ブックマーク / boats.gitlab.io (4)

  • A brief apology of Ok-Wrapping

    I’ve long been a proponent of having some sort of syntax in Rust for writing functions which return results which “ok-wrap” the happy path. This is has also always been a feature with very vocal, immediate, and even emotional opposition from many of our most enthusiastic users. I want to write, in one place, why I think this feature would be awesome and make Rust much better. I don’t want to get i

    tanakh 2020/04/12
  • From failure to Fehler

    About two and a half years ago I wrote a Rust library called failure, which quickly became one of the most popular error handling libraries in Rust. This week, its current maintainer decided to deprecate it, a decision I strongly support. This week, I also released a new and very different error-handling library, called fehler. I wanted to discuss these two libraries briefly. A brief history of fa

    tanakh 2020/04/12
  • Failure 1.0.0 on March 15

    I’m planning to release a 1.0.0 version of failure on March 15. Once this happens, I don’t plan to release any further breaking changes to the failure crate (though maybe someday in the distant future). Breaking changes in 1.0 failure is in a somewhat unique position as being a significant part of the public API of other libraries that depend on it. Whether they use the Error struct or derive Fail

    tanakh 2018/04/27
  • Announcing Failure

    I’m really excited to announce a new crate I’ve been working on, called failure, and which I’ve just released to crates.io. Failure is a Rust library intended to make it easier to manage your error types. This library has been heavily influenced by learnings we gained from previous iterations in our error management story, especially the Error trait and the error-chain crate. The Fail trait The co

    tanakh 2017/11/20
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