A Web designer always in need of Icons, Buttons, and Badges while making any design. In this post we have present some Free PSD elements for Web designers that will be very useful and time saver. Twitter Icons .PSD 9 .PSD Icons Vol. 1 5 .PSD Icons Vol. 2 6 .PSD Icons Vol. 3 6 .PSD Icons Vol. 4 ESS Concept Button .PSD Win7 Taskbar Buttons .PSD Six Longhorn Taskbars Some Signatures v.3 Aero Avatar a
In addition to creating your own web design from scratch, you can also download free pre-designed web design PSD templates for Photoshop. These templates are a great starting point for businesses or designers who are short on time or operating on a small budget. They’re also a fantastic opportunity for novice web designers to learn and understand new web design styles and techniques. Whether you’r
Designing a highly-professional website, from the sketch to the codeTutorialsby Piervincenzo Madeo Jul 21, 2010 Making great websites is like designing excellent buildings. A good web designer approaches the planning of a website like a worthy architect starts a new projects for a physical structure. The art and science of designing 'something', a website or a building, includes technical, aesthet
投稿日:2010年01月12日 レベル:中級者 ソフトウェア: このチュートリアルでは、Photoshopでウェブサイトをデザインする方法を紹介します。 Step1 : はじめに Step2 : タブ型のボタンを作る Step3 : ロゴ、スローガンを配置する Step4 : 6つのボックスを作る Step5 : テキスト・画像を配置する Step6 : 完成 新規ドキュメントを1000ピクセル×1355ピクセルで作成し、 「#2493b0」と「#23454c」の色を選択してグラデーションツールのリニアグラデーションを使って背景を塗ります。 最も明るい色を画面の上にします。 長方形選択ツールで、横がキャンバス幅、縦が50-150ピクセルの長方形を描いたら、 「#222223」の色で塗ります。すると次のようになります。
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50+ Free Wireframe Templates for Mobile, Web & UX Design Wireframing is an essential step in the initial stages of a UI project, allowing you to define the information hierarchy of your mobile app or web design project and plan for functionality and user flow. By stripping away non-essential design elements, wireframes help to communicate the layout effectively. Whether you use a whiteboard, penci
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We have six unique text and video PSD to HTML conversion tutorials in this article. You will learn how to design web layouts in Adobe Photoshop and convert them into responsive HTML websites in no time! Table of Contents: Convert a PSD Template to Basic HTML Video Series Convert a PSD Template to Bootstrap Video Series Code a Responsive Website with HTML5 and CSS3 Design an Agency Landing Page in
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