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rubyとirbに関するsnaka72のブックマーク (2)

  • Tweaking IRB

    Posted by Nick Sieger Sun, 23 Apr 2006 04:02:00 GMT IRB (Interactive Ruby Shell) is one of those tools that a hacker learning Ruby hopefully discovers right away. It’s an extremely useful way to learn the language, verify hunches, test assumptions, and get immediate feedback. IRB promotes learning by doing, which is the best way of making something stick in your head. (You can even try an online v

    snaka72 2009/03/04
  • Pablotron: Wirble

    Wirble is a set of enhancements for Irb. Wirble enables several items mentioned on the RubyGarden "Irb Tips and Tricks" page, including tab-completion, history, and a built-in ri command, as well as colorized results and a couple other goodies. The idea, of course, is to fill Irb with useful features without turning your ~/.irbrc file into swiss cheese. Using Wirble is simple, too. Here's what a

    snaka72 2009/02/06
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