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Objective-Cとgithubに関するsyanbiのブックマーク (1)

  • Mantle: a Model Framework for Objective-C

    EngineeringMantle: a Model Framework for Objective-CLately, we've been shipping more in GitHub for Mac than ever before. Now that username autocompletion and Notification Center support are out the door, we're releasing the two frameworks that… Lately, we’ve been shipping more in GitHub for Mac than ever before. Now that username autocompletion and Notification Center support are out the door, we’

    Mantle: a Model Framework for Objective-C
    syanbi 2012/10/23
    GithubがリリースしたObjective-C用のModel framework。エントリではMantleを利用することで既存コードが短くなるという意味でのsnipetが記載されてる。
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