、 一等真ん中を 射ぬいてみよう。 世界のあけおめ 世界のみんなに 新年のご挨拶を。 書き初めの窓 新年の抱負を、 ブラウザにしたためよう。 反転おみくじ 画面をドラッグ・ 反転させて、 今年の運勢を占おう。 初夢スロット 一富士二鷹三茄子。 初夢スロットで、 年の初めの運試し。 ポップアップ駅伝 マウスをクリックして カチカチ走ろう。 チェックボックスに龍
This page is a high-level overview of the project and provides guidence on how to implement the intents in your applications without the need for the you to understand the entire spec. Introduction Users use many different services on the web to handle their day to day tasks, such as sharing images, editing documents and listening to music. They expect their applications to be connected and to wor
「GO 5 ZOO(ゴー・ゴー・ズー)」は、5種類の動物が暮らすバーチャルサファリパークです。自然の中で暮らす動物達を見ながら、楽しく学ぶことができます。
Two CreativeJS workshops are back and updated. The first, CreativeJS for Designers is aimed at creative people who have never done any JavaScript programming. I learned to code by drawing pictures and animating stuff, and it’s seriously fun – the … Continue reading → @oosmoxiecode has released this lovely C64 styled post-processing WebGL shader. Seen running on-top of a trailer for the forthcoming
As of February 28, 2019, Disney Story Central has been retired. While this app may still be playable, there are no plans for future updates and active product support will no longer be provided. We appreciate your support and understanding. Please note that Disney is not responsible for providing refunds or credits for any virtual items, in-game currency, or other items that may be no longer avail
HTML 5 is the flagship when it comes to web development because you can make some jaw-dropping stuff with it. It is fast, clean and if you combine it with CSS 3, you have a lethal weapon in your hands. You can develop almost anything from video players and all the way to simple interactive games. It is amazing and I really hope more and more web developers will adopt it. When it comes to rich cont
This is a jquery iPad2 simulator, this is only an experiment of what can be done with javascript in ast browsers