Mastering CSS Layouts - Presentation Transcript Mastering C S S Layouts D E LV E : U I C S S M A S T E RC L A S S W E D N E S D AY , A U G U S T 5, 2009 by J I N A B O LT O N INTERACTION DESIGNER CRUSH + L O V E LY Buongiorno! M A S T E R I N G C S S L AYO U T S J I N A B O LT O N Mastering C S S Layouts Once & for All? M A S T E R I N G C S S L AYO U T S J I N A B O LT O N Becoming a “master” of C
Recent implementation of CSS3 features in modern browsers allow for greater design control and creativity in our Web sites. In this three-hour workshop, attendees will learn about using colors through RGBa and opacity, multiple background and border images, text and box shadows, CSS-enabled gradients and transitions as well as laying out text in multiple columns. In addition to font embedding tech