Inspiration 35 Inspiring Mac Related Websites Gisele MullerMay 30, 201115 Comments03.6k There are a few standards we can find in almost every Mac related website: eye candy style, minimalism and attention to detail. We can say that the websites follow a mac mania, a mac culture. And we will find that in ninety percent of Mac related websites, from iPhone and iPad apps to desktop apps. All websites
This tutorial will teach you how to create detailed vector eyes that can be used for all sorts of character design projects. The techniques used here are basic and the processes quick and simple, but the result looks great. If you're a beginner, expect to learn a little more about opacity masks, gradients, effects, and handy shortcuts. If you're a more advanced Illustrator user then we encourage y
Designing a character can apply to both personal and professional projects. The character can be a mascot that works in the context of a multi-national brand, or it can simply be inspired by a well-known character within pop culture. The later is usually referred to as "Fan Art." The character "Mickey Rat" first appeared in the early 1970's as a subversive underground comic that I enjoyed as a kid
You've always wanted to develop a character which has the potential to enchant the world and to compete with Hello Kitty? In this article I'd like to present some elements making a character cute and lovable and to support you in achieving your goals. First, I talk about why something is regarded as cute. Afterwards I'd like to offer an overall view on cute proportions and as a conclusion consider
WordPressでサイトを作る際に毎回入れるプラグインを人に教える機会があったのでブログでもご紹介します。 新しくブログを作る時や仕事でカスタマイズする際に参考にしてもらえれば幸いです。 全てのサイトで必ず導入するプラグイン このサイトでも使っていますし、クライアントのサイトを作る際にも毎回導入しています。 セキュリティ関係やSEO対策プラグインが主なものですよ。 All in One SEO Pack サイト全体、個別記事、ページ毎にタイトル、description、キーワードの設定などが出来るようになります。 SEOに必要な最低限の機能はカバーされていますので、マストなプラグインですね。 Akismet スパム対策のプラグイン。 オンラインサーバでコメントの内容をチェックするスパム対策サービスです。 標準でインストールされているので、管理画面から有効化してAPIキーを入力するだけでO
Typography is often thought of in its practical form, as text on a web page or printed material. A designer may look at typography in the way that it will impact their design, considering aspects such as spacing, leading, weight and size. But let's put all of that aside as we take a look at typography used as an experimental form of art. In this post we feature over 100 amazing typographical exper