
xmlに関するshunuhsのブックマーク (5)

  • yaxl

  • XML Namespaces

    James Clark <jjc@jclark.com> The XML Namespaces Recommendation seems to be causing a great deal of confusion. This note attempts an alternative explanation of the mechanism described in the Recommendation which I hope will be less confusing. In the data model implied by XML, an XML document contains a tree of elements. Each element has an element type name (sometimes called the tag name) and a set

    shunuhs 2006/11/12
  • RELAX分割検証参照モデル

    $Id: dandVRefereceModel-j.html 1.3 2001/03/11 13:15:53 murata Exp $ 2001年3月11日 村田 真 1. はじめに この文書では,複数名前空間を持つ文書の合法性を定義します。また,合法性 を検証するための参照モデルを示します。次に,この参照モデルに基づいて, 分割検証を導入します。分割検証とは,文書のすべての名前空間ではなく,一 部の名前空間についてだけ行う検証のことです。分割検証は,それ自体でたい へん有益ですし,RELAX Core以外の言語をRELAX Namespaceから呼び出すのに も役立ちます。 記法を単純にするため,すべての要素はuniversal nameを持ち,名前空間 宣言はすべて削除されているものとします。要素のuniversal nameとは, namespace name (URI)とlocal

    shunuhs 2006/11/12
    要素のuniversal nameとは, namespace name (URI)とlocal nameの対です。
  • The ElementSoup Module

    Fredrik Lundh | August 2006 The ElementSoup module is a (slightly experimental) wrapper for Leonard Richardson’s robust BeautifulSoup HTML parser, which turns the BeautifulSoup data structure into an element tree. The resulting combo is similar to ElementTidy, but a lot less picky. And therefore, a lot more practical. Which is good. Code (latest versions):ElementSoup.py [history] BeautifulSoup.py

    shunuhs 2006/11/03
  • Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us.

    You didn't write that awful page. You're just trying to get some data out of it. Beautiful Soup is here to help. Since 2004, it's been saving programmers hours or days of work on quick-turnaround screen scraping projects. Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Three features make it powerful: Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and

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