GetApp Edificio SPACES C/ Pallars 193, 2ª planta 08005 Barcelona, Spain
GetApp Edificio SPACES C/ Pallars 193, 2ª planta 08005 Barcelona, Spain
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Button Search Stars Home Play Share Love Quit Upload RSS There was a goal: Create CSS buttons that are sexy looking, really flexible, but with the most minimalistic markup as possible. And voila.. here they are, the BonBon Buttons. Named after the French word for "Candy". So, let's take a tour trough the candy store. Markup I get a real kick out of trying to keep the markup minimal, so I'm really
Demo Click on one of the images below to view it fullscreen. Use your fingers or cursor keys to flick through the images. Click again (or press esc) to return to this view. NETEYE Touch-Gallery A fullscreen photo gallery for touch-devices. Supported Browsers The plugin was written and optimized for Mobile Safari running on the iPad or iPhone 4. It also runs in Dektop Safari, Firefox 4, as well as
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