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    © 2024 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Developed by Polyphony Digital Inc. Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any spo

    products | gran-turismo.com
    sunat 2007/10/10
    新型GT-Rの「マルチファンクションメーター」と呼ばれるモニターは、『GT』の開発元であるポリフォニー・デジタルが企画とデザインを担当し、日産自動車と共同開発 ここで初めて『GT』の技術が実車へ搭載された
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