Is Skeleton for you? You should use Skeleton if you're embarking on a smaller project or just don't feel like you need all the utility of larger frameworks. Skeleton only styles a handful of standard HTML elements and includes a grid, but that's often more than enough to get started. In fact, this site is built on Skeleton and has ~200 lines of custom CSS (half of which is the docking navigation).
The advancements of smartphones have improved the quality of mobile web development. It is now possible to generate entire web apps using only HTML5 and CSS3. Coupled with many JavaScript libraries, the possibilities for mobile development are endless. In this post, I have put together just over 70 resources for developing mobile websites and web applications. This collection is more focused on HT
Ratchet: Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components.Getting started Once you've downloaded Ratchet, here's what to do next. 1. Create your pages Use these docs as a reference for all the available components and piece together the pages of your app. Customize the style too - make the prototype all your own. 2. Connect pages with push.js Read about push.js then start connecting y
Juniorは、Justin Martin氏が開発したフレームワーク。Martin氏は“My holiday project”としてJuniorを開発したとツイートしています。 Juniorの特徴は、モバイルに最適化したCSSトランジションによるスムーズな画像効果、zeptoやbackbone.jsなど多数のライブラリに依存していることなど。UIコンポーネントはRatchetを利用しているようで、モバイルネイティブのルック&フィールを備えていると説明されてます。 modernizr、zepto、backboneなどに依存 Juniorが依存しているライブラリは以下。 modernizr(ブラウザごとに異なる実装を調べて、対応するコードを書きやすくする) zepto(jQuery互換のミニマルなライブラリ) zepto flickable(zeptoのタッチ対応プラグイン) lodash(U
CSS frameworks are pre-written CSS files that help web designers and developers create websites faster and more efficiently. They are perfect for those looking to launch projects without getting bogged down in the details of coding CSS from scratch. In this collection, we’re focusing on smaller, lightweight frameworks. These minimalist frameworks all offer a simpler alternative to more comprehensi