ブックマーク / pod.tst.eu (2)

  • libeio

    The newest version of this document is also available as an html-formatted web page you might find easier to navigate when reading it for the first time: http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/libeio/eio.pod. Note that this library is a by-product of the IO::AIO perl module, and many of the subtler points regarding requests lifetime and so on are only documented in its documentation at the moment

  • libev

    Libev represents time as a single floating point number, representing the (fractional) number of seconds since the (POSIX) epoch (in practice somewhere near the beginning of 1970, details are complicated, don't ask). This type is called ev_tstamp, which is what you should use too. It usually aliases to the double type in C. When you need to do any calculations on it, you should treat it as some fl

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